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[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
lol, whoever he is pretending to be dresses as probably wouldn’t have been jumping around trumpeting e-verify.
It looks like John McCain is a little angry. I like how these people have found religion after the last 8 years. I wonder how Ronald Reagan would have felt if you told him that we were building a wall(not tearing one down)? They don’t like a black man in charge even if he is a CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR! Sounds a little like John Wilkes Booth… Oh… but he was an actor
And the reason why there are no term limits is precisely because in a system of self-government, the people should be free to choose whomever they want to be their representatives, for as long as they so desire. An interesting note is this very topic was debated when the method for choose the President was still bouncing between being an appointee of the Congress, or chosen by the states.
thomas paine for president,and never vote for a incumbent they win 90% of the time and do everything to enhance their prosperity and subvert american VALUES.
Yes, that’s true. Al Gore would have been the V.P..
Where was this cocksucker during the Bush regime?
I think that he is dressed that way because he is the judge that Dick Cheney wanted instead of Sotomayor.Either that or he just likes wearing dresses with frumpy collars. No wonder he’s so angry.
The basic points of the video are perfectly sound: We’re living beyond our means and need to get the government to stop borrowing so much money.
Unfortunately, fiscal conservatism has been so closely tied to (and undermined by) the social/religious conservative nutjobs that I don’t think it has a chance at regaining popularity until the baby boomer generation dies off.
Alfred1 do you have a key on your keyboard labeled “STATIST” – because you see to use every 3 or 4 words like it’s a comma or form of punctuation.
Can you help me out – what exactly STATIST do you mean STATIST when you put the word STATIst in every STATIST sentence?
We’d do well to take this advice to heart.
Yes, Afred1. Please provide STATISTics on STATUS of the STATE of your STATIST STATEments.
See, I can indulge in sophistry too!
# 10 I’ve noticed the same thing. I can only assume he probably heard it from a conservative talk show and now insists on parroting it. Of course maybe he’s attempting to make it the new fascism, and use it so often that it losses all meaning.
Oh yah, I am real up for some tea-bagging.
Thomas baby, you need to get in line…
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines.
You have been warned before and are now banned from this site. – ed.]
TEA – Taxed Enough Already events need to have Democrats attending as well. If not then the meetings will be shown as examples of fringe meetings and will not be taken seriously.
He makes allot of sense… The MTV generation and Hollywood have allot to be held accountable for. Ans I have also said that if the people who made the laws were effectred by the laws they make they would meke different laws… thier is too much special interest in washington and no one is paying attention to what the normal struggeling people of america are having to put up with every day. I truely beieve that the only people left supporting the respublicans are people who are not objective… they are retirees of the military or sme other govt agency that have never had to worry abut loosing their jobs and always have been able to suck on the govt tit.. America has gone to hell and dont think she’ll be back… she cant or wont take care of her people and evenn provide basic mediacal care… its al a huge shame…and it can all go back to the days of Nixon and before.. big business and self importance by our elected leaders. Show me a politician and I’ll show you a crook. and lstsly we Need to let 1 man 1 vote be the only way forward.. the Electoral Colege needs to be removed and an ammendment to the constitution crated to desolve this antiquaited way of voting. Please Help save America… I wish everyone had the chance to lve outside the country for 1 year…(not in the military) and see and feel how others countrys live and look at America from the outside… then they would begin to understand..
The problem is the greatest generation, forged in the pain of the great depression and tempered in the blood shed of WW II, raised their kids and grand kids to be soft, self indulgent wastrels who think they and the entire world is entitled to a free lunch and now we the people are to immature to understand that isn’t what we are going to get if we turn everything over to a bunch of con artists who lack as much sound judgment as can be found in the average opossum.
Freedom, liberty, and prosperity are for those who hustle wisely. I don’t think this nation any longer fits that description.
One of this guys problems is that he tries to cram too many of his views into the one message. While some of them have obvious merit, some of them are more contensious and a little jingoistic. Wrap that all up in package of slightly crazy and he probably puts off some of the people that would agree with a least a couple of his points.
This guy makes too much sense. That’s why none of what he advocates will ever see the light of day. This country is going to hell in a handbasket.
My advice, buy ammunition, stockpile supplies, and get your ass ready for riots. If you don’t own firearms, then kiss your sorry liberal ass goodbye.
blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Thanks for wasting my time with a few minutes of bullshit. I especially love the argument of balancing the budget and also paying for social security. Which requires TAXES, which these sort of people hate since they are anti-federalists.
Just go sit in your little cells with your little firearms and boxes of crappy survivalist snacks and let the rest of us who care about our country run it.
The best way to avoid getting cushed under the collapse of the United States is by emmigrating to some place civilized.
Grant any group of people authority and you’ll witness corruption and repression. The problem is with the animal. There is a bit of anarchist in me.
For those of you who apparently don’t know who Thomas Payne was ->
Looks Like #23 has the real answer…
Move to Europe… Atleast you’ll have Health Insurance… that wont refuse to pay when you need it most… because no one pays!!!
6 Weeks of vacation per year
and the list grows…
and you have a quality of life… not just be a number and a cog for the Industrialists…
France is the Number 1 Country in the world for Health Care… The even make house calls in the middle of the night… America ranks… WAY…down the list…its embarrassing really..
So what do you get for your taxes now.. Oh the latest Military Hardware and Missles and Bombs and surveilence equipment (used against you) …you get to pay for Cheneys retirement…
Move to Europe…
The you can watch the Americans self desteruct from across the Atlantic and Laugh at Fox
Thank you #23 for our insite
Cheers Boys…(and Girls)
Valid points. Nothing will happen as the gov has perfected the art of bribing citizens with their own money.
A country like Norway has a good social welfare net. North Sea oil subsidizes a lot of it, but the country was populated, mostly by Norwegians. They didn’t have the cultural diversity the US has, and it is a smaller nation with limited spending on Defense. You can’t graft European models to the US very easily. The Europeans has been paying up to 50% of income in taxes for a generation now. By the way not all are happy with their systems either. Like most European Nations they import cheap labor.
It would help if we resigned from being a super power and stop minding the worlds business.
I knew the 50% tax issue would be brought up by someone… In Norway this is true… But in most of Europe it is a little less. But if you were to add up the Income tax and all the other taxes you pay now…its not so much less.. Anyway if we did spend most of the real tax dollars on America… the Roads would be perfect, the schools would be great the elderly would not worry and the list is long..but we prefer (congress does) to give away billions to foriegn powers to throw aroound their influence and waste billions on defense… some examples are appauling… like spending 3000$ per month renting villas for junior officers, when the villa has 4 bedrooms etc… imagine the waste.. I see this sort of thinf in real life… every day.. or the US Govt spending your Tax Dollars to Fix houses on a compound that are not owned ny the Govt, they stay for a few monthes and the owners rep the benefits…Etc Etc Etc… Lets give up the supwer pwer status ansd concentrate on the People in our country not other countries, if we lived our lives like this then 9/11 would of never hapened… so who is really to balame?…:-)
# 29 ridin the short bus said, “I knew the 50% tax issue would be brought up by someone… In Norway this is true… But in most of Europe it is a little less. But if you were to add up the Income tax and all the other taxes you pay now…its not so much less..”
In most cases VAT is an optional purchase. Besides dont worry the idea is being tossed around it will be the next TAX u get to Pay!! And in Most Western European Countries the inimum wage is more than the US Minimum wage… an example UK = 7.25Pounds per Hour…and a few monthes ago with the exchange rate at 2 to 1 that almost 15$ an hour… so everything is relative.
n this day and Age we need to get rid of the Electoral College and Limit the Congress terms..because absolute power corrupts absolutely…its true… Frpm Olympia Snowe to Byrd..they all stayed too long… and after living in washington for so many years they forget what its like to live in their constituancy… 🙂