![]() Daylife/AP Photo used by permission
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford says an extramarital affair is behind his unexplained disappearance.
At a news conference Wednesday afternoon, he admitted he’s been unfaithful to his wife with a friend from Argentina.
Sanford says he and his family have been working through the affair for about the last five months.
He apologized to his wife, kids and staff after his mystery trip to Argentina.
He says, “I’ve let down a lot of people.”
He says he spent the last 5 days in Argentina “crying a lot”.
Sanford also resigned as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, but when asked if he’d resign as governor of South Carolina, he did not respond.
Contempt – He actually is term limited.
#33 “Unless you belong to the UAW…your shit out of luck….”
Wow, what a left wing loon.
>>I don’t mind a one-party state if it’s the right party, and I’m in it!
Spoken like a person destined to be a government slave. Be careful what you wish for…
#32 tcc3
>>He actually is term limited.
Yep, no argument. Just wish the democrats had enough honor to step down in a similar situation. If so, Barney Frank wouldn’t have been in the position to help screw up the economy.
“your shit out of luck….”
Alfred1, if there is an adult in the room near you, get them over and let them tell you how to spell.
Can you handle that?
See ya, bye! ~ Gross dereliction of duty. I would be fired if I didn’t show up for work with no call, or word for five days. Why should he be different?
guys, guys guys…..give him a break.
It was a simple understandable mistake
hiking Appalachian trail
humping Argentinian tail
I can see how one could…umm…errr
never mind.
#19, It seems you may be closer to the truth than most people think:
The newspaper says it will publish the full e-mail exchange, which it claims it obtained in December, in its Thursday edition. It has removed the woman’s personal information from the e-mails.
Give him a break, at least he’s warm blooded.
See #23 fools
blame your God its must be his will
The GOP is being punished for … well being the GOP
20 brian t
I hate to break the news but Bill Mahr is the guy who publicly states that men are genetically programmed to cheat.
Which I take it is why lefties like Eideard laugh at the idea of even trying to spare families the pain of affairs.
How many of you liberals here thought it was ok for Clinton because it was just about sex?
Just checking, there were these two spikes on my hypocrisy meter, one from Sanford, and one from the now sanctimonious libs.
RSweeny — You can’t be that stupid. No liberal would give a crap about the guy’s affairs if it were not for the fact that he’s of the party that insists over and over again that they’re morally superior to the rest of us.
Next time think for 2 seconds before you reach for the keyboard.
Some of the world’s finest pussy comes from Argentina.
/clues for the clueless..film at 11
Looks like the Puppet Masters sent the Clintonista’s FBI thugs to pay a visit to Sanford and show him all the lovely photos they have of him. (every politician comes clean about the skeletons in their closet for no reason..riiiighht?)
-much like they did to Elliot Spitzer for going after the Banksters and Wall Street. Elliot probably called Mark up said “dont you just hate when they do that?
This is what happens when you vocally oppose the stimulus bill *and* refuse to take stimulus money.
It is quite obvious being a strong (and vocal) supporter of limited government is very dangerous for your career when the Federal Government is in the process of unconstitutionally expanding both it’s power and size as well as removing what little States Rights are left. seeing as how the people’s rights have already been null & voided years ago
So in one fell swoop they stifled a major (vocal) impediment to the current Federal expansion madness currently underway.. AND..removed the only guy the repubs had to realistically compete against obama in 2012.
He was young enough, had a strong record of limited government, was pretty much an old school conservative without the neocon insanity, and was definitely not a religious nut like the rest of his hopeful brethren. An ideal “modern conservative”, if such a thing exists for the current times.
[somehow,i think the 4th crusade is relevant here, but sadly, my knowledge of history is not that great. -even though it just popped into my head..)
-I’m sure after the “religious extremism war(s)” between Iran and Israel (and possibly Pakistan as well) coming this October / November, Americans just might finally be fed with anyone in power who holds religious *and* Big Gov values. (ok, yeah, i’m an optimist)
With luck, after the $24+++ trillion derivative (read: toxic asset) bomb blows up this August or September, coupled with the resultant dollar crash and plethora of tax hikes–
–MAYBE, -after the the Brainwashed Masses start paying triple or more for imported goods (like cellphones, PC’s, HDTV’s, FOOD and GAS) due to a devalued [Zimbabwe-like] dollar, they might finally conclude that they have been had big time by CONgress’s Big CorpGov / Government-is-cool and taxes -are-even-cooler promises of prosperity and -change..
-will want someone who is for less government, more integrity, Liberty honour and of course, more “people” (viva la revolution and all that)
(of course, IMO, both parties must go and a new “less corrupt” constitutional party must emerge)
yes yes, I know it’s all a pipe dream, however, if people still believe the answer lies in a new “reborn” democrat or republican party or candidate, well then, We The People deserves to die a horrible wretched
Final note: anyone who believes Sanford was actually in some affair that was unknowingst to his wife is a pure, 100%, unadulterated, naive & gullible idiot. He and his wife have reportedly been in counseling over this “infidelity” for 5 months or more..in the public eye.. it is pure, media propaganda to cover the extortion attempt to shut him up.
if she knew about, why bother coming out about it? -unless your being blackmailed.
This is a very old, time honored extortion / politicing tactic and nothing more.
Sex scandals have always been about “cleaning house” and political warnings to others in line..
If you think otherwise, you need to dig deep into political history and get a clue. Stop using the TV as your source for information and truth.
–prepare for the “October surprise”
Clues for the Clueless
Here are 3 respected, (unpaid) financial / economic sites that will explain in plain English, the coming fincial storm (and expose the lies told in the Main Stream Media) about to effect ALL of us. I have included the Asian Times (global economy section) here if only because they print what their sister publication, the NY Times is NOT allowed to print.
Little time is left to prepare for the Fall, Winter and beyond hardships just three to four months away. Don’t get caught with your pants down.
[1] Asian Times
[2] Zero Hedge
[3] Market Oracle
#48 Alfred1,
“Yes, we can fault Republicans when they fail to live up to their standards…but Democrats have no standards…”
But that’s the point, we all know that the Dems are horny money lovers. It’s the Republicans prancing around all around shouting their high heterosexual Christian values and that they’re kids are as virgin as olive oil until they’re caught tap dancing for GAY sex at a public restroom AND their teenage daughter gets knocked up.
47 RSweeney is correct, Democrats are hypocrites…they decried President Bush’s deficits…Not Obamas
nope only the Iraq war which we never should have started.
…they decried President Bush’s Patriot Act…by Obama is actually strengthening it (which scares me)…
Yup and libs are on him for that. DO you ever get beyond Fox/Limbaugh
…they decried war…not Obama’s expansion of it…nothing they complained about was real…it was only to smear President Bush…they have no standards…
You lost me there but most of US were fine with Afghanistan and thought Iraq was the distraction and the NeoCons never got the Pakistan thing.
…Yes, we can fault Republicans when they fail to live up to their standards…
could not care less that they failed its that they try to put those standards (turns out loose guidelines) on the rest of us or tell us they are better when they are just the same.
but Democrats have no standards…
As a Party they are as diverse and chaotic as our great nation that’s there greatest weakness and strength.
..even a male prostitution ring in a Congressman’s house, is a resume enhancement….
No idea what you are talking about where is this house of male prostitution you are visiting? no don’t tell me I don’t need to know.
You loons make me sick.
get a life
And remember the best darn imaginary friend a guy could have JESUS loves you.
#53 Don’t cry for me Appalachia said,
You do realize that Obama can’t shake his magic wand and fix ALL of eight years of mess the Bush Jr. did in a heartbeat? the guy’s not even ONE MF year in place and the Republicans are already saying his term has failed.
blah blah blah, idiots all. Idiots on the left, idiots on the right, my party is better, your party is corrupt. When are you children going to grow up and understand both parties are fucking us while we fight about who is better. They are fucking LAUGHING at us while we bicker about this inane shit. Go back to reality TV assholes.
Fuck you all.
#55. Right on.
“Let’s hear it for the Family Values Brigade – one more time!”
Sure, cuz if one example represents all, you ain’t gonna hear it from the Democrat side where Time/CNN lists 7 of 10 top political sex scandals involve Democrats.
Angel H. Wong said,
You do realize that Obama can’t shake his magic wand and fix ALL of eight years of mess the Bush Jr. did in a heartbeat? the guy’s not even ONE MF year in place and the Republicans are already saying his term has failed.
ya that’s funny they were saying that before he took office.
As an Independent who voted for Obama all I can say is “so far, so good”
I don’t agree with every thing but 90% has been fine by me I actually expected less more like 65% It still seems like he may hold some GITMO detainees indefinitely and without trial bugs the hell out of me We will have to wait and see.
I also don’t blame Jr. for all our troubles, just the ones he caused and increased severity of others his cowardly inaction let build.
I wish I had started keeping a data base of every Republican scandal since Reagan. The list would be stunning and huge
But, alas, in a few months we will all forget this.
But a Democrat scandal? The conservatives NEVER forget about those.
They should legalize polygamy.
Makes more sense and besides it would be a nice gesture of accommodation towards the Muslims.
Come on, I haven’t heard the Repubs beating on the ‘family values’ drum in years. Not like they did during the Clinton years, that’s for sure.
Most all the liberals taking glee in this family tragedy were screaming to leave Bill Clinton alone because it was his private life, even though it was a government employee, while on the job. Some of you may have even defended Eliot Spitzer and he broke the law. Talk about hypocritical.
Grow up!
# 62 You’re too shallow to figure out the discussion is not about the legality or morality of it.
It’s about hypocrisy.
Go back to Myspace.
#63 Dallas the Hypocrite
>>It’s about hypocrisy.
You complain about the hypocrisy of others and all the while you are it’s greatest offender.
You are a hypocrite because you attack based on a political affiliation instead of the deed. It’s alright for Clinton, but Sanford must be punished.
You are the very thing you say you despise. Bet that makes you proud – now drop and give me twenty push-ups.
What’s the difference between the self-proclaimed “family values” party and the other one?
When the members of the other party are caught cheating, they are disgraced and they resign (McGreevey, Spitzer).
When the self-proclaimed “family values” party members are caught cheating, they are disgraced but they don’t resign.
One would think that the “family values” party would be harder on their members who cheat, and insist that they resign. But they don’t. In fact, it’s the other party that shows, by their actions, that they take family values more seriously.
Example #4,326 of Republican hypocrisy.
#45 RBG – sure, but: cheating is a one thing, a given. Calling yourself a “promise keeper”, pledging never to cheat, lecturing others on “family values”, and THEN cheating: that is whole different kettle of condoms. This guy deserves everything he gets, not simply for cheating, but for being a monumental Haggardesque Hypocrite.
67 brian t
Kind of like liberals professing their fundamental support for the touchy-feely side of human relations, huh?