There have been a number of commenters who have impersonated other commenters on Dvorak Uncensored. You will be warned once and the next time you will be banned. If someone impersonates you, just leave a comment. It’s not necessary to leave multiple comments.

  1. Welcome back to “We’ve Got an Onion Article For That” on the Misanthropic Scott channel …

  2. tcc3 says:

    I see the waaaambulance had the desired effect.

    People shouldn’t be impersonating, but holy crap, the spam complaining about it was way out of proportion.

  3. hhopper says:

    Yes… yes it was.

  4. Patrick says:

    So, who has been doing the impersonating?

  5. Todd Peterson says:

    Attention – you are now under Martial Law

    Step outside your door and bring our ID cards

    This is an announcement from the Generalizimo of

  6. Mac Guy says:

    Thankfully, I wasn’t impersonated.

    I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone!

  7. hhopper says:

    When their fake posts were deleted, their names replaced the fake name.

  8. Saz What says:

    Welcome to… Now with 50% more Gitmo-Nation.

  9. John do says:

    Sounds like this blog is on it’s way to installing surveillance systems in the corners of each page to “keep us safe”.

  10. J says:

    I have been impersonated many times. That is why I just stopped posting. Not to mention I engaged in an argument with someone (mr mustard) a while back about something they never said. Hell I am not even sure the argument was with them except for the last few exchanges where I found out they never said it.

    [If you don’t let us know we can’t do anything about it. – ed.]

  11. brm says:

    this is a comment from the real brm.

  12. Chris Heath says:

    another reason why facebook connect, google friend connect, disqus, openid, oauth, etc are good systems for commenting – it ties you to at least one other account that can be held accountable for what you say/post

    has Dvorak Uncensored thought about integrating these types of comment systems? if so, why not?

  13. deowll says:

    I believe another said, “Every man has the right to say what he thinks and every other man has the right to knock him down for saying it.”

    I only wish to be responsible for the things I actually said.

    I don’t know who was spoofed and by whom. I do know that if they are good enough they can frame someone else or leave a trail that ends in a blank wall.

  14. jopa says:

    It’s me Jopa!

    No it’s not!

    (catch me if you can)

  15. Patrick H (don't want to get banned) :-/ says:

    There are those like myself who just use their first name. Why not just let people register their names, first come first serve and be done with it. The functionality is built right into WordPress. Based on accusations you’re going to warn and ban people, that sounds ripe for abuse, well that is unless you want to go through posts looking for who used the name first.

    If this how you’ve decided to do it then I just going stop using the site or at least the comments.

    [How hard is it to come up with a unique name? Unfortunately John C. Dvorak allows all you guys to comment without having to register. If you had to register to comment, like on Cage Match, this wouldn’t happen… ever. – ed.]

  16. LDA says:

    I stick to the rules and think it is great that I do not have to
    ‘show my papers’ when I post.

    I hope the rules / criteria will not change.

  17. larry_bud says:

    I say we use the same people who verified the Iranian voting results, they seem to be very quick and accurate.

  18. Patrick H says:

    # 17 I do too but apparently impersonation, malicious or not, has become a problem.

  19. The DON says:

    I have always wondered if anyone would confuse me (The DON) with ‘Brother Don’ (or is it uncle Don)?, which is why I always sign my monika with ‘The’.

    Imitation is said to be the highest form of flattery, I just wish all imitations would be sensible as well 😉

  20. mr. show says:

    What is this? GitmoNation? 🙂

  21. megamic says:

    Why do impersonators deserve even one warning?

  22. Patrick H says:

    #23 I would say malicious ones don’t, but there is a chance for honest collisions.

  23. johncdvorak says:

    fuck all y’all.

  24. AdmFubar says:

    I am the reall AdmFubar..

    the imposter is below!

  25. AdmFubar says:

    No I am the real AdmFubar the impostor is above.

  26. Albert Einstein says:
  27. Jägermeister says:

    Excellent. Ban Alfredone.

  28. bobbo, the questioner says:

    As in all things, there are pro’s and con’s to every policy decision.

    If you do decide NOT to implement FIXED ON LINE NAMES then when you start banning people, please start with one week and not a life time ban.

    Also, I rather enjoy the few good folks here who post under continuously changing names to fit the topic being addressed. I don’t know who you guys are, but your comments are usually the best.

    I’ve considered doing a modified name approach as in “bobbo, the burning atheist” when addressing religion or “bobbo, the iconoclast” when discussing cultural favorites or “bobbo the irrelevant” when actually posting what I think. Would such name play be banned as well or how do I get dibs on “bobbo, “*”” ?

    Ahhhhh, the joys of making oneself responsible for anyone else.

    Pro’s and con’s.

  29. bobbo, the sophist says:

    One reason not to care about names/handles/nicks is to dissuade dull witted persons from the fallacy of arguing by authority–whether pro or con.

    It should not matter who is posting an idea. I have witnessed Alfie actually make an intelligent post so when he quotes the bibble, I should not automatically assume this is just another idiotic post from Alfie. I should actually read it before reaching that conclusion.

    Same with everyone else here. We all hit and miss and our statements/ideas/arguments should stand or fall on their own. Contra–always nice to get my bias on full alert when Nimby is commenting on anything medical or Pedro is defending the oppressed etc.

  30. sac says:

    #31, Bobbo, the sophist,

    I have witnessed Alfie actually make an intelligent post

    I think that could have been the impersonator.


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