A TEENAGE girl who claimed 56 stars were tattooed on her face while she slept has admitted she lied and was awake the whole time.
Ms Vlaminck told a Dutch TV crew: “I asked for 56 stars and initially adored them. But when my father saw them, he was furious. So I said I fell asleep and that the tattooist had made a mistake.”
Update: Here’s the tattoo ‘artist’.

i think they are cute.
good ink.
she should just keep them.
The tats don’t look too bad, now…
Work like that says much about a person. We all know the issues. Try getting a decent job looking like that? I don’t know how things are in Belgium, but they still have people there. Wait until she gets older, and they start to sag…
# too many to count
….the tattoo man is greedy for money and shouldn’t have done all that work….
– But this action would only come from someone who doesn’t like doing their job.
This particular artist not only likes his work, he lives it thru his own body art and shares his love with others. Would guess a kinship developed between the girl and the artist as displayed by the tat (and various quotes). The tat is a real work of talent and art, balancing different size/style stars on the unique angles of that particular face bring out highlights that change an average, forgettable looking person into an eye turning, stunningly unique beauty.
I wonder if this woman has bipolar disorder? This seems like something a manic person would do and then regret.
I’m sorry, but how could someone (the “artist”) make himself look like that permanently? I don’t understand.
The poor lady! Hasn’t she suffered enough ridicule and taunting from a cruel world? Can’t we all just get along? It’s a big world, there is room for everybody. Everyone makes a mistake or two in their life.
As far as the tattoo artist is concerned, he did nothing wrong, and is owed an apology. I think he is a moving piece or art. Not everyone can appreciate the courage he has to become such a statement against conformity. I admire him.
I know some of you guys think Christians are nuts but if they are they sure don’t hold a monopoly on that condition.
If they when to court the tattoo guy will have the electric chair
Okay, I’ll get this outta the way up front: Adam Curry smokes dope and it makes me doubt his judgement and his every word. And I won’t dare mention my own doughnut addiction. There! 😉
Is this the first time a young woman has lied and tried to get others in trouble to cover her own tracks? I guess it is.
What a ftard.
#41 He hasn’t touched the stuff for some time now.
The case of the 18-year-old Belgian girl Kimberley Vlaeminck who woke up with 56 stars tattooed on her face, instead of the 3 stars she asked for is a hoax. The girl has declined all publicity and only given interviews to Belgian radio station MNM. The advertising agency behind MNM launched Kimberlizer , which uses webcam images to put stars on the user’s own face. Above that, the logo of MNM is a STAR!