In an related item:

The man who leaked the real election results from the Interior Ministry – the ones showing Ahmadinejad coming third – was killed in a suspicious car accident, according to unconfirmed reports, writes Saeed Kamali Dehghan in Tehran.

Mohammad Asgari, who was responsible for the security of the IT network in Iran’s interior ministry, was killed yesterday in Tehran. Asgari had reportedly leaked results that showed the elections were rigged by government use of new software to alter the votes from the provinces. Asgari was said to have leaked information that showed Mousavi had won almost 19 million votes, and should therefore be president. We will try to get more details later.

Sometimes an accident is just an accident, and sometimes an accident is an assassination.

  1. jerry says:

    wow, North Korea and Iran are careening out of control. What a surprise that the two countries being used to create a proxy war with the U.S. by China and Russia have turned into twin Frankensteins and are running amok.

    Bring out the pitchforks!

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #72, Alphie,

    When grabbing your ankles I bet the Daisy Chain knows what you were “named”

    Alphie, we don’t care about your sexual orientation. Who you f**k or s**k is your business, as long as he is at least 18 and consents. The details we don’t want to hear about.

  3. qb says:

    #75 Mr Fusion, we can make you a honorary Canadian if you want. But watch out, we might make you use the metric system.

    alfred, hates Canadians. I feel so proud. Excuse me, I’m starting to tear up…..

  4. The0ne says:

    Just had to laugh out loud in this blog here. Some of the comments are hilarious from the 100% Bush supporters bashing anything and anyone to the comment about CNN being the real news.

    This is truly one of the few places I get a good laugh from what seemed like intelligent users. It’s way different then your other blogs that’s for sure 🙂

    What I’m saying is I like it here and it’s all good 😀

  5. Patrick says:

    # 21 jim said, “I not buying any of this “revolution” shite. This is just like every other color revolution. Textbook CIA.”

    There are intel assets from quite a few countries “helping this one along”. Since Obama can’t really say what he is having our Gov do, it’s kinda hard to criticize or praise him, at this point.

  6. Thomas says:

    Fancy speeches alone will not effect change in Iran. If anything his speeches have encouraged their despotic government.

    Freedom has never really been tried. We never overthrew North Korea. Had MacArthur been allowed to use nukes it might have turned out different.

    We continue to make the same mistakes with despotic governments. The only way to change them is to eliminate them. The most peaceful change in tyrannical government, Britain, took five or six hundred years. The only way change happens in Iran is either revolution or invasion.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #78, qb,

    I thank you for the offer.

    I was born and spent much of my life in Canada. My father is American, just like John McCain’s. That makes me an American, and a Canadian.

    Alphie can eat my shorts, after I wear them another week or so.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #81, Thomas,

    The most peaceful change in tyrannical government, Britain, took five or six hundred years.

    Well, not quite. It took a couple of generations and a civil war. After that, the King (Charles II) was forced to recognize the supremacy of Parliament. The next King that tried the tyranny route (James II) was forced to abdicate and leave the country. After that, all British monarchs ruled with the acquiescence of Parliament.

    But I understand what you mean.

  9. Rick's Cafe says:

    “..I was born and spent much of my life in Canada..”

    So you really aren’t playing with a full deck…that explains alot!

    (just a little tease…no offense intended)

  10. Named says:

    85 Alfred1

    Coming from you, a barely functional human, do you really believe your “insults” bear any weight? Don’t you have a King James scripture to quote?

    You’re one of a kind Alfred1. Thank FSM for that!

  11. mlock2k says:

    Come on Guys Think Do you guys really think that cnn,Foxnews,MSNBC are the only people to provide real news? Let me remind you all that they are the same people that try and shove BS stories like spending an hour talking about lindsey loham stealing some ear rings. Do we really think they run the important issues ? Do we really think they are gonna report somthing that our president wants to stay away from?

  12. Named says:

    87, 88 Alfred1,

    So, I’m guessing by your schizophrenic answer that you indeed did NOT learn the lesson… or did…

    You are the living end… Learning from Cheney… that’s second to your Genius Bush comment…

  13. Patrick says:

    # 89 mlock2k said, “Do we really think they are gonna report somthing that our president wants to stay away from?”

    Yes, it’s why Obama is crying like a little girl over Fox. They are starting to ask embarrassing questions of Obama and he can’t figure out how he’s going to get them to blindly accept what he is spewing.

  14. Thomas says:

    I was considering that transition to start at the Magna Carta until the 18th century or so. It wasn’t peaceful; it was the most peaceful transition and that still had its bumps as you mentioned.

  15. Aaron says:

    Ironic being the US has pretty much had all of its elections controlled / rigged for a hundred years and counting….

  16. Named says:

    94 Alfred1

    So…. Now you support Obama?
    “he speaks all the right things…even while announcing he will do the opposite things…it really is impressive”

  17. Named says:

    96 Alfred1,

    What’s a dictonomy? I can’t find it in any ENGLISH dictionary… Maybe it’s in King James Edition?

  18. sac says:

    #98, GetSmart Guy,

    Its great entertainment. That’s Alphie underwater blowing Bubbles. Bubbles is the fat guy.


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