Video features an interview with Yuri Alexandrovic Bezmenov, a KGB defector, who talks about techniques to weaken countries to come under the control of communism.
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#32- to chime in-
We’re told about the horrors of having some faceless bureaucrat determine what treatment we get.
This, of course, ignores the fact that we already have faceless bureaucrats controlling what treatment we get.
Or, government waste and incompetence- anyone who has worked for a large corporation in middle management or higher can recount numerous stories of waste and incompetence.
From what I’ve read, the majority of people with experience in our health care system and in national care systems prefer the latter, as you do.
Can you share which country you were in?
#33 badetimes
“Can you share which country you were in?”
KGB “defector” spreading FUD. NEXT!
So the KGB really won the cold war? Could be. The people running our universities would seem to be evidence of that as is Congress and the government of California.
#30..You are quite the simple mind. Ending your bizarre diatribe with “whatever” shows you’re too immature to comprehend the issues.
Still, reading disjointed, bizarre conclusions to you drew was quite the treat.
Here is your response to the four issues facing America I brought forward. (directed at me of course)..
” I bet that he doesn’t think we should fight for anything…”
“.. This is another fellow traveler who can’t think or access information..”
“..he’s typical of the brainwashed American..”
“..he says God is the enemy..”
“..It’s our Military that’s the enemy..”
“..Fighting for Oil is immoral..”
“ care for our population although costs will sore like in Britain, Canada and every other country.
“.. wait until you’re paying 70% in taxes and you still can’t get operation.”
“..The people lobbying the government is a right or the 1st Admin Right..”
“”.. like him are what was behind the rise of Stalin/Mao/Hitler…”
“..‘Dallas’ is for murdering babies in womb ..”
You are quite the illogical buffoon, bud.
Yes, regulatory capture is a pretty significant problem.
See Dallas, sometimes even I’ll agree with you.
Thanks Rakiah.
One final thought- when insurance companies don’t want a public option because government (wasteful, corrupt, incompetent government, mind you) would be too competitive- why wouldn’t we want more of that competition? One of the basic tenets of capitalism- the reason we have anti-trust laws- is that competition is beneficial. Since the insurance companies have been in the business so long, they should be able to flatten any competition. They have the experience and know how to cut costs to the consumer (us), right?
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines.
You have been warned before and are now banned from this site. – ed.]
Explains California, New York and the rest of “blue” America pretty well.
I bet this apparatchik spent lots of time once he went West trying to pick up girls with his “I used to be with KGB” line. I’ll bet he’s one “wild and crazy guy!”
There is no more capitalism in the US. Hasn’t been there since the corporations took their first dollar of welfare and accepted the first Act of Congress to subsidise their business.
It is dead.
Capitalism doesn’t work. Just as Communism and Democracy doesn’t work. They are pipe dreams. Utopian ideals. Works of fantasy.
People are too lazy and selfish to produce the work by your own hands for capitalism. So they ask for help. They seek to hedge their investments by plying government officials to protect them. Subsidies, protection tariffs, etc. They can’t compete so they look for protection.
People are too lazy and greedy for communism. No one wants to work an equal day as the next guy. They want to take it easy. And sharing? Sure we’ll share on OUR terms!
People are too lazy for democracy. What I have to go to the voting booth cos some schmuck in Terra Haute needs a traffic light? Fuck that! Get some other guy to do it for me. I’m watching the game, drinking and beer and mentally screwing the 17 year old girl across the street!
There is NOTHING wrong with share burdens.
There is NOTHING wrong with taking it easy at times.
There is NOTHING wrong with protecting your investments.
There is NOTHING wrong with electing officials to manage that which we have little time to do.
That is called a Free Republic.
It is the BEST and WORST form of government on the planet. Run right its awesome! Run wrong and it all goes to shit.
OUR republic is not shit. It is broken, rusted and moth-eaten. It is filled with archaic ideals from a time 200-300 years ago. Based on systems that no longer apply. But we doggedly keep championing them because its the American Tradition.
More like tradition for tradition’s sake.
That which cannot change and grow will die.
We have not changed. Despite the plutocrat Obama’s chant. There was no change. Just business as usual.
Outstanding commentary.
in just 5 minutes you can easily determine who the brainwashed lemmings are that need to be neutered.
if they laugh and call the vid the product of a whack job or propaganda bullshit of the right or left, no more reproductive rights for them. -plus, they should be made to read an watch Orwell’s 1984.
they should air this clip every day before and after the news.
My Bandwidth is so poor that I cant watch the Vid..this is horrible… Arghhh But he Posts are worth reading..!!