Homeland Security drone patrolling NNY – Newswatch50.com… We’re Always On! — Deadly Predator drones now being used against the public-at-large. Will the canadians shoot them down or not when they veer over the border? And why are we patrolling Canada?

A Predator B Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) has been temporarily based at Fort Drum since early June in an experiment by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office. The Department of Homeland Security is using the extensive restricted air space over Fort Drum to test whether the drone could be a good fit along this stretch of the northern border. The Predator will operate out of Fort Drum for about three weeks for testing and training, and to evaluate its use to law enforcement.

John Stanton, director of CPB’s Office of Air and Marine, said state, provincial and local law enforcement agencies were quick to take up the offer of added surveillance of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River.

Found by Scott Diaz.

  1. N74JW says:

    This is not that much of a surprise, since the US Military is buying more and more of these vehicles for their war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    How is this worse than a NSA surveillance satellite?

  2. Patrick says:

    No weapons? How is it going to shoot the rich Canadians sneaking across the border to get access to private doctors?

  3. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Patrick – How is it going to shoot the rich Canadians sneaking across the border to get access to private doctors?

    You should be glad that someone brings in cash, so that Americans can buy more Chinese stuff.

  4. steelcobra says:

    “Deadly Predator drones…”

    Right. They’re no more deadly than a manned aircraft. Less so even, since if they are armed, they can carry only two hellfire missiles, not the big hardware an F-15/16/18 can, like the 500 pound JDAM.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – steelcobra

    Doesn’t mean much… drones are the future. The US isn’t alone… Japan is stepping up efforts. And so is everyone else.

  6. Santa Maria says:

    Whats wrong with this? This is great news infact. Think of how effective law enforcement could be if we have a network of drones up in the air at all times.. watching and recording every square inch of our cities. Police can even use on-board weapons to instantly neutralize and liquidate any suspected criminal activity.

  7. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #1 The NSA satellite has a very limited time on station unless it is geosynchronous, in which case it is WAY up in the sky (like 22,000 miles). The drone can hang around for hours and hours.

    I’m waiting to hear of the Predator drone tasked to the Game Wardens. Catch too may fish or shoot a deer out of season and I bet the fine will include the operational cost of the drone for the day.

    Now that I think of it this makes sense. The Air Force is training more UAV pilots than real pilots starting this year. They have to fly the drones somewhere to train the pilots/sensor operators. Why not upstate New York? Catch all those wetback Canadians.

  8. RSweeney says:

    “Northern Border” ?!?!?!?

    How rich. Can we ask for IQ and drug tests at customs and DHS?

  9. Buzz says:

    Is NNY equal to North New York or New New York. My on-line acronym finder DKWTFTMOI.*

    *Doesn’t know what the fudge to mak of it.

  10. Buzz says:


    (put that in the right place on the previous post to fix it)

  11. qb says:

    If this is how you treat your friends, I’d to see how you treat your allies.

    #2 Patrick Um dude. My daughter works in a privately owned and run hospital where they offer publicly funded and managed services as well as private pay for service options. My wife and I have both public insurance and private supplemental insurance through our employers (supplemental benefits, dental, drug plan, eyeglasses, and a health care spending account).

    I’m not sure where you get your information, but I have a pretty good idea. 😀

  12. Mac Guy says:

    A few years ago, everyone was screaming FOR this. Now, everyone is screaming against it?

    Make up your fucking minds, people.

  13. deowll says:

    Well let’s see. The government is supposed to see who is or is not illegally crossing the border and ask meaningful questions about what they intend to do and a long endurance drone is most likely the cheapest way to locate such people so a reception committee can be sent to meet them by several orders of magnitude.

    A Predator B on the over hand is way overkill for doing this. One of the earlier generation prop jobs could do the same thing for much less money.

    I’m guessing that this is as much an excuse to train new drone operators as anything. Get used to it. Every government on Earth either is or soon will be doing the same thing.

  14. AllenAndrewStewart says:

    Damn us commie Canucks anyways. Wump their ass once in the war of 1812 and you find out just how long the Americans keep a grudge 🙂

    More interesting was the item not covered in this particular story. That is, they are going to be flying drones over the border next to the Akwesasne / Kahnawake First Nations and to British Columbia in order to stop the smuggling of the deadly ganja into the US.

  15. god says:

    I see how well y’all remember what you read and comment about: http://tinyurl.com/bzzchw

  16. qb says:

    #14 AllenAndrewStewart

    US weed is kind of whimpy – training dope actually.

  17. Lou says:

    Now I will have to drink beer out of a plastic cup, so I won’t get busted for drinking on the boat. Great !

  18. Gasbag says:

    Gotta watch out for these Canadian Idiots

  19. soundwash says:

    #16 said:

    “US weed is kind of whimpy – training dope actually.”

    -ha! have you tried the organic medical variety that a particular country singer grows and sells in CA for that purpose?

    it has most beautiful, purplish crusty buds and sweet aroma. -the kronic of kronics

    one toke is all you need. you almost get an echo chamber going in your head at times. very interesting high. comes vacuum sealed too. 500/z

    (imo, it’s too strong though)

    -however, all these super KGB weeds are nothing compared to the hilarious highs that the Panama Reds and Acapulco Golds that made the 70’s such a great time.

    Laughy, up high you could function on..
    i miss the 70’s weeds ::sigh::


  20. soundwash says:

    Oh..as for the drones..get used to them i believe the U.S. has about 5400 in stock atm and is building’em like the need them.

    i’m sure when the congress blows a gasket and calls marshal law this winter or earlier next year from the dollar collapse. we’ll be seeing these things all over the place.. heaven help us if they arm them.

    all that aside..has anyone come out with a video game to play with one of these yet?


  21. Winston says:

    Oh, come on! You are WAY behind the power curve here. Didn’t ya’ know that “the border” now extends 100 miles inland? Seriously.


    You even had a video on this site of a guy challenging being stopped by _border guards_ many miles inland. Get with the program. We gotta stop them thar “turrists” as Dubya’ the Idiot called them. However, the dragnet on the southern border must be highly selective because the business interests that effectively own the government continue to need a supply of cheap labor. Gonna’ need some really good tech for that.

  22. GigG says:

    First, the FAA has put the brakes on the use of UAVs in all but very limited border airspace.

    Second, how the hell is useing UAVs or any other serveilance technology to secure our borders, “US Military Hardware Turned on US Citizens”?

  23. RTaylor says:

    Either there’s some horrible threat to national security that is being kept secret, or everyone is turning into paranoid nuts. It seems preventing death is stopping everyone from living. Got news folks, you’re going to die anyway. You want to do it in a concrete bunker all safe and warm? Nuts, the whole world has gone nuts. Now I have to take a Xanax and a nap.

  24. GCRaya says:

    Why do we have these on the North Border? We need them on the Mexico Border, where all the illegals are flooding in!

  25. mr peabody says:

    I was thinking of heading down to New York with couple of friends to see a baseball game. But I think we will keep our money in Canada and head to Toronto instead. It is just not worth it to travel to the US anymore.

  26. Kid Anarchy says:

    The things killing the people are killing the people burying the people killed by the things. At this rate we’ll need robots to bury the people being killed by the things.
    “The people killed in South Waziristan region had been attending a funeral for others killed in a US drone strike earlier on Tuesday.”

    “The US Customs and Border Protection’s office of air and marine have announced that a Predator drone plane has begun flights out of Fort Drum, NY” Windsor Star

    At least with a pilot, if the thing konks out, he can fly away from homes or funeral homes. These things don’t care what they hit. I know, they will never break apart or die in flight. Murphy’s Law.

  27. steelcobra says:

    #24: I’m remembering a sliders episode now. In this one, the mexicans won the territory wars and took over the entire US and had the better economy, pushing Canadian “furbacks” into illegal immigration.

  28. laslo says:

    WHAT IN THE F is NNY?? I guess everybody within a 100 mile radius knows what the f NNY is, but hey it’s a big country. I don’t know if I’m within a 100 mile radius or not. WHY? Because how many people are supposed to know where/what the HELL NNY is???

  29. qb says:

    mr peabody, don’t let the goofs drive you nuts. I went to Giants – A’s game is SF a couple of weeks back. The garlic fries did not sit well but everything else was fantastic including a world class 9-6-2 out at the plate.


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