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Obama addresses a meeting of millionaires

Americans overwhelmingly support substantial changes to the health care system and are strongly behind one of the most contentious proposals Congress is considering, a government-run insurance plan to compete with private insurers, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

The poll found that most Americans would be willing to pay higher taxes so everyone could have health insurance and that they said the government could do a better job of holding down health-care costs than the private sector.

Across a number of questions, the poll detected substantial support for a greater government role in health care, a position generally identified with the Democratic Party. When asked which party was more likely to improve health care, only 18 percent of respondents said the Republicans, compared with 57 percent who picked the Democrats. Even one of four Republicans said the Democrats would do better…

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Congressional Republicans say “NO”

Republicans in Congress have fiercely criticized the proposal as an unneeded expansion of government that might evolve into a system of nationalized health coverage and lead to the rationing of care.

But in the poll, the proposal received broad bipartisan backing, with half of those who call themselves Republicans saying they would support a public plan, along with nearly three-fourths of independents and almost nine in 10 Democrats…

They clearly indicate growing confidence in the government’s ability to manage health care. Half of those questioned said they thought government would be better at providing medical coverage than private insurers, up from 30 percent in polls conducted in 2007. Nearly 60 percent said Washington would have more success in holding down costs, up from 47 percent.

Why should anyone have confidence in insurance companies? Is there anyone left who hasn’t been screwed by their automobile insurance, homeowners coverage, medical insurance company? We all know these slimeballs would steal their mother’s purse if they could skive another 5% from a settlement.

  1. qb says:

    Funny, I could have sworn that this guy was a bleeding heart.

  2. qb says:

    #132 Hugh Ripper, you crazy devil. If you keep talking like that then the military has to start making money. Maybe police departments should be making money as well.

    That only makes sense. We shouldn’t the military and police by how safe our neighborhoods are, or reduction in crime, increases in national safety, or successfully winning wars. We should judge them by their profitability.

    Wow, looking it that way you realize the WW2 was a complete loser.

  3. Holdfast says:

    First, a quote from 60 years ago.
    “No society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.”
    Aneurin Bevan

    Ever heard of him? He helped create a healthcare system that, despite the best efforts of business and right wing politicians, is still working today. A lot of people in the USA think that we Brits are quiet and unlikely to argue. If the National Health Service was abolished, we would have a ***** revolution!

    Is it perfect? No.
    Why? To many of those politicians trying to save money and follow your system!
    How can it be improved? Leave healthcare to those who actually care…

    The National Health Service – the only civilised way to behave.

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    #134 QB – That private prison scheme is a real money maker I hear. If America only had more criminals then think of the profits!

    Support the investors! Rob a 7-Eleven and / or liquor store today! Get America back on its feet!

  5. qb says:

    #136 Hugh

    This is all starting to make sense now. At least it’s consistent. 😉

    P.S. I apologize for my typos in a previous comment. Remember to proof, remember to proof.

  6. t0llyb0ng says:

    “Where does the money in this big pot come from?”

    From the money that used to be paid to private health insurers.

    How much should everyone pay a month? I don’t know. 20 bucks? 40 bucks. Whatever it is.

  7. Patrick says:

    I see people are still arguing that the gov’t should steal even more from citizens wallets and give to them. What low life thieves.

  8. Hugh Ripper says:

    #139 As opposed to insurance companies taking your money and then welching on the deal when you get sick?

    The government isn’t stealing your money. You’re giving it to them with your consent. Grow a pair, Paddy, and refuse to pay your taxes.

  9. Patrick says:

    # 108 Misanthropic Scott said, “You missed my post #87.”

    No, I read it. You want a gov mandated system where the gov’t takes, by force if necessary, $ from my pocket to give to someone else. (Choice #1 on my list)

    You didn’t give a different scenario than what I presented. Thanks for playing though.

  10. tcc3 says:

    Yes Patrick, stop driving on our evil socialized roads and bridges too.

    Strap on your gun and go stand a post. Heaven knows we cant steal money from citizens to pay for the military.

    I hear the water main across town needs replacing. Better get the shovel.

  11. web says:

    Dear leader has been watching old Logan’s Run reruns.

    That’s the solution!

  12. chuck says:

    A modest proposal:

    Members of Congress enjoy a very cushy tax-payer funded health plan. They pay nothing into the plan and get full coverage.

    I’ll go along with any Obama health-care plan that forces Congress to use the same plan as regular tax-payers, including paying the premiums themselves.

  13. Named says:

    118 LL

    “There is no program needed. You send in your receipt and the government gives you your money back.”

    Oh, really? Is that all? No vetting? No validation? No accreditation? Just send in a piece of paper and get your credit? Nice!

    “I am not arguing the costs of group vs individual. I am saying treat the individual the same way you treat the group. Currently, the government gives good tax credits to employer-provided insurance. Why can’t individuals get the same response?”

    No, you’re not arguing against it. But, in your fantasy land, insurance corporations believe in fairness and kindness. In the real world, they care about risk and rates of return. As I stated earlier, which you ignored, 1000 people will claim a significant portion less than a family of 4. And that is REAL MONEY we’re talking about. Not imagicnation land of fairies and insurance companies that “care.” What are you… a COMMIE?

    “The state shouldn’t be doing the insuring. The insurance companies should be ensuring they are following each state’s regulations if they plan to sell insurance in that state. How simple can that be?”

    Did you not just answer your own question? Are you telling me that there is no insurance company in the US that sells in more than one state?

    And yes. The Federal Government SHOULD guarantee availability of health care to all. After all, the US is apparently a “modern” country. If the right to arms was written in a time of muskets and powder pouches can be assumed to include assault rifles and rocket launchers, I’m sure you can include health care as part of the fiduciary responsibility for the US Government to “protect” it’s citizens.

  14. web says:

    # 135 Holdfast said, “The National Health Service – the only civilised way to behave.”

    Councel Housing – The only way to live.

    Where did all of this depending upon government come from? All people do is sit on their ass and cry I want, I want!

  15. Named says:


    So… do you get your water from the local well? Transportation by the horse your reared from a babe? Electricity from your own generator?

    No. You get it from the public good so that your money can be spent on dildo’s for you wife and tv’s and computers for yourself.

    When you have guaranteed fundamental services delivered FAR BELOW the cost, the public can then support commercial enterprises that deal with everything else.

    I think the term is “civilization”…

  16. LibertyLover says:

    #129, But all people DO NOT get care now.

    But they have that option if they can get to an emergency room.

    18,000 each year. That is 0.006% of the entire US population.

    Did you know that 42,000 die each year in auto accidents? That is 0.014% of the entire US population.

    #133, Funny, I could have sworn that this guy was a bleeding heart.

    He was. But he didn’t advocate the government nanny the people. In fact, just the opposite — money changers were bad.

    #134, Hugh Ripper, you crazy devil. If you keep talking like that then the military has to start making money. Maybe police departments should be making money as well.

    Actually, they do have a budget and if they run a deficit, they lay people off. The federal government just sells bonds to the Fed who prints the money out of thin air (which is what will happen when any federal HC system starts running a deficit).

    #138, “Where does the money in this big pot come from?”

    From the money that used to be paid to private health insurers.

    How much should everyone pay a month? I don’t know. 20 bucks? 40 bucks. Whatever it is.

    In #106, you stated that not everybody had insurance. So obviously, the money we are paying now is still not enough. Where are you going to get the rest?

    #146, “There is no program needed. You send in your receipt and the government gives you your money back.”

    Oh, really? Is that all? No vetting? No validation? No accreditation? Just send in a piece of paper and get your credit? Nice!

    It works with mandatory auto insurance.

    “I am not arguing the costs of group vs individual. I am saying treat the individual the same way you treat the group. Currently, the government gives good tax credits to employer-provided insurance. Why can’t individuals get the same response?”

    No, you’re not arguing against it. But, in your fantasy land, insurance corporations believe in fairness and kindness. In the real world, they care about risk and rates of return. As I stated earlier, which you ignored, 1000 people will claim a significant portion less than a family of 4. And that is REAL MONEY we’re talking about. Not imagicnation land of fairies and insurance companies that “care.” What are you… a COMMIE?

    You are missing the point. It doesn’t matter what the insurance company does or charges. You get to deduct your medical expenses right off your tax return.

    “The state shouldn’t be doing the insuring. The insurance companies should be ensuring they are following each state’s regulations if they plan to sell insurance in that state. How simple can that be?”

    Did you not just answer your own question? Are you telling me that there is no insurance company in the US that sells in more than one state?

    If you have insurance bought from a company in Michigan and you vacation in Florida and have to go to the hospital, even if the insurance company doesn’t normally sell policies in Florida, you are still covered. That being said, why does it matter where my address is?

    And yes. The Federal Government SHOULD guarantee availability of health care to all.

    No, they shouldn’t. If I told you to go fuck yourself, you would get really upset. How can you expect me to not get upset if the government tells me to go fuck myself and pay up?

    BTW . . . how did your Kool Aid session go? Are you buddies up on the cell phone tax laws yet?

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #148, One again, Mr. Fusion, you seem to think local and state efforts are part of the federal government’s responsibility.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Liberty Loser,

    Yup. The only options are reducing taxes. Instead of fixing the problem, you want to reduce taxes.

    How would a family of 4 or 5 pay that $1,000 per month for insurance with $30,000 gross income? You have a plan? Because a sizable number of ordinary Joes and Jills out there are supporting their families on less.

    The median wage for hourly workers in America is $11.95 an hour. That comes to $25,000 per year. Do you really think a tax credit is going to help them?

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #150, Liberty Loser,

    That was Named in #148.

    However, …


    #129, But all people DO NOT get care now.

    But they have that option if they can get to an emergency room.

    Not quite. An emergency room only has to stabilize them before releasing them. Read your own link. They were 37% more likely to die if they were uninsured even when treated in an Emergency Room.

    18,000 each year. That is 0.006% of the entire US population.

    That is 18,000 that did not need to die. They were killed by a system that values an insurance card more than the life of a patient.

    In #106, you stated that not everybody had insurance. So obviously, the money we are paying now is still not enough. Where are you going to get the rest?

    I would expect to pay LESS under a government run, single payer system.

    The US Health Insurance companies all run at a profit. The health costs run to almost 15% of the GDP. Most other western nations spend way under 10% GDP. You do the math.

  20. LibertyLover says:

    #151, Yup. The only options are reducing taxes. Instead of fixing the problem, you want to reduce taxes.

    I didn’t say anything about lowering taxes. I said to stop taking so much. It’s a matter of semantics 🙂

    How would a family of 4 or 5 pay that $1,000 per month for insurance with $30,000 gross income? You have a plan? Because a sizable number of ordinary Joes and Jills out there are supporting their families on less.

    The median wage for hourly workers in America is $11.95 an hour. That comes to $25,000 per year. Do you really think a tax credit is going to help them?

    They buy what they can and expense it (perhaps a 1:1 reimbursement). Yes, the federal government takes less money, but some insurance is better than none, right? If they can’t afford the $0 copay plan, perhaps they can get catastrophic only.

  21. LibertyLover says:

    #152, That was Named in #148.

    Mr. Fusion by any other name . . . Either you are the same person or you are reading out of the same book because your comments are near identical to other posts under that name.

    #129, snip

    You are thinking with your emotions again.

    I don’t understand your reasoning behind my having to pay for someone without insurance?

    How many homeless people have you put on your couch lately?

    How many empty tanks of gas have you filled up other than your own?

    In #106, you stated that not everybody had insurance. So obviously, the money we are paying now is still not enough. Where are you going to get the rest?

    I would expect to pay LESS under a government run, single payer system.

    The US Health Insurance companies all run at a profit. The health costs run to almost 15% of the GDP. Most other western nations spend way under 10% GDP. You do the math.

    So why haven’t you moved there yet? Do you really hate this country so much you want to change it?

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #149, Liberty Loser,

    And yes. The Federal Government SHOULD guarantee availability of health care to all.

    No, they shouldn’t. If I told you to go fuck yourself, you would get really upset. How can you expect me to not get upset if the government tells me to go fuck myself and pay up?

    Why shouldn’t they? Because you don’t want to contribute to America? You think you are special enough that you shouldn’t pay any taxes? When WE THE PEOPLE decide that we want something, WE THE PEOPLE, by democratic means will get it.

    It is the selfishness of people like you that contributed to the financial meltdown. You don’t care what happens as long as you get your share. Some day when you grow up and get a job, you will realize that there is no one giving money away. It has to be earned.

    No, you don’t work. Your answers are very simple minded and dream world like. You want us to believe you own a very profitable company yet don’t seem to understand basic attributes of a small business. The typical kid living out a fantasy in mommy’s basement.

    Just another phony.

  23. Sea Lawyer says:

    #155, Fusion,

    Haha, it’s funny that you call somebody selfish immediately after postings “When WE THE PEOPLE decide that we want something, WE THE PEOPLE, by democratic means will get it.”

    We want it, you have it, we outnumber you, so go fuck yourself you greedy asshole.

  24. Named says:

    149, LL,

    It works with mandatory auto insurance.

    So, you’re saying that there is absolutely no validation done. You just send in a paper and you get your money? In fact, there isn’t even an administration set up to handle said mail ins?

    “You are missing the point. It doesn’t matter what the insurance company does or charges. You get to deduct your medical expenses right off your tax return.”

    So, the insurance company says individual claims are now 1 million dollars. But the government will pay you back. And the government would claim that “hey! That’s the market rate and we’re willing to pay it.”

    “If you have insurance bought from a company in Michigan and you vacation in Florida and have to go to the hospital, even if the insurance company doesn’t normally sell policies in Florida, you are still covered. That being said, why does it matter where my address is?”

    Why? When on vacation, you get travel insurance. When living in your state, you get insurance built by the state regulation. What is the purpose of the state if their laws matter only in terms of corporate sign-up? Address DO matter. Unless you believe in the abolition of all state power and vest it totally within the federation.

    “No, they shouldn’t. If I told you to go fuck yourself, you would get really upset. How can you expect me to not get upset if the government tells me to go fuck myself and pay up?”

    If you told me to fuck myself, why would I care? You’re just another bag of meat taking up space. It’s not like you’re important to me.

    Tell me, in your fantasy land of total independence… where do you get your water? Electricity? Roads? And the infrastructure that you use to type “comments” onto a blog? Is it a “society?”

    “BTW . . . how did your Kool Aid session go? Are you buddies up on the cell phone tax laws yet?” No idea what you’re talking about. so… Go fuck yourself.

  25. Named says:


    “We want it, you have it, we outnumber you, so go fuck yourself you greedy asshole.”

    That is the foundation of a democracy. And it’s probably why historically not everyone could be a member. In fact, when I look over the ocean at Iraq, the Muslim Theocracy that was elected is a direct result of bringing them “democracy”.

  26. Sea Lawyer says:


    Which is precisely why constitutions are created – to help curtail many of the shenanigans that are characteristic of democracies.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #157, Named,

    Liberty Loser thinks that taxes are all evil. Just because a law is on the books about a certain activity being taxable (employer perks, including use of a car or cell phone), he feels it shouldn’t be paid. He is above the law.

    It is the rational like that that has me convinced he is just another teenager wannabe fantasy land punk kid. He has no real world experience. Oh, but he wants us to believe he owns a successful small business with 40%+ profit.

  28. Named says:


    Democracy – tyranny of the masses

    Until we get a philosopher king a la Plato, it’s the best we got.

    The US is an interesting case. It used to be a constitutional Republic, and now its a half-republic and half-democracy and the constitution can be put on hold for any purpose by the President. Except for the right to bear arms.

  29. Named says:

    160 Mr. Fusion,

    If I answer you, does this confirm that we are different people, in opposition to the beliefs of “Liberty” Lover?

    BTW, did you notice that his so called “emotionless” comments are so full of… well… emotion? Poor kid…

  30. Thomas says:


    I like it!

    The solution to your problem is not a government run program but instead changing the system so that insurance agencies sell to individuals instead of companies. If that were the case, then you could choose whatever coverage you want regardless of job. In addition, there are other solutions for dealing with the poor or unemployed. Vouchers and such can be issued so that you can still choose which system you want.


    > Members of Congress enjoy a
    > very cushy tax-payer
    > funded health plan. They
    > pay nothing into the plan
    > and get full coverage.

    Hell, why don’t we all get that plan where we all pay nothing into it and get full coverage? It is a self-perpetuating machine!

    Everyone agrees that *something* must be done to health care system and the health care coverage system. Where there is disagreement is in the implementation. There are plenty of things that can be done to improve the system that do not entail new taxes or behemoth government agencies. A monolithic government agency in charge of billions of dollars and how they are doled out to the public sounds ripe for abuse.


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