Madoff’s lawyer requests 12-year sentence – Jun. 23, 2009 The claim is that this is an effective life sentence. NO IT IS NOT. By that logic why not give him 100 years since he’ll die along the way. What is the point? There is an off-chance he gets out in 12 years and can rush to the numbered Swiss Bank Account and get some cash out for the family. That’s what he is up to here. He’ll be 83 when he gets out. It would be an outrage.

The lawyer for Bernard Madoff, the confessed Ponzi scammer who faces a maximum of 150 years in prison, requested a 12-year sentence from the judge set to mete out his sentence on Monday.

Madoff defense attorney Ira Lee Sorkin made the request in a letter to Judge Denny Chin of U.S. District Court in Manhattan.

Sorkin focused on the age of his septuagenarian client, as well as his “non-violent nature” and his “voluntary surrender” to authorities.

“Mr. Madoff is currently 71 years old and has an approximate life expectancy of 13 years,” wrote Sorkin, whose letter was released on Tuesday. “A prison term of 12 years – just short of an effective life sentence – will sufficiently address the goals of deterrence, protecting the public and promoting respect for the law.”

  1. Dallas says:

    If we can set him on fire after 12 years, then we got a deal.

  2. tresho says:

    Let him out as soon as he makes full restitution to everyone he’s defrauded, that would only be fair.

  3. Dave W says:

    12 years, okay, but make that 12 years shackled in the stocks, out doors in the weather, on a Wall Street sidewalk, where every passerby who wants to can throw a pie, tomatoes, eggs, etc at him.

    Otherwise, 100 years in jail is about right.

  4. bill says:

    No food, no air, no water, no light
    (drop him down a well)

  5. Jim says:

    Minimum 50 years, no parole. Forced restitution, no sitting on his can. If the judge falls for it, he will be raked over coals for the rest of his life.

  6. stopher2475 says:

    1 Billion in a swiss bank is 83 million a year over 12 years. Not a bad paycheck.

  7. Me says:

    Read a story awhile back of a guy who was paying a handful of employees with gold and silver coins/bullion. It amounted to a few hundred thousand dollars. IRS is trying to fry him, possible life imprisonment if he gets the max number of years.

    And this guy, does 50 billion and wants 12 years?

    Our legal system is inconsistant to say the least!

  8. Thinker says:

    I’m humming the tune “Let the punishment fit the crime! ” from the Mikado… 🙂

  9. scadragon says:

    12 years? So he’ll do maybe 3 – 5 and then get parolled.

  10. soundwash says:

    funny, i expected his lawyers to ask for only 10, with 5 on the table for good behavior..

    I’m waiting to see if he actually makes it to his final prison. i’m expecting some sort of drama to ensue..

    outside of all that, IMO, he should die
    in jail.


  11. AdmFubar says:

    the punushment should be one day in jail for every dollar stolen..


  12. Joe says:

    No deal. Part of the punishment should be that he doesn’t have anything to look forward to, ie a day he’ll walk the planet free again.

  13. dcphill says:

    5 years times the number of people he bilked.
    Actually, we need his capabilities to get us out of the mess we are in. That would be just punishment. It should be that or hang him.
    Make him an offer he can’t refuse.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #12…make it a minute for every dollar and he’s still there forever.

    I say let him out in five and see how long he survives.

  15. LDA says:

    It should be an economic punishment for economic crime, i.e. life as a beggar.

    P.S. Many violent or sexual criminals get less than 12 years.

  16. nunyac says:

    I am thinking that this guy is to sharp to throw away in prison. Maybe we should let him run the biggest ponsi scheme in human history, that would be our social security system. He seems to have done a very good job with his ponsi . Certainly better than the feds. have done with theirs.

  17. Jim says:

    anything less than 25 years that bernie ebbers got from worldcom is only a slap in the wrist for this type of scam.

    at one good thing is, that because of the patriot act, there’s no parole in federal prisons for any people sentenced currently. so at least he’ll have to serve the whole term.

  18. stopher2475 says:

    “Read a story awhile back of a guy who was paying a handful of employees with gold and silver coins/bullion. It amounted to a few hundred thousand dollars. IRS is trying to fry him, possible life imprisonment if he gets the max number of years.

    And this guy, does 50 billion and wants 12 years?

    Our legal system is inconsistant to say the least!”

    Hey, Didn’t that guy win that case. He was paying them in coins that were worth more that the face value but the court ruled the tax could only be applied on that face value. So he could give you a dollar coin that was worth 10 bucks buck only pay payroll taxes on the dollar. Something like that.

  19. brm says:

    Ok, but only if it’s in a pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

  20. hhopper says:

    They should waterboard him until he gives up the cash.

  21. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    The lawyer can ask for whatever he wants. It is up to the judge not to laugh out loud at the lawyer when he asks for 12 years.

  22. Hmeyers says:

    It is possible this guy provided an invaluable service to mankind.

    A lot of wealthy people could use some hubris, some manners and — most important — could benefit from the feeling of an honest day’s work.

    Think of all of these formerly wealthy people that he has helped.

    One day he may come to be known as “The Great Healer”.

  23. ECA says:

    lets see..
    Hidden money, someplace around the world..
    the GOV cant get it or find it..
    WHO has the numbers??
    WHO knows WHERE the money is??
    Let him out..TRAck HIM LIKE YOU want, TO THE REST OF THE NATION..

  24. meetsy says:

    12 year sentence, means that he’s out in six years (2015). Given the reality that all convicted criminals were eligible for parole in half of their actual sentence time — he can still have a few years to get back in the game. He’ll be 76…heck, that leaves him at least a half dozen or so years to rip of some new victims.

  25. Li says:

    Life. 12 years and he’ll be out on parole in no time.

  26. Jägermeister says:

    American justice. 😛

  27. Buzz says:

    12 years is fine.

    That’s 4.16 billion per year.

    What would the judge give someone who merely stole one billion?

    At this rate, that would be not quite three months.

    Sounds fair.

  28. Rick's Cafe says:

    #3 – Stocks.
    Maybe refering to the old fashion wooden stocks used by the Puritans in New England?

    A wooden block looking something like a oxen yoke. The wrists and neck are secured in the block, which is attached to a post standing 4′-5′ high. Creating a situation where the prisoner stands, but is bent over at the waist and hardly able move more than a wiggle.


    And yet so appropriate for those who want to come up from behind and ‘surprise’ him.

  29. Greg Allen says:

    12 years of prison is TOO much, IMHO. I am generally against prison for non-violent offenders.

    But I do think he and his wife should be forced to give up EVERY ASSET they own and it be given to the people they bilked. And I mean EVERY DIME, every car, every house, everything.

    Then, he should be forced to do community service the rest of his life. Any future money he earns above poverty should be given to the people he scammed.

  30. amodedoma says:

    Hey wait, hasn’t this guy been stealing longer than that!?!? So is that general population in a federal prison? I doubt it. This guy deserves to be executed for treason, make an example of him, otherwise the next Bernie Madoff won’t be far behind. American justice, talk about your oxymorons…


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