
Video: Arrested for asking a policeman for his badge number | Environment | — This is getting to be very weird.

The Guardian has obtained this police footage of Emily Apple and Val Swain being arrested by surveillance officers after asking for their badge numbers at the Kingsnorth climate camp last year. The two women speak to Paul Lewis about their arrest, imprisonment and official complaint

Found by Keith Ray.

  1. hhopper says:

    Looks to me like the usual situation where the cops have had to deal with the same assholes over and over again and finally get pissed and overstep their bounds… probably just what the protesters with their video camera wanted in the first place.

  2. noname says:

    # 18 Greg Allen

    “cops are bastards for using that choke-hold and pressure-point technique, too. A certain percentage of people are going to die from that.”

    And your point is?

    Cops know they are protected by the “outs” given by Judges and corners who work for the police.

    If there is a resulting death, so what; the state corner will claim a pre-existing medical condition or the perpetrator had an illegal substance in their system and that is what killed the perpetrator, not the genteel and caring actions of our police.

  3. Rick's Cafe says:

    Hitting the nail on the head.

    So who’s responsible for having the police standing there taking abuse instead of being out actually protecting citizens, chasing perps, etc. HMMMMMMM?????

    A peaceful protest doesn’t need a police presence – anybody can make a 911 call IF the protest turns non-peaceful.

    Rings a bell that the CIA & KGB were both accused of ‘participating’ in protests throughout the world during the cold war.

    Cause, peaceful protests are boring and bored people go home.

    So IF officers have to be identified (questionable legality) then all the officers recorded are breaking the law by not enforcing the identification requirement.

    Question: What happens when a video shows several officers breaking the law?

    Answer: Rodney King. There are too many lawyers in all countries for that process NOT to happen.

    I’m thinking the cute little sea-kitten’s litter box might need changing again.

  4. jopa says:

    Choke the liberal whore!!
    Choke her!!!



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