poster2 the fly

A couple days ago we mentioned that we hadn’t heard from PETA yet about President Obama’s deadly attack on an innocent housefly who set up residence in the White House. That doesn’t mean they didn’t care. They were just slow on the draw. But don’t take that as a lack of interest. Oh, they’re interested…

Obama’s ninja-like moves, which resulted in the murder of said fly on Tuesday, has resulted in harsh condemnation of the president by the animal rights group. Well, maybe not that harsh. They view Obama’s actions as perhaps more of a teachable moment. “He isn’t the Buddha, he’s a human being, and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act,” writes Alisa Mullins on the PETA blog.AAAAAiIj8gEAAAAAAGh4tQ

To that end, they’re sending him a PETA-branded “Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher.” It allows you to place “the device over the bug and slowly slide its plastic trapdoor shut. The bug will step onto the trapdoor as it closes, and you can carry Katcha Bug outside, where all you need to do is slide the trap door open, allowing the bug to walk away.”

Well, that’s nice. But the use of this instrument would have resulted in a far less dramatic scene. Obama walked away from the interview looking like Chuck Norris. Who knows how high Obama’s approval rating will soar as a result of the tough-on-defense action. Doesn’t make any difference to PETA. They believe the president needs to show compassion regardless of high polling numbers.

“We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals,” PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said. “We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals.”


  1. Patrick says:

    These guys/gals have a screw-worm loose in their heads…

  2. Fat_Anarchy says:

    Seems to me like they’re trying to force more of a story out of this than there is. PETA just said they didn’t agree with it, which is fine. I think the reporter is trying to make it seem like they are all very bent out of shape with it to try and play into the stereotype of PETA acting outraged over trivial things.

  3. PETAisFarWorseThanYouKnow says:

    PETA is so out-of-touch with the average person, but for some reason people keep playing along with their rhetoric. Why can’t we condemn them as the kooks that they are and ignore anything that they do from now on… Their ultimate goal is to end all meat-eating, all hunting, all zoos, all keeping of pets, etc. If you don’t believe that, go look it all up. I’m not going to play their game. And, by the way, most hypocritical of all … PETA kills animals! Check it out:

  4. They keep getting on my case for not letting my bot fly maggots grow and live the bot fly equivalent of the good life. I didn’t even let my two get this far. I suffocated them with duct tape when they were much younger.

    If I were a PETA member, I’d have been obligated to wait for the adult flies to emerge. Yecch!!

    Wait, I hear a knock at my door, be right back …

  5. billabong says:

    I wonder what a well cooked member of PETA tastes like?

  6. kb3myham says:

    Caution….sophomoric humor ahead…….
    Flies spread disease, keep yours zipped…shame on me….

  7. Angus says:

    There are some 10 quintillion insects alive on Earth, or nearly the size of the National Debt by the end of Obama’s second term…

  8. Let me restate this, I am not a PETA supporter*.

    However, the link provided in post #3 by “PETAisFarWorseThanYouKnow” is one of the worst links I’ve ever seen.

    They make it appear that PETA is keeping this issue a secret and would deny it if asked.

    Much as I find PETA far too radical for my taste, I must say that it would be a lot fairer to simply point people at PETA’s own statement regarding euthanasia at their shelters.

    I don’t like PETA either, but let’s be fair. They do euthanize animals. They do state so publicly on their own website. This is not a dirty little secret.

    * Unless it’s this PETA. 😉

  9. ikelleigh says:

    Last time I checked, flies are not animals.

  10. contempt says:

    Trust the media to play up Obama’s only accomplishment even if it’s only the premeditated murder of a fly. Good Grief.

  11. RBG says:

    See, if Obama had used a lizard to do the dirty work and kill the fly, it would have been ok.

    9. ikelleigh. What, they’re plants?


  12. #9 – ikelleigh,

    Last time I checked, flies are not animals.

    Animal, vegetable, or mineral, which are they?

    Seriously, of course they are in the animal kingdom. They are alive. They are not plants. They are not fungi. They are not bacteria. What do you think they are?

  13. [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  14. Benjamin says:

    I refuse to take PETA seriously.

  15. chuck says:

    Flies are not animals. They are insects.
    There are trillions of insects on this planet. They were here first and they’ll be here long after we’re gone.

    One dead fly (give or take a few billion) ain’t gonna make a difference.

  16. Holy crap!! I was looking for a specific Onion article for a different thread and found one for this thread too.

    So, welcome back to ‘welcome back to “We’ve Got an Onion Article For That”’ on the Misanthropic Scott channel …

  17. Buzz says:

    Peta, peta, peta. You are just too much. You’ve lost your faith in science. Please stop acting as if you were the Queen Mother. Your weakness makes you the most treacherous of all. You seek power by sucking the blood of the powerful. You’re not a man, you’re a bitch.

  18. yeathisisandrew says:


  19. ikelleigh says:

    I guess you are correct. I never really thought that insects are considered animals. Very strange actually.

    I retract my statement.

  20. deowll says:

    Flies and roaches spread diseases and flies have a reproductive rate that is staggering even compared to roaches.

    The people in PETA need to grow up.

  21. badtimes says:

    I’m with #14.
    I want more posters!

  22. mrherman says:

    PETA is a fine, effective, non-government supported advocacy group.

    I support what PETA is doing because they’re consistent and they let the chips fall where they may.

    Most of you sound as if you would welcome the opportunity to attend a dog-fight.

  23. John Paradox says:

    Housefly life span is 15 to 25 days… if the ‘victim’ was over 14 days old…..

    Also, did anyone else catch Murder At The White House on Colbert?



  24. AdmFubar says:

    #5 bitter..

    i say we all send our unwanted insects to PETA…… 🙂 it will make my day…

  25. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals,” PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said. “We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals.” ”

    All P*TA supporters should live the example of compassion by giving up all modes of transportation faster than a walk. Think of all the bugs, not to mention birds and deer, that will not die on the windshield or grill of a car. Until they do this, I call them hypocrites and will do my best to ignore them.

  26. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m waiting for the next PETA rally so I can get a couple of In-N-Out’s and enjoy eating that cow right on the front row.

  27. Floyd says:

    I’m a member of People Eating Tasty Animals. ‘Nuff said.

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    #5 billabong

    Probably pretty bland. Not much meat on dem’ bones.

  29. Greg Allen says:

    Most of my vegetarian friends are totally inconsistent.

    For starters, most are _not_ actually vegetarians! They eat fish, typically, and often poultry.

    They don’t want to kill animals for food but will use products that kill animals. And not just leather — machine harvested cotton comes to mind.

  30. matt says:

    hmmm. Methinks that if George Bush had killed that fly many here would be calling for a tribunal.


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