• Google trying to filter porn for the Chinese.
  • Poor woman nailed by RIAA for $2 million.
  • Bozeman wants workers to fork over their Facebook passwords.
  • No Xbox360 anytime soon.
  • Natal controller seems to be dead in the water.
  • Win7 wallpaper on Netbooks may not be changeable. Why?
  • Zune using new nVidia chip.
  • New Sony laptops to have Blu-ray inside.
  • Canada giving up on warrants when it comes to the Internet.
  • This show brought to you by Squarespace.com code word TECH.

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  1. neven11 says:

    Good Tech5.

    Though I guess someone should point out that MSFT’s new ZUNE HD is called HD since it has an HD radio. The 720 HD video playback can playback on the Zune, but the HD video power of the new Zune apparently is seen through the “optional” dock.

    This dock will charge the battery and is intended to be connected to your HDTV. Thus allowing you to tether your Zune to your HDTV for 720p playback. I believe the intended dock is to come with a remote. So essentially it’s a portable AppleTV that you can take on-the-go. And if a friend or collegue has a dock, you would be able to plug in your Zune to their HDTV.

    Presumably, they will allow for Zune syncing with XBOX360 consoles so that it may become a dock of sorts. Making it a great choice for portable video for XBOX360 fans. Since you can’t view videos on the 360 from your iPhone/iPod. You can only listen to music.


    FTA: “The software maker also said that at next week’s E3 trade show in Los Angeles it will announce details on a new Zune-branded video service for the Xbox that will replace the current Xbox Live marketplace for TV and movies. The company didn’t announce details or specifically say that content will be playable on both Zunes and the Xbox.”


    Btw.. You should talk more about the china porn thing on the next NA since skype crapped out in the last episode.

  2. Zybch says:

    ‘Poor woman’???
    You have to be fucking kidding!
    She lied several times about the pirate activity; hacked wifi (she didn’t have wifi), her kids, her ex husband etc etc.
    While the $2m is stupid she DESERVED to be found guilty. Stupid bitch.

  3. Zybch says:

    Oh, and the netbook wallpaper not able to be changed is so companies selling them at a subsidized rate (like cellphones) can have their logo there just like you can’t easily get rid of carrier logos from phones or that stupid annoying apple logo and sound whenever you turn on your apple POS toy computer.

  4. deowll says:

    The town of Bozemen has crawfished due to way to much heat on the topic.

    Somebody is bound to make a plug in to take care of the wallpaper.

    If not you can always switch to ubuntu or just open your ap and ignore it.

    I just looked to see what my wall paper was. I don’t spend a lot of time look at the old stone bridge.

  5. hhopper says:

    I bought a Sony Vaio about three months ago and it came with a Blu-Ray burner.


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