Video features an interview with Yuri Alexandrovic Bezmenov, a KGB defector, who talks about techniques to weaken countries to come under the control of communism.
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New lies for old… It’s way out of print (surprisingly) and if you can score a copy its a GREAT read. But it’s dry, like other great Russian books…
But it’s a good thing it’s not happening here! America destroyed by design? NOPE, just collapse of the complicit.
notice how he is absolutely right that when confronted with facts no1 cares
I always wondered why Bush and Chaney worked so hard to distort intelligence to get into Iraq. “Exposure to true information doesn’t mater anymore… he will refuse to believe it.”
We Americans don’t need any help making stupid decisions from other countries. Our courts have that job.
What this means is about 90% of the people who contribute their opinions to this site won’t believe this revelation until a military boot crashes into their fat bottoms.
Cause after all, just cause your not paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. 🙂 !
Don’t forget jazz music. Those guys wear berets, and you know what’s next after that? You got it, yoga.
I am Manchurian Candidate….promote civil rights, equality, justice = destroy American Freedom!
Make country open to Marxist-Leninist evil!
Long Live Reagan!
America’s biggest enemy is not the KGB nor external threats. It is threats from the inside.
* The Christian Taliban. : Group of extremist Christians attempting to infiltrate government. Objective is to make this country into a Christian theocracy. This is the EXACT same thing that has happened in many countries.
* Military complex : Follow the money. Eisenhower warned of the threat of the industrial military complex. Google it. It makes sense. It’s real
* Corruption in Government: It’s all about money paying for government leaders. It’s call lobby groups.
* Healthcare as a Privilege : $500B is wasted by the healthcare insurance industry. A HUGE middle man that works to maximize dollars in and minimize healthcare services out. The difference is $500B in profits. Those same profits are paying for lobbyists.
Good to see that worked out well for the USSR.
Fear the evil liberal communists! Their yoga gurus, poets and aroma therapists want your soul!
If the Soviet Union and KGB were so good at brainwashing, why have they been so effective in America (as claimed), yet ultimately unsuccessful in the Soviet Union where they had a hundredfold “home field” advantage?
The interviewer here, G. Edward Griffin, wrote and narrated the 1992 documentary The Discovery of Noah’s Ark. He may have, at best, a tenuous grasp on reality himself.
#12 Hugh, I forgot about the aroma therapists. Now that’s mind control.
I love these old KGB guys. They actually believe that they corrupted the bourgeoisie Democracy with it’s rock and roll. And then they flip for the first dollar thrown their way and become pro-Democracy. The Simpsons has more influence on American thinking than these guys ever did.
A bunch of these guys ended up in Canada. Big into booze, hookers, and organized crime. And an overinflated sense of their own importance.
#13 Gary
He said Americans are doing it to Americans. You only have to look at the government education system to see this claim is true.
And the policeman says to the baby sitter: “The phone call is coming from inside your own house!”
Very interesting, especially from a European perspective… well, besides Hanoi-Jane of course – but she was white washed when she married to the CNN guy and had a few excersise videos out – so many ‘intellectuals’ were caught with their morals dived deep into Mao Tse Dung’ fantastic new world, Pol Pot’s new Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh’s liberated minds, Enver Hoxa’s beacon of equality in Albania… and even with the lunatic in North Korea Kin Il Sung the father of the Great Manic Depressive…on and on, the same corruption of moral principles so blatantly evident and well pin pointed by Bezmenov here.
That the USSR disappeared does not matter. It exist though in a different form in Putinland. The point is that the great beacon of freedom is disappearing, rotting from within. Freedom, individual rights, economy, world policing etc. And there are others ready to take the lead, as it was when the Roman Empire kneeled…
I really hope you can do something before it is too late. The world deserved more than this.
#16 qb
Wow that was good! Can you also walk and chew gum at the same time?
Go back to your Michigan Militia apocalypse survival camp already!
#19 Rakiah
Bite Me.
#18 contempt
Awesome comeback dude! 😀
What’s most interesting to me is the statement that “Exposure to true information doesn’t mater anymore… will refuse to believe it.”
A quick glance at people’s comments on this very blog shows that people view things from the tinted lenses of their own preconceptions. And that applies pretty much equally to right-wing or left-wing people.
#20 contempt
Sorry, I can’t… I am a vegetarian = Stalinist.
Interesting. Funny how libs watch this and accuse conservatives of doing this and conservatives watch this and accuse libs. A lot of selective hearing going on here.
#21 qb
Yeah, I know, but if you can’t have a little fun what’s the point.
How about:
Yuri Alexandrovic Bezmenov was a whackjob in a bad ’80s suit, being interviewed by another whackjob in a bad ’80s suit.
And leave it at that.
#24 Robart
You’re the smartest person on this thread.
Ironic about ‘they won’t believe the Truth TM’.
I was just over at another blog, where one poster/troll was denying:
The Moon Landings
The Holocaust
and ranting about ‘Zionists’.
# 10 Dallas said, Hee HEE,
Another brainwashed ass Demoncrat. I bet that he doesn’t think we should fight for anything. This is another fellow traveler who can’t think or access information, he’s typical of the brainwashed American.
It’s God that’s the enemy and morality is a Taliban – obliviously he doesn’t understand what they are.
It’s our Military that’s the enemy, just because they are dying for us in Iraq, whether you agree with the war or not is unimportant.
Fighting for Oil is immoral, although he drives a car, and uses EVIL OIL products everyday.
We wast money on health care, well under Government Rationed Health care we won’t waste money on health care for our population although costs will sore like in Britain, Canada and every other country. If you think you pay high taxes now, wait until you’re paying 70% in taxes and you still can’t get operation and have to wait weeks still for an appointment with a nurse before you can see a doctor. And just in case you think Emergency care will be available you need to review the penalties for misuse of their system for normal care. If you’re overweight, Asian normal weights not America, prepare to be punished for eating meat, any sweats or anything the NAZI/Communist disapprove of, unless of course you’re a special Government Elite.
The people lobbying the government is now a evil act, under this doffus’s idea of a government we would do as we’re told and never be allowed to petition the government. So much for that right or the 1st Admin Right or probably any other right which will be viewed collectively instead of individually.
I think Yuri Alexandrovic Bezmenov advanced to reasons each of us should be a Nationalist and not a Globalist, but if you’re brainwashed then this probably won’t make any sense to you and you will think he’s either lying or exaggerating. But maron doffuses like him are what was behind the rise of Stalin/Mao/Hitler. Willing to trade a few freedoms for free stuff and what they thought would be security.
# 10 Dallas said, Hee HEE,
Another brainwashed ass Demoncrat. I bet that he doesn’t think we should fight for anything. This is another fellow traveler who can’t think or access information, he’s typical of the brainwashed American.
It’s God that’s the enemy and morality is a Taliban – obliviously he doesn’t understand what they are.
It’s our Military that’s the enemy, just because they are dying for us in Iraq, whether you agree with the war or not is unimportant.
Fighting for Oil is immoral, although he drives a car, and uses EVIL OIL products everyday.
We wast money on health care, well under Government Rationed Health care we won’t waste money on health care for our population although costs will sore like in Britain, Canada and every other country. If you think you pay high taxes now, wait until you’re paying 70% in taxes and you still can’t get operation and have to wait weeks still for an appointment with a nurse before you can see a doctor. And just in case you think Emergency care will be available you need to review the penalties for misuse of their system for normal care. If you’re overweight, Asian normal weights not America, prepare to be punished for eating meat, any sweats or anything the NAZI/Communist disapprove of, unless of course you’re a special Government Elite.
The people lobbying the government is now a evil act, under this doffus’s idea of a government we would do as we’re told and never be allowed to petition the government. So much for that right or the 1st Admin Right or probably any other right which will be viewed collectively instead of individually.
I think Yuri Alexandrovic Bezmenov advanced to reasons each of us should be a Nationalist and not a Globalist, but if you’re brainwashed then this probably won’t make any sense to you and you will think he’s either lying or exaggerating. But maron doffuses like him are what was behind the rise of Stalin/Mao/Hitler. Willing to trade a few freedoms for free stuff and what they thought would be security.
I bet ‘Dallas’ is for murdering babies in womb 🙁
Traxx, did you just seriously defend the corruption of our government through big buisiness using professional lobbyists to throw money at our politicians?
When our government answers to those with the biggest paycheck and not the voters we have a problem. If you don’t find that disturbing, its clear who you serve, and its not the interests of freedom or America.