poster2 the fly

A couple days ago we mentioned that we hadn’t heard from PETA yet about President Obama’s deadly attack on an innocent housefly who set up residence in the White House. That doesn’t mean they didn’t care. They were just slow on the draw. But don’t take that as a lack of interest. Oh, they’re interested…

Obama’s ninja-like moves, which resulted in the murder of said fly on Tuesday, has resulted in harsh condemnation of the president by the animal rights group. Well, maybe not that harsh. They view Obama’s actions as perhaps more of a teachable moment. “He isn’t the Buddha, he’s a human being, and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act,” writes Alisa Mullins on the PETA blog.AAAAAiIj8gEAAAAAAGh4tQ

To that end, they’re sending him a PETA-branded “Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher.” It allows you to place “the device over the bug and slowly slide its plastic trapdoor shut. The bug will step onto the trapdoor as it closes, and you can carry Katcha Bug outside, where all you need to do is slide the trap door open, allowing the bug to walk away.”

Well, that’s nice. But the use of this instrument would have resulted in a far less dramatic scene. Obama walked away from the interview looking like Chuck Norris. Who knows how high Obama’s approval rating will soar as a result of the tough-on-defense action. Doesn’t make any difference to PETA. They believe the president needs to show compassion regardless of high polling numbers.

“We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals,” PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said. “We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals.”


  1. BigBoyBC says:

    I wish PETA cared as much for the hundreds of animals they murder every year, as they do that stupid fly.

  2. Greg Allen says:


    Will you guys give up that bogus “double standard” nonsense? Bush and the GOP had scandal after scandal after scandal and most were simply given a pass.

  3. Nimby says:

    It must be tough for a group of extremely left wing liberals to chastise another extremely left wing liberal. “I know, we’ll just say he’s not a Budhha!”

  4. Greg Allen says:


    If you NONESTLY think Obama is an extreme left-wing liberal, then you are really too ignorant to be posting on the internet. If you aren’t being honest, then it is also impossible to rationally discuss anything with you.

  5. #22 – mrherman,

    PETA is a fine, effective, non-government supported advocacy group.

    I support what PETA is doing because they’re consistent and they let the chips fall where they may.

    Most of you sound as if you would welcome the opportunity to attend a dog-fight.

    As a very strong advocate of animal rights, I respectfully disagree. ASPCA and Humane Society are examples of respectable organizations. PETA is not.

    PETA invites this sort of comedy on themselves. It’s almost as if they don’t want to be taken seriously.

    Freeing lab animals that cannot survive in the wild, splashing paint on people’s heirloom furs, sorry, that’s not valid. And, I have to say it, though I understand their position on euthanizing animals, it does come across as quite hypocritical in light of their other extremist views.

  6. #30 – matt,

    hmmm. Methinks that if George Bush had killed that fly many here would be calling for a tribunal.

    Many of us likely already are, fly or no fly.

  7. Obvious1 says:

    As someone who does generally try to catch & release, oh, crickets that get into the house but not flies or cockroaches – those suckers need to go – I have to ask: how far is PETA willing to take this? How long before they protest the CDC for inhumane assaults on innocent bacteria and viruses? How crazy can they get?

  8. Johan says:

    Everyone should watch the Penn & Teller show ‘Bullshit!’ episode on PETA. It’s worth watching at least twice.

  9. 300 LBS PARAKEET says:

    PETA are a whole bunch of aging hippy freaks still living in stupidland and acting rediculous and i heard that PETA has advised persons on making pets out of house mice AND THE MOUSE TIES UP THE PETA IDIOT CALLS IN ALL THE MICE,SPARROWS,PIGEONS,STARLINGS and FLIES to eat everything in the home

  10. Great creasted flyswatter says:


  11. For ordinary people, swatting a fly is nothing. But if its Pres. Obama doing it on national t.v. using his bare hand, with all the germs on the fly, while on an interview – uhmm, I’m speechless.

  12. Respendent Quetzal says:

    Christmas is comming and of course it will bring the PETA wackos out of their domciles to preach we should all go vegan for the holidays proving how stupid these PETA numbskulls are and showing that INGRID NEWKIRK is as nutty asa fruitcake and hollyweird PETA advocates are silly as well

  13. Great Creasted flycatcher says:

    Hey you annoying PETA jerks killing one dumb fly isnt going to decrease their population theres many out there in the summer so why dont you hippy freaks get over it before your brains explode from too much stupid stuff

  14. Johnny says:

    i cant believe people support peta when there are groups out there actually trying to help

    if you support peta, your an idiot, but its not to late, donate to wwf

  15. Seasick Seagull says:

    Only a total idiot would have anything to do with PETA and its idiotic campaign

  16. s1nd3r says:

    I know, let’s give PETA the worst punishment possible…

    The PETA Truce!

    We play along with their mission and send them thousands of euthanized little critters, including insects, arachnids, and hermetically sealed bacterial samples Maybe even small rodents and small birds. Of course, they will be euthanized first so that we do not receive protests. The creepy-crawlies should be euthanized by microwave. The speed of a neural pulse is a lot slower than the speed of light, so the crawly in question feels no pain. The bacteria should be covered with molten wax so that they instantly die or create endospores. As for the vertebrates, try knocking them out with a little meal/drink dosed with strong suppressants and given a quick death, such as decapitation and then preservation. The expected dozen or so packages that will get sent is a drop in the bucket of their euthanasia program.

    P.S. PETA cannot possibly be truly Christian, so they would believe in Evo, wouldn’t they? Guess what: humans are animals in that case. Animals eat animals lower on the food chain/weaker on the food web. Predation is natural, and humans are best evolved for omnivorous eating. If you want to stop harm to animals by euthanasia and protest, then I suggest you try negotiating with a school of hungry piranhas in shallow water…


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