The federal government has spent nearly half a million dollars to fund a study to find out why some men would prefer not to wear condoms during sex.

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, a branch of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded a $423,500 grant to researchers at The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction.

The Bloomington, Ind., based research team will use the funding to study “barriers to correct condom use,” according to a release from the institute.

So, if they dislike them so much, why do they use them?

“Men wear them because they are slightly more desirable than a combination of embarrassing diseases, 20 years of child support payments and death,” Shaw said.

Wow! Who could possibly guessed that! What else will be studied that I couldn’t tell them for, say, a tenth the cost?

The second phase will be more laboratory oriented and will focus on “penile erection and sensitivity during condom application.”

One of the main goals of the study is to understand the link between condom application and the loss of erections and decreased sensation experienced by men.

Click pic to embiggen
I bet you’re like me and can hardly wait for the findings!

Another interesting — yet oddly not government funded — study pointed out that the withdrawal method, while messy, is just as effective as a condom. Pr0n fans are overjoyed!

  1. Not To Brag, But . . . says:

    One of the main goals of the study is to understand the link between condom application and the loss of erections and decreased sensation experienced by men.

    I used to have the problem. Then I went to bigger condoms. It seems the normal size ones were squeezing me so tight, it would deflate.

    XL for me, please!

  2. father time says:

    Have these people ever had sex, with and without a rubber? Sheez, women must be running the show.

  3. contempt says:

    If the government has this kind of money to waste then it is clear they are collecting too much tax revenue.

    Just for starters, the entire government entity should get a 50% pay cut until they get their act together. Granted this is not going to happen as long as they are in charge of their own salaries so maybe a more radical solution is in order.

    A proven attention getter and historical favorite for dealing with a corrupt government is to bring back the guillotine. Heck, I’ll even volunteer to file the blade to a dull and painful edge.

  4. NIH watch says:

    Condoms are constantly claimed to “save lives” so they use that argument to justify the research.

    It’s like the argument about the need to have surveillance everywhere, and creating a 100 mile constitutional free zone around the borders, drivers checkpoints that end at 2am when football players are drunk out of their gord at 5 am, illegal wiretapping to prevent terrorism when the only problem we really had was the lack of steel cockpit doors, and every other unnecessary intrusion into our lives, and it’s all based on “saving lives”, a nobel cause albeit misappropriated.

    That 1/2 mil for condom research could have permanently housed families thrown out on the streets, who snap and end it all. No, instead, these kinds of funds continue to make these corrupt scientists filthily richer providing them 10 more homes, trips, etc.

    These self serving bureaucrats completely ignore the proven facts that the holes in condom membranes are bigger than viruses, thus using condoms for protection is “like leaving the screen door open and expecting the flies to remain outside” as was put into words by one government researcher at the start of the whole condom obsession mess in the 1980’s.

    It’s too bad the public either doesn’t understand this or ignores it when you try to tell them. They have latched on to condoms as their savior.

    Here are some nauseating facts about the NIH and it’s special interest in condom research.

    The National Institutes of Health spends $206,906 per AIDS death (compared to $13,365 per Diabetes death, $12,000 per prostate disease, $9,000 for Parkinson’s disease and $9,000 for Alzheimer’s disease), even though AIDS has never been a leading cause of death in the United States or Africa.

    Ref: ex liberal / ex cop’s website that includes correspondence with the NIH.

  5. SparkyOne says:

    This government needs to be bent over and done in the ass with a dick covered in beach sand and no lube. And let THE PEOPLE watch and wait in line for their turn.

  6. Bob says:

    #4, while cutting off the heads of polliticians is a little much, it would like to see some kind of merit based system on the laws.

    For instance, you tell the american people that your plan is only going to cost 1 million and it ends up costing 2 million, then the senetor who sold us that bill at that cost should have to pay for it some how. Either making up the cost difference, or for the really big ones, spend some time in jail, or some other major punishment. It wouldn’t end stupid spending, but at least they would start telling us how much it would really cost.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Eric,

    So you went to work right out of High School. Sorry.

    It must suck to see all those people that applied themselves so much and got a degree are now your bosses.

    It must really gall you to know they make so much more.

    But when you stop and it suddenly hits you, gee, THEY ARE ALL SO MUCH EFFEN SMARTER TOO that it really hits home.

  8. chuck says:

    When she says “yes” – I wear whatever she tells me to wear:
    – a condom
    – a paper bag
    – leather chaps
    – her fishnet stockings (ok, I was already wearing those

  9. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #10, Eric,

    So now you complain because as a professional student you have a jaundiced view on life.

  10. Special Ed says:

    Alfredone doesn’t like them because they become lodged in his butt.

  11. Breetai says:

    WOW, how freaking hard is it to figure out?!

    Lets see it’s got to do with this primal urge to um…. Breed maybe?

    Freaking liberal idiots cant figure anything out especially when it’s staring them in the face.

  12. Iso says:

    I would like to confirm the last statement of this post. The withdrawal method, or “when in doubt, pull out” plan, works just fine. It prevented me and the wife from having little ones right up until we were ready.

    And now you know.

  13. Cursor_ says:

    First of all IF you must wear a condom to protect yourself from disease then might I recommend some different strategies?

    1) Stop going to Prostitutes for Sex
    2) Actually get to KNOW the person you will have sex with

    Second, if you want to use a condom as a form of birth control, might I recommend some alternatives?

    1) Depro Provera
    2) Implanon
    3) Paraguard or Mirena

    They are more effective and do not risk accidental leakage or breaking as condoms can.

    To myself a condom is like going to a 5 star restaurant, ordering the best aged porterhouse on the menu and then getting two shots of Novocaine on your tongue and wearing nose clamps.


  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    If the woman already has her legs spread and her peekachoo is already moist and ready and yet the guy leaves the room because he doesn’t want to wear a condom then the woman has ALL THE RIGHT IN WORLD to call him a fag.

  15. Cursor_ says:


    Sounds like a personal story in that post.


  16. Li says:

    So, condoms suck. We all know that. But what is the alternative as long as we continue to be such prudes? Let me explain.

    What happens to people with STD’s, especially the untreatable ones? One might say nothing, that they are free to do as they choose. I would say this is true to some extent, but the one thing they are not free to do (if only in their minds) is to admit that they are diseased. That means exclusion, lack of access to sex, and being labeled as a dirty pervert, even if it was the simple matter of bad bad luck rather than being very very easy. Our problem is that we are an irrational society. In a rational society, we would all accept one another as we are without discrimination, and allow for full disclosure of such things. We would facilitate diseased individuals finding other people with the same disease to get down with (aka serosorting), and institute universal testing to that end. Within a few generations, without rubbers, discrimination or exclusion, we could eliminated all STD’s from our society.

    But we can’t do that, because we can’t even be comfortable with the idea that we are all naked under our clothes, let alone the fact that some of us have sexually transmitted diseases. We can’t accept and forgive and act rationally. So, we continue using condoms, and un-diseased couples are denied their intimacy, diseased couples are denied their dignity, and mixed couples ride on the razors edge of safety, a few micrometers of rubber between them and doom.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    I know, I know, you guys are anti-science guys love to mock research like this but…

    If this research could lead to a better condom and decrease STDs and pregnancies by even a couple percent, it’s money well-spent.

    Heck, even one single delinquent child of chronic welfare parents probably costs society more than this study.


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