People on the government’s terrorist watch list tried to buy guns nearly 1,000 times in the last five years, and federal authorities cleared the purchases 9 times out of 10 because they had no legal way to stop them, according to a new government report.

In one case, a person on the list was able to buy more than 50 pounds of explosives.

The new statistics, compiled in a report from the Government Accountability Office that is scheduled for public release next week, draw attention to an odd divergence in federal law: people placed on the government’s terrorist watch list can be stopped from getting on a plane or getting a visa, but they cannot be stopped from buying a gun.

Gun purchases must be approved unless federal officials can find some other disqualification of the would-be buyer, like being a felon, an illegal immigrant or a drug addict.

“This is a glaring omission, and it’s a security issue,” Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, the New Jersey Democrat who requested the study, said in an interview.

Mr. Lautenberg plans to introduce legislation on Monday that would give the attorney general the discretion to block gun sales to people on terror watch lists.

Homeland Insecurity will fight to stop anyone who ever uttered a syllable of dissent from climbing aboard one of our overpriced airborne cattle cars. But, the NRA and the nutball Right will battle tooth and claw to protect their heaven-ordained right to kill and maim their fellows. As long as it’s done with firearms.

  1. fpp2002 says:

    Oh you silly Americans, always afraid of the boogeyman, gotta stock up on ammo! What a sad way to live, in irrational fear all the time.

  2. sargasso says:

    Farmers and miners buy, store and use explosives as part of their normal daily work, and rifles are an important part of country life. I spent my childhood in a mining area of Australia where live ammunition and cases of gelignite explosive could be bought at supermarket shelves, with just a drivers license. There were no murders or bombings.

  3. Rolfa says:

    Duh! Why weren’t these “terrorist”arrested? You know we are not suppose to use this word anymore.

  4. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #34, GF,

    what’s your take on The Anarchist Cookbook?

    Somewhere, probably even as I am writing this, there is a Christian fundamentalist with his copy, the page of his favorite recipe held open with a loaded S&W 357 4″bbl, preparing a little surprise for someone of a different persuasion.

  5. faxon says:

    Reading all this leads to one conclusion: Some people don’t think anyone should defend themselves, and some people think they should. Those of you who don’t want to defend yourself give me no problem at all. Why should the others give YOU a problem? Decent citizens don’t go around shooting people. They shoot the filth who take advantage of others. That would include, presumably, a tyrannical government. I guess most liberals forget what Germany did to Russia in 1941. What Russia did to Hungary, etc, etc. Even the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, (the MOST LIBERAL circuit court in the country), had something to say about gun ownership recently. The Court Decision clearly stated that gun ownership is a fundamental right and tradition in the United States, and that it helps to INSURE FREEDOM, and protect us from Radical Muslim attacks. That’s YOUR 9th Circuit!
    Duh that, jerkface liberals.

  6. right says:

    350 million guns in the US. What a way to live and that mindset says a lot about your country. Which, by the way, is not very good.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #39 – faxon – I guess most liberals forget what Germany did to Russia in 1941.

    I’m sure you and your gun could have stopped the German onslaught. Or perhaps every American should have the right to have a M1A2 parked in the garage as well?

    The Court Decision clearly stated that gun ownership is a fundamental right and tradition in the United States, and that it helps to INSURE FREEDOM…

    Did it stop Bush from taking away some of your liberties?

    Time for you to go back down in your bunker.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #40 – right – 350 million guns in the US. What a way to live and that mindset says a lot about your country. Which, by the way, is not very good.

    Very true.

  9. right says:

    Thanks for that link Jagermeister. Wow, 1 gun produced every 20 seconds.
    I guess that stat will help “….protect us from Radical Muslim attacks.”

    Let’s see, what’s the ratio of Americans killed to those nasty Muslims? Faxon?

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #43 – right

    No worries. Faxon will dig hard into NRAs database of arguments.

  11. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #39, faxwrong,

    Some people don’t think anyone should defend themselves

    Oh??? Perhaps you could point to a comment or two that suggest that point.

    Then after you show us those comments, maybe you could show us this one.

    The Court Decision clearly stated that gun ownership is a fundamental right and tradition in the United States, and that it helps to INSURE FREEDOM, and protect us from Radical Muslim attacks. That’s YOUR 9th Circuit!

    Please tell us which case and where it was written that having guns will protect us from “Radical Muslim attacks”. I am very interested in knowing that one.

    Of course, if this is just another one of those bullshit stories the right wing nuts continually make up, …

  12. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #44, Jagermeister,

    Faxrong’s source

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #46 – Mr. Fusion

    LMAO 😀

  14. Rakiah says:

    Gee….and all this time, I always thought that the Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms was about the freedom of red necks to wear wife beater t-shirts.

    Get it…bear arms…hahahaha

  15. bobbo, the political reformer says:

    #39–faxon==I call BS, or just another republicon shittard, virtually no difference.

    The issue here is the use “at all” of the “terrorist suspect watch list.”

    Its creeping fascism and should be outlawed asap.

    Silly politically/values based motivated voters. Follow any red herring laid out there while DC Pols rape our grandkiddies blind in favor of the already too rich==those too rich to waste their time reading blogs.

    Just waiting for the rupture.

  16. faxon says:

    You idiots really don’t get it, do you? The Ninth Circuit ruled on April 20, 2009 in Nordyke v. King, April 20, 2009

    “Ninth Circuit:

    A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit today ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause incorporates the Second Amendment individual right to bear arms against state and local governments. ”


    Hofmann cited a concurring opinion by Judge Ronald M. Gould, who wrote that nothing less than the security of the nation – a defense against both external and internal threats – rests on the provision.

    “The right to bear arms is a bulwark against external invasion. We should not be overconfident that oceans on our east and west coasts alone can preserve security,” Gould wrote. “We recently saw in the case of the terrorist attack on Mumbai that terrorists may enter a country covertly by ocean routes, landing in small craft and then assembling to wreak havoc. That we have a lawfully armed populace adds a measure of security for all of us and makes it less likely that a band of terrorists could make headway in an attack on any community before more professional forces arrived. Second, the right to bear arms is a protection against the possibility that even our own government could degenerate into tyranny, and though this may seem unlikely, this possibility should be guarded against with individual diligence.”

    The court opinion this week said, “We therefore conclude that the right to keep and bear arms is ‘deeply rooted in this nation’s history and tradition.’

    Any questions, morons?????

  17. right says:

    “The right to bear arms is a bulwark against external invasion. ”

    And meanwhile thousands of Americans are being murdered and killed by accident. You haven’t answered the question I posed earlier:

    Let’s see, what’s the ratio of Americans killed to those nasty Muslims? Faxon? Have you helped kill any Muslim terrorists?

    I’d bet you haven’t even seen or talked to a person who is Muslim, have you? I have a pretty good idea of the type of person you are.

  18. faxon says:

    I don’t know what your problem is, but maybe you should simply re read the COURT’S OPINION!

  19. right says:

    My problem is one you cannot grasp.

  20. faxon says:

    I put the ruling right in front of your face, and you STILL don’t get it. Well, the court has the final say, as does the Constitution, regardless of your feeble-minded-pansy-ass opinion.
    I realize Liberals are hopeless, and you prove it by ignoring the facts stated by a Federal Judge that are quoted a few postings above.

  21. faxon says:

    I should have realized your name says it all.
    You are right, of course.

  22. faxon says:

    And, “Mister Fusion”,
    I hope you have enhanced your brilliance by reading the court’s ruling and opinion as well.

  23. ronwp54 says:

    Typical liberals always letting their emotions control their thoughts instead of using that brain they were born with to actually think things thru. I’ll gladly give up my gun when you guys can wave your little magic wand and make all the guns in the world disappear, including those of all the governments in the world. Until then I’ll just keep mine thank you. The cost of freedom is high. Look at what’s happening in England, where guns are banned. They can’t take a piss without the Govt. watching. If you want big Government in control of every aspect of your life then taking away the ability of the citizens to fight back against a tyrannical govt. is the first step toward that end. Once the government has complete control over you, you can kiss your right to free speech and privacy goodbye.

  24. tcc3 says:

    It is a testament to Alfred that even when I agree with him in principle, he says something so outrageous and off topic that I can’t back him up.

    At least you’re consistent, my friend.

  25. Patrick says:

    #22 It doesn’t prohibit those things. What’s your point?

  26. Jägermeister says:

    #53 – right – My problem is one you cannot grasp.

    * — Clue

    o — Faxon
    / \

  27. kjackman says:

    So, some faceless bureaucrat can stop ANY person they want to from owning a gun, simply by placing them on a no-fly list?

    BZZZT. Clear violation of the 5th amendment, which provides for due process before depriving any citizen of their rights under the Constitution. Being placed on a no-fly list is not due process.

  28. MikeN says:

    >Some people don’t think anyone should defend >themselves

    >Oh??? Perhaps you could point to a comment or >two that suggest that point.

    Take a look at Britain. Someone breaks in and you hit them, they arrest you.

    >Clear violation of the 5th amendment, which >provides for due process before depriving any >citizen of their rights

    NO it doesn’t say that.

  29. Rick's Cafe says:

    And this description of a government (faceless bureaucrat) is apparently, what alot of people want and the country they want to live in.

  30. fauge says:

    all I know if the shit ever does hit the fan in this country I want to know if you will be standing behind few police officers you can find when their coming to loot your home.
    I wish I had a crystal bell that can show people what this country would be like if they did get rid of all the legal guns. If the country is a better place you win. I just dont want to take that chance for real.


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