
Video: Arrested for asking a policeman for his badge number | Environment | — This is getting to be very weird.

The Guardian has obtained this police footage of Emily Apple and Val Swain being arrested by surveillance officers after asking for their badge numbers at the Kingsnorth climate camp last year. The two women speak to Paul Lewis about their arrest, imprisonment and official complaint

Found by Keith Ray.

  1. roastedpeanuts says:

    Why are the faces of the officers blurred?

  2. DrT says:

    A preview of what the US will be seeing in 5 or 6 years.

  3. Rick's Cafe says:

    Because the British are soooooo much smarter and better than us, lets duplicate EVERY thing they do.

    This is a sad display of protesting, protesters and police brutality.

  4. Uncle Don says:

    Only 300 years ’til the 1000 year anniversary of The Magna Carta — will Britons have to wait that long before justice comes to their island?

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – Rick’s Cafe


    Oh you English are SO superior aren’t you. Well would like to know where you’d be without US the good old US of A to protect you? The smallest fucking province in eastern Europe thats where, so DON’T call me stupid lady just THANK me. If it wern’t for us you’d all be speaking German, singing Deustchland Deutstchland uber alles.

  6. sargasso says:

    Those wacky, blurry-headed-constables.

  7. Fat_Anarchy says:

    I don’t know why you people are always talking about how its going to come to America in a few years time. Whever the videos of American police brutality are put up, they are a lot more violent.

    Although this woman was wrongfully arrested, I don’t think it was as brital as the American ones, where people were beign kicked in the head, smashed against a wall, and everyone being tazered every 2 minutes. In terms of police brutality, it looks like its America leading the way, or at least equal with the UK. Thats just my observation.

    #5. The whole thing about if it wasnt for America, the UK would be speaking German thing is silly. Technically if it wasnt for England, America would be speaking French, if you want to go that far. Also, when a country takes over another, it generally does not force the inhabitants to change language. Not these days anyway, so technically, even if Germany didn invade the UK, theyd still maintain their language. Plus if america did let Germany take over West Europe, America would probably have been next to be speaking German.

  8. RSweeney says:

    This is why they are called “subjects” in the UK.

    America was founded to oppose this kind of authoritarian BS. Let’s not forget it as Obama and his statist pals try to sell the government as omnipotent solution line.

  9. Buzz says:

    The secret number is 2153.

  10. Hmeyers says:

    @4 By then the movie “1984” will be their reality and dissidents of any kind will be facing the “rat face cage” like in the movie.

    [Your head is locked in a cage with an unfed rat that eventually senses you have no defense and starts eating your face.]

  11. SparkyOne says:

    Are the gloves so they do not leave fingerprints?

  12. deowll says:

    It may be that the officer was supposed to tell her his number but then he gets to decide what the law is if nothing is recorded and it is now against the law to record an officer if my memory is correct? What they recorded on the other hand can be used against them at least as for as public opinion goes.

    During the Obama campaign something similar already happened to reporter that got to close to some people were staying in a hotel. They shoved a reporter out into the street and I think arrested him. Being the liberal media this all died. No doubt the reporter had to appologize for being a problem or get fired or was fired for bothering the annoited ones though in fact I don’t think he even committed tresspass. Sidewalks are normally public space?

  13. Poppa Boner says:

    #11 – It’s so they can stick their finger up your butt and check for drugs.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    The one thing she gets that Americans do not is the right to complain to an independent agency that will investigate.

  15. Troublemaker says:

    As long as people remain pathetic cowards, cops around the world will continue to get worse and worse.

  16. Travis says:

    Police brutality happens everywhere. It is a side effect of giving someone authority over other people. If you see stuff that doesn’t look right record it. Most cell phones have cameras on them. Even in Iran with cell phone service cut off people are passing videos and pictures around with blue tooth until they can get out on the net.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    And the cops are bastards for using that choke-hold and pressure-point technique, too. A certain percentage of people are going to die from that.

  18. Wretched Gnu says:

    This isn’t the best part about the Kingsnorth climate camp saga. Police have recently admitted that they lied about having to be repressive because 70 officers got hurt through violence.

    Turns out those 70 injuries were bee stings, other bug bites and “dehydration”.

    Cops lie.

    That’s all you need to know.

  19. RTaylor says:

    I think its time to stop lauding the US entry into the World Wars over Europe. It continues to pop up on a regular bases.
    Like the US, the UK swings between liberal and conservatives. Polls show that most people demands safety and protection. Demonstrators are a very small majority. Remember the US authorities are extremely fragmented, and can’t be compared to a nationwide police force. I think for the most part, law enforcement reflects the majority opinion, bash any bastard who may hurt me, and lock him away forever.

  20. Barister says:

    It starts with cameras on buildings and the government saying they are protection for law abiding citizens. Look out America.

  21. Improbus says:

    Cops are dicks … film at 11 … unless it is confiscated.

  22. GigG says:

    What the hell is a “climate camp”? It sounds like someplace where the attedees need to be choked by the police.

  23. Thinker says:

    Ok,… this isn’t some innocent bystander asking a polite question which I thought might be the case. They do come off as known agent provacateur’s and basically went looking for trouble. They asked for it. This wasn’t the first time they tangled with the police.

    Sorry, not buying the sobbing innocent act. They sould stop crying wolf.

  24. xxxxxxxxxxxx says:

    hey do you have a bigger pic of your banner hittler whould be proud. i want to stick it on my car. whould cause some heads to turn to.

    bloody dispickable, still what do you expect when you give checkout workers power. pure madness.

    shame on united kindom and there people for puting up with this. well done on pissing on vetrans graves.

  25. Breetai says:

    I think I’ve noticed a trend here.

    Conservatives are in charge, foreigners get tortured and abused. Liberals are in charge, the locals get tortured and abused.

    Can we fire everybody in government?

  26. Uncle Sam says:

    They were abusive and resisting arrest. In the US they’d have been handcuffed at gunpoint and then tasered repeatedly.

  27. gmknobl says:

    power corrupts – and increasingly more so when it comes to police

    photograph, video and distribute then use to prosecute these poor examples for humans and make them loose their badge and any position of authority

  28. ECD says:

    yup, that’s what happens when you give pigs unlimited authority. They get annoyed and they start beating people “legally”. The idiots on this blog who say she is an instigator have no respect for the rule of law. You’re not supposed to arrested someone unless they did something ILLEGAL, dumb ass. These cops should be put in prison for a year and be banned from any kind of public service indefinitely.

  29. Angus says:

    I say just don’t build the power plant, and let the environmentalists figure out how to light their homes, cook their food, and get to work…

  30. jbellies says:

    It was a police video (obtained ??? under freedom of information legislation???), so one guesses that heads were blurred out by the Police so as not to blow the covers of certain undercover officers. Not all the heads were blurred out.

    It’s good that a citizen can get the name and badge number of each officer who presents him- or herself to the citizen, but it looks like this was a kind of pre-emptive raid: did they go where the police were congregating and try to collect *all* the names and badge numbers? That might indeed be a kind of obstruction. Annoying a police officer. But the police reaction looks OTT (that’s Blighty for “Over The Top”).

    To our shame, Canada has this trumped by killing a man who was trapped in an airport and anxious to meet his elderly mother who was waiting for him.

    And Canada again has the Sandra Turner incident:
    where an airport security guard was arrested and strip-searched for asking a man dressed as a police officer for ID, completely in accordance with her instructions from her employer. The link is to the Wayback Machine (Go* bless it) because the original article was taken down in the last couple of years. It was even on the national radio news at the time it happened, but there was a curious media silence on it afterwards. For years, the Globe article was the only mainstream reference available, and then even it disappeared. We don’t even known if she received an apology. Oh yes, and Sandra Turner is Black.


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