![]() Daylife/AP Photo used by permission
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford says an extramarital affair is behind his unexplained disappearance.
At a news conference Wednesday afternoon, he admitted he’s been unfaithful to his wife with a friend from Argentina.
Sanford says he and his family have been working through the affair for about the last five months.
He apologized to his wife, kids and staff after his mystery trip to Argentina.
He says, “I’ve let down a lot of people.”
He says he spent the last 5 days in Argentina “crying a lot”.
Sanford also resigned as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, but when asked if he’d resign as governor of South Carolina, he did not respond.
Typical crim pol. I still remember having to explain Clinton to my son. At least he now has a lifelong mistrust of politicians.
Why is it that the people who scream the loudest, are the ones who are the biggest offenders of what they preach?
We ALL fail in one way or another. Political ideology has nothing to do with it.
What’s with these recent Republican scandals? They’re guys having sex with consenting adult women…amazing!
Speaking as someone who has been to Argentina and is married to an Argentine woman… Who could blame him?! Argentine women are sexy! Have you even been DOWN there? A man could direct traffic without use of his hands!
I know, I know – he’s a hypocrite. However, I could care less about whether he had an affair or not (or if he’s gay, or whatever).
I just hope to God that he didn’t have his wife stand beside him during the stupid press conference looking like she wants to die. Now that is loathsome.
“What’s with these recent Republican scandals? They’re guys having sex with consenting adult women…amazing!”
Yeah, usually a Republican sex scandal involves two guys.
Time to ‘start a new life’!
I think Obama people used professionals to lure Sanford into a trap. I smell a conspiracy. Who else that opposed the stimulus is on the list? Is Sarah Palin next?
What makes this political is the GOP claims that their god-fearing party is the one true way live in the world. Wrong! Just like Sarah learned with teaching her daughter (they lied and is not marring the father but it sounded good in the campaign) abstinence-only. It turns out not to be such an effective tool to stop hormone raging teenagers from unintended pregnancys. I bet Palin wishes she had put a few condoms in Bristles purse along with that Catechism.
Because this guy claims to represent the GOD fearing party the media will get a few extra days of story to fill the 24/7 cable news maw . If he were a Dem it would only be a 3day story but now it’s a 5 dayer
And another ones gone, and another ones gone, And another ones bites the dust.
to bad for his family
Yeah, I remember how Ted Kennedy abandoned his senate seat after accidentally killing a girl at Chappaquiddoc — NOT.
He should just slam his dink in a car door.This is quick and it doesn’t hurt as much.
I still think there is more to his story. Probably animals involved. It just keeps getting better.
#14, I’m sure there is more to the story as well. My guess is this “friend in Argentina” has the same plumbing as the Gov.
With all the media coverage, I really do have pity for his kids. This brilliant politician has cemented Father’s Day 2009 forever in their minds I’m sure.
Can we just moveon.org?
Well there goes the chance of saving some stimulus money.
You know the real problem is that these politicians are afraid to devorce their wives because it looks bad. But they have no problem having a affair? Maybe it would be better if we stop expecting these politicians to stay married if just for the sake of their political careers. I mean we do not seem to support single men or woman in politics? Why is that? But we have no problem condeming them for affairs. Even though this is something that happens not just in political families.
This was a very calculated national media onslaught created by his enemies in SC (both Republicans and Democrats). When he made a public effort to refuse bailout money he became both a symbol and a target. In fact this was his 3rd such trip to Argentina this year. It became news when they wanted it to be. Timing is everything.
It’s always easy to pull the “thought police label” crap – but if you know the story you realize it is both a sad story and a warning should anyone else decide not to play along with the power brokers.
If these guys hate Bill Maher so much, why do they keep giving him material? This will be on the next Real Time, for sure.
It’s our own fault for continuing to vote in these same people term after term. If we were smart each would be allowed two terms and then must go back and live in the mess or bounty they create.
It’s just a fact that politicians are easily corrupted and should be replaced often. At this moment, Mark Sanford is not the only politician cheating on his wife, just the most recent one caught.
None of these people can be trusted so more government is not the answer.
Isn’t it lovely seeing another republican presidential hopeful bit the dust? Who’s left? Mitt?
Oh Yeah? Oh Yeah? Oh Yeah?
Wh.. wh.. wh.. what about Clinton!
Sorry you needy conspiracy buffs but the media is just on its normal feeding frenzy.
We just have a case of an over saturated of a supply of famous person dirt leading to rapid feeding by predatory news outlets. Media Feeding Frenzy(MFF) Its cheap to cover, helps with ratings, distracts form any Real NEWS that might make us have to think.
It became news when he disappeared for days lied about it and was outed about the affair nothing more. Now the media will use lots of there limited resources to find out information about who and what his mistresses is instead of covering say Iraq or something important.
Hi-inFidelity So Shinny
See, the difference between democrats and republicans is that democrats do not hector others about family values.
Is there anything less self-aware than a Republican?
Shocking ! Another hypocrite Republican.
I didn’t read the article. Is this one how he accidentally got fucked by a guy or an ‘inexcusable’ extramarital affair of 10 years?
I consider the reactions of many posters to be more than a little sad.
I’m modestly sad for his family and those that depended on him. His career/life is ruined and to a greater or lesser degree so is theirs.
Now if he’d been a liberal, no big deal. Nothing worth talking about.
Family values for 30 years.
I wonder what the next opposition party is going to be called (How about a contest?)?
It’s not the Republicans, that’s for sure. They’re dead in the water for decades.
right said is right.
Repubs won’t matter again in our lifetimes. Their ridiculous defense of outmoded values, god-belief and tribalism makes them easy targets when they screw up, and they screw up as often as anyone!
Add to that the fact that Obama is getting the political/economic system rebuilt to exclude them from ever having a chance to get back in power, and I am cautiously optomistic that we can just forget about them pretty soon!
I don’t mind a one-party state if it’s the right party, and I’m in it!
What an Ahole. Ah Ha
I’m surprised the press didn’t sit on this like they did the John Edwards deal. Oh, never mind.