
The Associated Press: Sarkozy says burqas are ‘not welcome’ in France — This should be fun to watch. This garb seems more of a political statement than a religious one.

President Nicolas Sarkozy declared Monday that the Islamic burqa is not welcome in France, branding the face-covering, body-length gown as a symbol of subservience that suppresses women’s identities and turns them into “prisoners behind a screen.”

In a high-profile speech to lawmakers in the historic chateau at Versailles, Sarkozy said the head-to-toe Muslim body coverings were in disaccord with French values — some of the strongest language against burqas from a European leader at a time when some Western officials have been seeking to ease tensions with the Muslim world…

“The burqa is not a religious sign, it’s a sign of subservience, a sign of debasement — I want to say it solemnly,” he said. “It will not be welcome on the territory of the French Republic.”

  1. nolimit662 says:

    I second that agreement. France needs to step up now before they become an Islamic state. The Islamic extremists have said time and time again their strategy is to convert first europe and then the world.

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    I think its time to ban suit wearing Christians. Its time to step up before the lines between state and religion dissolve completely. Time and time again they come to my door with the strategy to convert me to their hideous, violent and hypocritical religion. Seems to me their goal is to first convert Iraq (ha-HA) and then the world.

  3. sargasso says:

    This, after a state visit to the middle east.

  4. bobbo, the Chauvinist says:

    I basically agree and note FRANCE is showing way more balls than GOUSA EVER WILL!!!!

    Trick is “how to play it.” Free the women and the male dominated Muslim states will be fractured—but banning clothes is rather primitive==but so are the Muslims.

    Hummph! Why not go to the root core and just outlaw Muslims? After all THATS the real issue.

    We interned the Japanese druing WW2 because they were a threat we didn’t want to take the time to figure out. Same with the Arab Muslims. Stick it to em.

    Convert or get deported. Go after the Catholics next.

  5. Cursor_ says:

    Wow this is truly stupid. But what can we expect. He is not known for his intellect.


  6. Ringo says:

    Anyone else getting the ad for “The International Muslim Matrimonial Website” on the left sidebar…..

    …..or do I need to do another adware scan?

  7. contempt says:

    France is for the French. At least Sarkozy understands that unless the French culture is protected then it will disappear. A good example for all western cultures to follow.

  8. Fat_Anarchy says:

    The most I would say is that it would be acceptable to say someone cannot do a job which requires the face to be unexposed, such as being a teacher, police officer, etc.

    I wouldn’t go as far as to say that a particular peice of clothing should be out and out banned. It goes against the fundamental principles of a free society, and sets a very bad precident.

    How quick you people are to forsake your principles and values when it becomes inconveinient to hold them. Those are the times that test your values the most, and when you need to remain strong to them.

  9. Poppa Boner says:

    Even for Halloween?

  10. bobbo, the most Chaste of Values Idolaters says:

    #10–Fat Anarchy==so you think values should be held to regardless of consequences–or can you just not think past two weeks?

    Why allow people into your society who hold to a religion that says: “When we can, we will force you into our religion or kill you.”

    Why do that?

  11. RTaylor says:

    So why are there so many Mosques in Europe? How did the Islamic population grow? Between greed for cheap labor and the sins of 19th century colonialism.

  12. bobbo, the civil libertarian says:

    “This garb seems more of a political statement than a religious one.” /// I wish that were true. Politics will change with the advantages. Not so with religion. Doesn’t matter what the proportion of motivation between politics and religion is either. Religion is unbending and maintains its position under attack as a sign of virtue.

    What reasonable law could be passed to allow this dress: “No person shall enter public space wearing face masks, equipment, garb, or hair such that their identity cannot be determined by casual observation. Exception by permit only.”

    No more Richard Nixon bank robberies. Problems solved.

  13. Dallas says:

    A brave position from a French liberal leader, Sarkozy.

    It’s about time suppression, which always hides behind some religious fanatical reasoning is confronted.


  14. Still an adolescent at 50 says:

    I like the women to wear the Burqua. When I can see their hair or their legs I get those funny feelings and my religion fades.

  15. GF says:

    I’d consider putting a burqa over yer goats and donkeys too. Filled with animalistic lust that they can’t control muslims have to cover their own sisters with ugly black blankets. I guess their god can’t help them control themselves.

  16. qb says:

    I think we should get fundamentalist Christian preachers to stop wearing toupees.

  17. bobbo, the close reader says:

    #15–Hey Dallas==Sarkozy is not a liberal. Its true that word is in the headline and not explained thereafter, but even just “actually” reading your own link shows anyone with a GED that Sarkozy is right of center.

    Maybe you missed all the news when France voted him in to Bushies joy? He thought he was winning the propaganda war.

  18. orangetiki says:

    I am glad soemone is takign a stand . even if it’s a frenchman… lol ok all jokes aside good call

  19. Sea Lawyer says:

    #19, bobbo, in other parts of the world, liberal apparently still means what it has classically always meant, not the American version of the word that now means “I like to give people I feel sorry for free stuff at the expense of those I feel less sorry for.”

    So in that regard, if he is against allowing women the liberty to wear burqas, then you are correct, he’s not much of a liberal.

  20. Benjamin says:

    Some women should be wearing burqas. Think Helen Thomas and you will agree.

  21. Cursor_ says:


    French Culture? WTF?

    Bloody Gauls and Franks with italian food & wine and a bastardised form of latin.

    Just like all nations a hodgepodge of this weeks invaders with last week’s and last year’s invaders.

    Hell a quarter of GB is living there. But then 90% of GB is either French or German.

    Western Europe is as much of a melting pot as North or South America is.


  22. Improbus says:

    So, what happens when they catch some Muslim woman wearing one? What happens when they catch some Muslim man wearing one?

    Are national governments afraid they wont be able to use their surveillance powers successfully? All those cameras but they can’t tell the Muslim women apart. All that expensive surveillance technology defeated by cloth.

  23. bobbo, not catching red herrings says:

    #21–SL==I must be missing your all too clever point because THIS is an American Blog, Dallas is an American, and in America Liberal/Conservative is NOT DEFINED by giving free stuff to people you like BECAUSE both parties do it. Libs provide social benefits to more rather than less people and pay for some of it by raising taxes, while Cons provide limited taxation to fewer rather than more people and pay for some of it on the backs of the working poor while raping our grandkiddies for the balance.

    Your word play on liberty would have merit if the chosen example were not so extremely self evident as not applicable. How many real American women have chosen the freedom of the burqua? Huh? How many? Thats right, none. Only the oppressed Arab Muslim women wear the burka===but your are free to post as you wish. Anyone intelligent enough to be able to post doesn’t believe you though, as you don’t yourself.

    Sea Lawyer, looking for sea clients.

  24. Luc says:

    France is a very intelligent and mature country.

    The burqa is not just a garment, it’s a religious symbol, as forbidden in schools as the Christian cross. Children are allowed to wear neither burqas nor crosses at school, like American children aren’t allowed to wear gang symbols in American schools.

    For having no foolish hang-ups about sex and for treating religious gimcrack like gang bling, France has my utmost respect. Vive la France!

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    <blockquote“The burqa is not a religious sign, it’s a sign of subservience, a sign of debasement — I want to say it solemnly,” he said. “It will not be welcome on the territory of the French Republic.”

    Couldn’t have said it better.

    Then we can have the nuns lose their medieval habits too. They too do not display contemporary Western Culture. And Priests in dresses with their pointy hats.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:


    Love the new handles. Well done sir.

  27. bobbo, maintaining the point says:

    #27–Fusion==I’ve been waiting 6 months to correct you. Yes, the Catholics like costumes but costuming is not the issue. Don’t Sisters and Brothers often go out in public in street clothes? Why yes they do. No, the issue here is not costuming or contemporary culture, it is a mandatory 24/7 wrapping of the individual into anonymous soul destroying conformity. I’m sure you can make out the difference from there.

    I do admire the balance you attempted after highlighting the deeply profound and anti-American statement Sarkozy made. I’d vote for him too.

  28. Bob3000 says:

    This is ludicrous! It’s not as if my wife can’t go to Saudi Arabia and walk around in her halter and short-shorts!

    Oh wait ….

  29. contempt says:

    #23 Cursor_

    You may or may not like what remains of the French culture. but in the end it is theirs to defend or let fade into history.

    All things considered, I would take the watered-down French culture over the Islamic culture any day of the week.

  30. Sea Lawyer says:

    #25, you see bobbo, it’s not about what a woman living in France chooses to subject herself to because of backwards religious beliefs, it is that a public official from the government is telling her that she cannot. So I’m sorry you don’t understand how liberty and liberalism are related in the classic political context (and not just a play on words), or how New Liberalism is a different thing.


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