Former Roman Catholic priest Alberto Cutié married Ruhama Buni Canellis in a courthouse. The couple will also have a church wedding…
But Cutié, who left the Catholic church to become an Episcopalian in late May, will have to wait more than a week before his new church recognizes the marriage in a religious ceremony. That will take place in an unnamed church under Rt. Rev. Leo Frade, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida.
Cutié, 40, and his wife, 35-year-old Ruhama Buni Canellis, quietly slipped into the Coral Gables Branch Court at 3100 Ponce de Leon Blvd. through a gated back entrance around noon Tuesday, avoiding a growing group of news crews.
The couple presented identification and proof of premarital counseling to a clerk as they filled out a marriage license application. Then, they joined Miami-Dade County Judge Jacqueline Schwartz in her chambers for a quick ceremony, according to a court employee…
He and Canellis left the Catholic church just days prior during a private ceremony at Miami’s Trinity Cathedral, where Cutié also announced that he was starting a year-long process to become an Episcopal priest.
Cutié left his position at St. Francis de Sales Catholic church in Miami Beach when photographs showing him nuzzling Canellis on a Florida beach — a violation of his vow of celibacy — were published in a celebrity magazine in early May.
Good for you, dude. The Catholic Church will probably catch up with reality in another century or two.
Are there any Roman Catholic priests out there?
What do you think about this?
Actually, being able to say, I can’t marry you I’m a R.C. priest would be convent sometimes…
#35 “Actually most Christians break the 4th/3rd commandment every Sunday:
‘Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy'”
Actually we break it every Saturday. Not sure why. The one person who said he knew was a Seventh Day Adventist who wrote a book on the subject and couldn’t tell me because it would keep me from buying his book. I did not buy the book, so I don’t know.
Benjamin….but being called ‘father’ might be kinda weird.
#27 Alfred1, a good example of Republican rhetoric intended to chill anti-war speech at the time was from Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY):
“Ayman Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s deputy, as well as Abu Musab Zarqawi, have made it quite clear in their internal propaganda that they cannot win unless they can drive the Americans out. And they know that they can’t do that there, so they’ve brought the battlefield to the halls of Congress.
“And, frankly, the liberal leadership have put politics ahead of sound, fiscal and national security policy. And what they have done is cooperated with our enemies and are emboldening our enemies.”
On Fox News in 2004, Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah said that terrorists “are going to throw everything they can between now and the election to try and elect Kerry” and added that Democrats are “consistently saying things that I think undermine our young men and women who are serving over there.”
In discussing a planned 2003 anti-war protest in New York City, The New York Sun published an editorial that summed up what a lot of Republicans were saying (and carefully implying) at the time:
“So long as the protesters are invoking the Constitution, they might have a look at Article III. That says, ‘Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.'”
“Aid and Comfort” became a recurring theme among Republican talking points because it so easily conjures the notion of treason. As I said before, we needed your forceful voice favoring freedom of speech back then, but better late than never. Welcome to the party.
He’s going to miss the choir boys…
#41 Incredible voice.
#17–amododedndoman==”Question is, what alternatives are there to religion? /// In context, selected parts of the morality the religion teaches but without the religion–aka–the civil code adopted and enforced by the government in play–aka–the USA for one example.
#44 Alfred1, I had originally said that “Republicans were trying to silence dissent on the Iraqi war, painting genuine disagreement as nearly the equivalent of collaborating with the enemy,” and you challenged me to produce a single example. I provided several, but now you’re insisting that I substantiate a charge I didn’t bother to make (also #45). We’ll both have more fun if you simply argue by yourself.
“I wrote my Congress (person).”
Prayer would be more effective. ((Talk about your false idols.))
#16, Improbus,
He wasn’t welcome anymore.
#47, #48, #49, #51 Alfred1…
When I suggested in #46 that, having already proven the point I made, I’d let you enjoy continuing the argument by yourself, I didn’t realize how prolific you’d be.
Don’t stop now — keep challenging me (or anyone else) to substantiate every single charge you’ve ever heard that you feel was unfair. Pretend you’re on a psychiatrist’s couch, and unburden yourself. We may yet get that breakthrough that has eluded us so far 😉
#33, Commodore 64,
the world will always have religion – so long as there are atheists around. (Atheism is a religion…)
Good point. Which is why I don’t use the word “atheist” to describe myself. I don’t call myself an “Infidel” or “Gentile” either.
These are all words devised by the groups for someone not a member. Call me what you will, but I have no belief in any guy in the sky. I prefer “Normal” best suits mine, and most people’s position.
Improbus said “@Patrick Isn’t there some Fox News forum you could be posting on?”
Fox has some standards. I think.
“why don’t you produce a concrete example, ”
That’s the funniest thing I’ve read in days. This from one who wouldn’t know a concrete example if it hit him on the head. Hilarious.
Chuck is exactly correct:
“I think you miss the point of religion and church. It’s all about interfering with your private life. Otherwise it’s just a social club with a bit of singing.”
I’d add that religion is also a bit of subjugating people for its own power. Nowhere in the bible does it mention going to church.
#51, Alphie,
Obama is doing something. It may not be the correct approach. It may even be entirely wrong. It may not be enough. It may be totally inadequate to what is needed. We won’t know.
BUT, he is doing something. He is not sitting on his butt calling people “statists”. He isn’t suggesting everything the Republicans think is garbage.
In contrast, the Republicans don’t care what happens. Their leadership are all sufficiently wealthy they can, and will, weather any financial storm comfortably. Nor do the Republicans have a plan to get out of this mess. They trot out Blue Pamphlets with empty pages. They cry about high taxes. They wail and gnash their teeth over all the new taxes that are killing them but can’t point out any new taxes. The Republican’s Wonderful Leader, in an OxyCotin haze, blathers on his radio about all the ills in America being Obama’s fault when it is the same Republicans that screwed up the economy in the first place, all the time jerking off with his little blue pill.
Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach. Those that can’t teach only criticize and pollute the gene pool.
#57, Alphie,
Panetta said what many normal people have also been saying. Cheney is a dangerous person and want to see Obama fail as that is the only way he can ever go down in history with some saving grace.
My challenge to you is post where Panetta apologized. I would really like to see that quote. Can you find it? No, not some right wing nut claim, but the actual apology from Panetta.
I didn’t think you could. See, this is an ad hominem attack by you on Panetta. He didn’t say something and you, and other right wing nuts, claim he did. You repeat your lies so often that others, that don’t know the truth, start to believe you.
You are wrong and a hypocrite. And your take on most things American sucks.
#57, Alphie,
find a conservative “refuting” an argument with ad hominem only.
OK, that isn’t hard.
Would you like more? There is a ton of them.
post # 87, same source
here is another,
<blockquote,#61 When grabbing your ankles I bet the Daisy Chain knows what you were “named”
And that is just a few from one topic. I can find some even on this topic.
The point is you usually only use ad hominem attacks. When you do have some “fact”, it is a piece of bullshit Boss Limpdick fabricated and you swallowed.
Is not a problem of being a catholic priest, but he used to give lessons of good behaviour on latin TV, and then going out with his girl in the back. So it is “do as I say, not as I do” case, he can do whatever he wants with his life, just dont preach things you don’t believe or practice.
Mr Fusion, quit picking on alfred. He’s 7 dollars away from shitting in a shoebox under a freeway overpass.
#57 Alfred1, is Orrin Hatch’s statement that terrorists “are going to throw everything they can between now and the election to try and elect Kerry” the sort of rational right-thinking discourse you prefer over the loony ad hominem attacks of the left? Of course, then Hatch went on to explain exactly how he knew what the terrorists were up to — NOT!
I was hoping we could make more progress, but I may have to refer your case to another therapist with more experience. And yes, that means that I’m admitting defeat 😉
#20 Benjamin
Strangely enough, you don’t have to be priest before becoming a bishop, cardinal, or even pope. Go figure, eh?
In fact, it is even legal under canon law for married men and women to be non-clerical priests. Unfortunately, the Catholic won’t recognize them due to a 13th century French ruling. Seriously. They keep canon lawyers around for just such an occasion.
You really don’t have any idea how ironic it is to use the King James Version to talk up Catholic moral law?
# 37 bill: I can’t marry you I’m a R.C. priest would be convent sometimes…”
Hee,hee,hee… he said “convent” – Actually, the nuns probably hear that a lot!
# 54 Fusion: “I don’t call myself an “Infidel” or “Gentile” either.”
Well said, Fusion. I seldom need to identify myself, either. When I do, I usually have a couple of drinks, proclaim myself dull-witted and big-dicked with a fat wallet. The girls swoon.
# 63 leecher: “…just dont preach things you don’t believe or practice.:
Of course, he probably never preached celibacy so it’s really not a case of “do as I say, not as I do”
Actually they don’t use the Douay-Rheims Version anymore either. When were you born, the 1760’s?
Hey, I posted some ad hominems for you. No comment? Are you now suggesting, or even just thinking they don’t count? You posted another eight comments since I posted the evidence.
I guess that means Alphie is OWNED.
This book is highly recommended for all true Christians. It will help you when God is not around