McCullough did. He had it right when he added the BS meter to this goofy story last week.

A TEENAGE girl who claimed 56 stars were tattooed on her face while she slept has admitted she lied and was awake the whole time.
Ms Vlaminck told a Dutch TV crew: “I asked for 56 stars and initially adored them. But when my father saw them, he was furious. So I said I fell asleep and that the tattooist had made a mistake.”

Update: Here’s the tattoo ‘artist’.

  1. bobbo, caring for the kiddies says:

    Yea but the tatoo guy still took advantage for the filthy lucre. Any responsible caring human being would have given her one star and said come back for the rest.

    But he is a business man and we all know what they value.

  2. Dallas says:

    This is a sad story to see that pretty girl disfigured like that.

  3. bobbo, knowing beauty is more than skin deep says:

    Wait until the tats are removed. She’ll look like Mother Teresa.

  4. sargasso says:

    That girl, has impulse management issues.

  5. Benjamin says:

    #3 Ala the tiger facial tattoo from Alfred Bester’s Stars My Destination?

  6. Mark Derail says:

    The opposite should be done.
    A female Lokai.


    She could start a trend.

  7. RTaylor says:

    That’s about $20K in laser work.

  8. bobbo, who hasn't read everything says:

    I know Bester as a Sci-Fi writer but don’t know that work. Her face puts me in mind of Cat Stevens the girl with the moon and the stars in her hair. Face is pretty close. I think she looks pretty good right now. Its just that unlike a real face, a tatoo can’t change with the moods.

    As such, tats give example to Keats (yeats yates==whoever) Ode on a Greecian Urn which teaches us that beauty frozen as art “doth tease us from eternity” and actual life should be our goal. Like blogging.

  9. JimR says:

    Re:#1, I agree with Bobbo. The heartless scumbag should have talked sense into her and also refused to do it.

    There are such things as tattoo decals. A different look every day if you want and they wash off at night.

  10. tj says:

    The tattoo artist should have refused this job. Whatever happened to professional ethics? Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s ethical. Individuals need to think about how the work they do effects others and society at large.

    Wether it’s tattoos or mortgages, people should have some sense of responsibility.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    R Taylor,

    Doesn’t laser tattoo removal leave a scar?

    I agree that the tattoo guy is morally culpable in this, even if the woman was awake.

    The “I fell asleep” part of the story is what made me doubt it. I’ve never had a tattoo but it hurts, right? Who could sleep when a painful procedure is being done to the face?

  12. Dumb says:

    She asked for it and got what she wanted. Her father should not have believed her BS story. The end.

  13. Dave W says:

    Moral tattoo artists? Is that like celibate Republican Congressman or teatotaling Kennedy? You guys crack me up!

    The guy makes his living by defacing people at their request.

    The girl got what she deserves…she looks like a fool. Case closed.

  14. Tattoo U says:

    The tattoos are fake. It was a publicity stunt.

  15. good says:

    I like her tat.

  16. JeremyES says:

    So, because the artists performed the service he was paid for, he’s the villain. Yes, there are different levels of tattoo artists, and I know some who would have refused to do the inking. You cannot damn someone wanting to make a living. The tattoos were her choice and her decision to live with. It’s like blaming lung cancer on the clerk who sells someone cigarettes.

  17. Griz says:

    Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

    She asked for it – she got it. She now regrets it. It was entirely her responsibility.

    Chances are she wasn’t the first person to ask for facial tattoos, and she won’t be the last. We weren’t even there for the consultation. If the artist asked “You sure?” She said “Yes” – he’s 100% off the hook.

    It’s unfortunate, but it is entirely and unquestioningly her fault.

  18. orangetiki says:

    That doesn’t explain why they protrude so much in photos I have seen. How much ink did this guy lay in there? But if she likes it then fuck the system. You go girl!

  19. Uncle Dave says:

    #19: That was probably just after she had it done when there would still be swelling.

  20. N74JW says:

    This girl ought to be up for the idiot of the year award. The ink is real, as the video shows them swollen and the skin around then irritated.

    I would not have done them if I were a tattoo artists.

  21. Ron Larson says:

    Check out the face tattoo this 19 year old moron just got. From the NY Times article about US teenager hitmen working for the Mexican Mafia.

    He is serving 70 years in a Texas prison for murder(s) and paid a fellow inmate to give him those face tats.

  22. GigG says:

    Anyone that blames anyone but the girl for this is a idiot. She’s not only stupid sge is a liar as well.

  23. Rider says:

    The tattoo artist has agreed to pay for half the cost of laser removal.

  24. Dall says:

    Meh. With almost 7 billion people on the planet, it’s statistically likely that at least one person will do something stupid every week.

  25. bobbo, able to change mind with new info says:

    Looking at the tatoo guy, pretty obvious he thought he was giving the equivalent of “one star only.”

    Morality: not doing what the law allows. At the heart and soul its why the right wingnut party is facist at heart. They don’t teach morality, they impose their value system. Very taliban of them.

  26. Jägermeister says:

    #20 – N74JW – I would not have done them if I were a tattoo artists.

    And you thought her tattoos were bad… check out the tattoo artist.

  27. Jägermeister says:

    Oops… he was already posted…

  28. Hugh Ripper says:

    Kids need to be taught to be responsible for their own actions. Blaming the tattooist is a cop out.

  29. GregA says:

    Im sorry, as far as over the top facial tattoos go, hers isn’t that bad…

    Still I will decline the facial tattoo…

  30. Sea Lawyer says:

    Update: Here’s the tattoo ‘artist’.

    He’s teh sexay!


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