Former Roman Catholic priest Alberto Cutié married Ruhama Buni Canellis in a courthouse. The couple will also have a church wedding…

But Cutié, who left the Catholic church to become an Episcopalian in late May, will have to wait more than a week before his new church recognizes the marriage in a religious ceremony. That will take place in an unnamed church under Rt. Rev. Leo Frade, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida.

Cutié, 40, and his wife, 35-year-old Ruhama Buni Canellis, quietly slipped into the Coral Gables Branch Court at 3100 Ponce de Leon Blvd. through a gated back entrance around noon Tuesday, avoiding a growing group of news crews.

The couple presented identification and proof of premarital counseling to a clerk as they filled out a marriage license application. Then, they joined Miami-Dade County Judge Jacqueline Schwartz in her chambers for a quick ceremony, according to a court employee…

He and Canellis left the Catholic church just days prior during a private ceremony at Miami’s Trinity Cathedral, where Cutié also announced that he was starting a year-long process to become an Episcopal priest.

Cutié left his position at St. Francis de Sales Catholic church in Miami Beach when photographs showing him nuzzling Canellis on a Florida beach — a violation of his vow of celibacy — were published in a celebrity magazine in early May.

Good for you, dude. The Catholic Church will probably catch up with reality in another century or two.

  1. Thomas says:

    Marriage is one of the many reasons the Protestants converted so many of the Roman Catholics. Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies and you can get married.

  2. Rich says:

    Note that when they left the Catholic church they didn’t go home and fire up a fatty. They immediately went to another church.

  3. Sea Lawyer says:

    My silly dogma is better than your silly dogma.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    Good for you, dude. The Catholic Church will probably catch up with reality in another century or two.

    Hopefully, the Catholic Church and all other religions will have faded into history by the end of this century.

    Sorry, but I find this story stupid and the “priest” even stupider to think that anyone really cares.

  5. Thinker says:

    #2 has a good point. The kids just wanted to get married! Bless them both.

    (although I understand in priniple why Priests don’t get married, I’d say that should be voluntary instead of compulsry)

  6. PotBoil says:

    Will you please stop attacking the Roman Catholic faith. I find it offensive and hurtful. Being a liberal I am sure you know what those words mean, you use them all the time when other people’s beliefs and values are attacked.

  7. faxon says:

    Better than molesting young boys, I guess.

  8. The0ne says:



  9. Patrick says:

    #6 After guys like him leave all that will left in the Priesthood is little boy molesters.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Kudos to Cutié. It’s important to choose a church whose teachings don’t interfere with your private life. Many people have already discovered this.

  11. chuck says:

    #10 – I think you miss the point of religion and church. It’s all about interfering with your private life. Otherwise it’s just a social club with a bit of singing.

    Ok, Obama chose his church because it was useful for his political career – but he ditched it as soon as it became a nuisance.

    If you don’t want your religion or church to interfere with your private life, then don’t go.

    It’s like saying, “I’m going to obey the 10 commandments, except for #s 1,2,3,6,9,10.

  12. Fat_Anarchy says:

    I’ve always been an atheist, so I have always found it hard to understand how religious people can “convert” to a different religion, when their current one becomes inconveinient for them. Personally I don’t think any relgious person actually really believes in their religion.

    If you genuinely believe that the catholic worldview is correct, then how can you just “convert”? You cannot change reality just by deciding you don’t like it anymore (their version of reality that is).

    It’s like me just decising that I don’t like the sky being blue anymore, so now I’m gonna decide that it’s green!

    I’ve never understood it. Ive just come to the conclusion that no one religious actually believe any of this stuff. It’s just like switching what football team you support to fit into your community.

  13. Patrick says:

    # 11 chuck said, “Ok, Obama chose his church because it was useful for his political career”

    Umm, no. He had his children exposed to the racist crap since birth. That shows he actually believed in it.

  14. Floyd says:

    #6: I gave up Catholicism for Lent many years ago when I was in college. I realized on an Ash Wednesday that I really didn’t believe all the crap the nuns had been indoctrinating me (and the other kids in parochial school) with for many years. So I gave it up. I felt much better afterward, and have never regretted the decision.

    #7: Agreed.

  15. Improbus says:


    Isn’t there some Fox News forum you could be posting on?

  16. amodedoma says:

    Religions are just social/political organizations set up to impose values on the society. To say that a society doesn’t need values is just plain ignorant, but at the same time religions are failing at distributing values. Values and traditions are what make or break a society. Question is, what alternatives are there to religion? Now since I know you guys, somebody’s gonna say logic and reason. Logic and reason are tools to justify and explain, they can’t instill values, in fact they work against them. Some things you can learn from others, other things can only be learned by experience. Experience is conditioning and only through values can we influence the process.

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred #13…so you think your own racist crap doesn’t stink?

  18. Benjamin says:

    I never understood the thing about Catholic clergy not being allowed to marry, especially given this part of the Bible:

    “1 Timothy 3:2 (King James Version)

    A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;”

    I may not be up on Catholic terminology, but don’t Catholics have to be a priest before they can be a bishop or does the rule against priests marrying not apply when the become bishops?

  19. Patrick says:

    # 16 Improbus

    The truth hurts, doesn’t it?

  20. green says:

    If Sonia Sotomayor gets in, 2/3rds of the US supreme court will be Roman Catholic.

  21. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #21 Alfred1, we needed you to speak out this forcefully on free speech when Bush/Cheney and their band of Republicans were trying to silence dissent on the Iraqi war, painting genuine disagreement as nearly the equivalent of collaborating with the enemy.

  22. Nimby says:

    To be precise, I do not believe “nuzzling” represents “…a violation of his vow of celibacy.” Nuzzling and altar boys are okay.

    It’s like the rabbi said, it’s okay for boys and girls to sleep with each other before marriage. The problem, he said, is they don’t sleep!

  23. xenos23 says:

    RE: “The Catholic Church will probably catch up with reality in another century or two.” It’s worth noting that until Pope John Paul II apologized for the Church’s condemnation of Galileo in 1992, it was technically heresy for a Catholic to state that the Earth revolved around the Sun…

    (And let’s not forget the murder of poor old Giordano Bruno!)

  24. gmknobl says:

    But if you happened to be gay and wanting to get married you’d be screwed by the episcopalians, florida and most other places in this country. And if you were a woman and gay, you’d really be in trouble!

    Well, hope you push for more open mindedness in all things now.

  25. eaze says:

    this happens all the time, i dont see how it constitutes as news.

  26. Patrick says:

    # 30 gmknobl said, “But if you happened to be gay and wanting to get married you’d be screwed by the episcopalians”

    Why would you be part of a religion you don’t believe in?

  27. TheCommodore says:

    Hey Mr Fusion, the world will always have religion – so long as there are atheists around. (Atheism is a religion…)

  28. Benji says:

    #14 -Religions are just political organizations… Wha???

    The absence of religion is filled by political organizations with the purpose of imposing their values on society. Read up on your history of Communism in Europe and Asia to see how well that works.

  29. Milo says:

    Chuck said:

    “It’s like saying, “I’m going to obey the 10 commandments, except for #s 1,2,3,6,9,10.”

    Actually most Christians break the 4th/3rd commandment every Sunday:

    “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy”

  30. Wightout says:

    #17 I like the way you think and the way you express yourself!

    I totally agree with the thoughts laid down up there!


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