There have been a number of commenters who have impersonated other commenters on Dvorak Uncensored. You will be warned once and the next time you will be banned. If someone impersonates you, just leave a comment. It’s not necessary to leave multiple comments.

  1. Floyd says:

    #69–While I can see your reference point (which one’s Pink?), “Floyd” actually refers to Floyd Collins, a Kentucky cave explorer whose botched rescue attempt when he was stuck in a cave in the 1920s is considered the first media event. He died of course before they could get him out.

  2. Anyone else think this thread (meta-thread?) is the most ridiculous thread ever to hit this number of posts?

    For anyone who has attempted to impersonate another, just remember this.

    If you can’t make your point by playing only your own side of the argument on its own merits A) you lose and B) you’re a troll.

    Recommendation to the editors:

    Whenever someone impersonates someone else, do not merely change to the correct name, also make a nice bold statement that said idiot has clearly lost the argument and utterly failed to make their point.

    Oh, and then ban them. I agree that they need no second warning. I’m not talking about a case where two people may both be blogging under the same name. But, some of us have pretty unique names. If someone else uses them, they are quite clearly deliberately impersonating someone. Banning immediately is a good idea, IMNSHO.

  3. Poppa Boner says:

    #71 – Alfie, I certainly support you having imaginary friends. What type of medication are you on?

  4. lividd says:

    leave alfred alone!!!!!!!!!!!!
    no really, maybe he’ll go away

  5. #76 – lividd,

    Are you planning to make a “Leave Alfred Alone” video?

  6. Patrick says:

    #74 – Well said.

  7. J says:

    [If you don’t let us know we can’t do anything about it. – ed.]

    I did and one of you guys let me know that you were aware of the fact it was taking place. No ill will on my end. I still read here I just don’t engage anymore because it is pointless for more reasons than people impersonating others. You guys still post some pretty funny stories and some interesting ones as well.


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