There have been a number of commenters who have impersonated other commenters on Dvorak Uncensored. You will be warned once and the next time you will be banned. If someone impersonates you, just leave a comment. It’s not necessary to leave multiple comments.

  1. Zybch says:

    MUST have been the impersonator.

  2. Mr. Fusion, says:

    This is the one and only Mr. Fusion. The best looking guy east OR west of the Prime Meridian and south of the North Pole.

    I do not impersonate others. I would much prefer to debate something on the merits than by sabotage.

    #32, Alphie,

    I assume you were the one that was impersonated. Reading this comment is a good explanation of why you became a target.

  3. deowll says:

    Um, I consider deowll to be my on line name. I’ve used it for over a decade now.

    The moderator should also know exactly what my IP address is and thus should be able to tell if the post is from a home machine. I don’t remember posting here from any other location. They all should have the same IP after going through the router.

    I’m not sure if he could tell if I’m on a Vista, XP, or Linux machine but I do use all three.

  4. qb says:

    Seriously, the whining is sad. The editors here do a great job and demanding they fix things is kind of whimpy. Suck it up dudes and take a little responsibility for yourselves.

    I’ve been told by various people (with only the deepest Christian love) to stick various things up various orifices. Get over yourselves. It you can’t take it, don’t dish it out. Also (let’s be honest about this) people can tell when you drunk post.

    Finally, you can’t ban Alfred1 or anyone else unless they completely blow off the rules. It’s quite possible he doesn’t have opposable thumbs but he can spout as much incoherent bs as anyone else. It’s the truly liberal thing to do. 😉

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #36 – deowll

    Here’s what site owners can find out:

    1. Browser info.
    2. Your location.

    Both can be faked if you want/need to.

  6. sac says:

    #38, sac,

    Was that you impersonating me? It might have been me impersonating you. Maybe we have two heads. Maybe, just maybe, I like Tinky Winky more.

  7. soundwash says:

    leave the comment rules alone..

    if anyone realizes they’ve been duped, report it to the moderators, announce it in the offending thread and go about your business.

    it’s nothing to check the IP logs to verify it.. -if the duped posts are are significant in their content, perhaps, announce the locale were the dupes are coming from so the community can do some profiling. it will be quite easy to see a trend emerge..

    Failing that, you’ll have to remove “Uncensored” from the blog title should you go overboard on “the anonymous nature of the web”

    -and that, would truly be a travesty.


  8. Patrick H says:

    Ed’s response to me in post #16

    “How hard is it to come up with a unique name?”

    Not hard, but then since people seem to use post numbers for replies here, I’ve just used my first name assuming it wasn’t that big of a deal.

    “Unfortunately John C. Dvorak allows all you guys to comment without having to register. If you had to register to comment, like on Cage Match, this wouldn’t happen… ever. – ed.”

    My point exactly.

  9. faxon says:

    Hey! Nobody impersonated ME! Is there something wrong with me??

  10. derspankster says:

    I thought I had a fairly unique name but who knows these days. I’m not nearly as clever as I was 30 years ago. I don’t believe I was impersonated but if I was I’m sorry for the pain you caused yourself.

  11. Poppa Boner says:

    How could anyone even attempt to impersonate Alfred1? You’d have to be a total douchebag? While there are a few here that have come close, this human shit stain is in a class by himself.

  12. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    If you came in here and just acted like an asshole, would that be impersonating Alfred? I don’t want to get banned from here, my prayer group enjoys hearing about some of these stupid fuckers.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #46 – Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection – If you came in here and just acted like an asshole, would that be impersonating Alfred?


  14. deowll says:

    #39. Thanks. This is about what I thought. The data of course can be faked or just completely obfuscated. They got my location to the nearest hundred miles which I assume is a network hub somewhere and the IP is right because I’ve never bothered to try and hide who I am.

    I may need to spend some time checking out my browser. It seems the default in Firefox is to accept third party cookies. Not a good move with me. I can only assume Firefox makes money off that setting.

  15. qb says:

    #48 Jägermeister can count to 21 by taking his pants and shoes. Could you make it to 20? 20.5?

    (Like shooting fish in a barrel)

  16. Uncle Patso says:

    Hmm, doughnuts get mentioned again…

    I wasn’t aware this was a problem, hadn’t even seen the “spam complaining about it” —

    — but —

    that post allegedly from Alfred1 was the most surrealistic thing I’ve seen outside a Dali or Picasso or Bosch painting since the 70s! I thought I was having an acid flashback! (Never having had one before, I wasn’t sure…) I can’t find it now, instead where I thought it was is something else (a “You’re banned” notice). I’d have to say there was NO danger that anyone thought it was really from him, which actually mitigates it in a way.

    Was that from published poetry? Anyone recognize it?

  17. Nimby says:

    Hey Ed. No more problems. I can confirm the poster who posed as Alfie1 will no longer be writing. He inserted his head into the microwave one time too many. RIP.

  18. sac says:

    #56, Alphie

    It looks like Alphie is winning here. In fact you are way ahead.

  19. i'm not the impersononating the impersonator says:

    Poor Alfed1 is taking a beating in here too…
    I like the idea of being able to change your handle to someting unique to fit the subject or a string of a few words…lets not gitmo nation over this and start to have to register.. kinda defeats the purpose of the free blogging experience.. Someone will always ruin things for everyone… lets punish the culprit not the entire team…and yes it seems we are a growing family..and we follow each other around the differnt subject matters…
    But Poor Alfie got it in here too… I did not expect to see that… 🙁
    Goood to debate with ya boys… riding on the short bus…or am I hunting with Dick Cheney today… 🙂 smile for the camera!!

  20. RTaylor says:

    So is it going to be the young or the old and fat Elvis?

  21. qb says:

    Uncle Patso, it was beat poetry.

    RTaylor, Fat Elvis is alive. He’s living in a menage a trois in Saskatoon with Joni Mitchell and Neil Patrick Harris. I saw him outside of a 7-11 there one day.

    Alfred1 said “Gotta go…”. Library is closing.

  22. Buzz says:

    No comment.

  23. Buzz says:

    What part of “At the end of the day, a sea change is coming out of left field,” don’t you understand?

  24. Buzz says:

    Who dat?

  25. Buzz says:

    Who dat say, “Who dat?”

  26. Jägermeister says:

    Alfredone – Touched a nerve, eh?! LOL

  27. sac says:

    Some days you can talk and everything is fine.

    I guess much of it depends on where you hang out

  28. Floyd says:

    Here’s the problem, and a solution:

    There are a lot of people here who (for instance) use the username Patrick. That’s my real name, so I use Floyd as my nom de plume, and no one else has used that name. Some of the other Patricks don’t know about the others, and use their real names. Confusion abounds.

    Change the rules: make the username field unique, so that if another Patrick tries to sign up, make sure he modifies his name to some other unused, unique name, say patrick97. Keep previously used names locked so no one can play sock puppet. End of problem.

    [We could do that if everyone was a registered user, but very few are. – ed.]

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #68, Floyd,

    While a fine moniker, we can only hope you don’t start becoming pink, That would rise to impersonation.

    The problem with your suggestion is that it would require registration. Not many visitors want to have to register to post.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #67, Alphie,

    Another example of why you are ridiculed. You refuse to see how you injure your own cause.

    Whatever happened to “turn and offer the other cheek”? I guess your Kindergarten class hasn’t reached that lesson yet.

    If you boast about being impersonated, then don’t complain. If you are going to complain about being impersonated, then don’t boast. Doing both makes you a hypocrite.


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