In an related item:
The man who leaked the real election results from the Interior Ministry – the ones showing Ahmadinejad coming third – was killed in a suspicious car accident, according to unconfirmed reports, writes Saeed Kamali Dehghan in Tehran.
Mohammad Asgari, who was responsible for the security of the IT network in Iran’s interior ministry, was killed yesterday in Tehran. Asgari had reportedly leaked results that showed the elections were rigged by government use of new software to alter the votes from the provinces. Asgari was said to have leaked information that showed Mousavi had won almost 19 million votes, and should therefore be president. We will try to get more details later.
Sometimes an accident is just an accident, and sometimes an accident is an assassination.
I find it interesting that nobody (until now) has pointed out that Obama has made more of a positive impact for democratic processes with one speech there than Bush in his years of warfare.
#19 – Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
#32 Alix,
They’re too busy demanding Obama to fix the economy by yesterday.
#32 – smartalix
Nah, the anti-Obama folks are too busy jerking off to Faux News.
Apparently “I’m a Dinner Jacket” only landed on third place!
The man who leaked the real election results from the Interior Ministry – the ones showing Ahmadinejad coming third – was killed in a suspicious car accident, according to unconfirmed reports, writes Saeed Kamali Dehghan in Tehran.
Mohammad Asgari, who was responsible for the security of the IT network in Iran’s interior ministry, was killed yesterday in Tehran.
Asgari had reportedly leaked results that showed the elections were rigged by government use of new software to alter the votes from the provinces.
Asgari was said to have leaked information that showed Mousavi had won almost 19 million votes, and should therefore be president.
Read more here:
#36 Alfred1
While I fully respect your right to opine there’s no need to duplicate that post in particular, we all read it the first time. It was funny , but not that funny.
I sincerely suggest you seek councilling.
#36 – Alfred1 – President Bush’s genuis was clearly evident in his choice of FREEDOM as the best weapon against tyranny…
Worked great on North Korea. Do you believe in any of the bullshit that you’re posting?
Could it be that Alfred was dropped on his head as a baby? Did his mother walk too close to a nuclear power plant when she was carrying him? Could he have been born from an overdose of Ex-lax? Could this be the result of buttsecks?
even if the other guy won, the election would still be bogus.
who do you think selects the candidates?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism.
#43 – Alfredone
Why aren’t you helping the people in Iraq? Could it be because you’re just another Republican chickenhawk?
American politics is irrelevant here. We should all be hoping the Iranian people can throw off that maniac by their own will.
#3 “Funny none of the main line news outlets are on this”
It came up on MSNBC this afternoon, dunno if CNN/FOX are covered it.
#41 exactly! The High Council (or whatever they’re called…the Mullahs) selected all who ran for that office. It’s one party rule with a figurehead as President.
As much as I hate seeing people getting seriously hurt on TV (and I’m sure many were killed but not seen on the news), they’re fighting for what’s right (even though it may be all for naught because they’re unlikely to overthrow the Mullahs). It seems futile but then again it’s not my country. I’m just an observer who’s given enough media to know I know nothing…
Even if it was an accident the harm is done and his words are now a millstone tied around the Iranian President’s neck.
The man is riding a Tiger and the only question is how long he can stay on before he gets eaten. It might be a lifetime however you wish to take that.
This is internal to Iran. Our role in this is nothing. Nobody there trusts us.
Young Turks great at covering whats going on in the world of politics.
Check the Persian Bay
It’s looks like the CIA have been busy. You wearing GREEN today? We need to show are GRASSROOTS support for a free Iran. This reminds me of the Orange and Rose “revolutions”
Follow the money people!…7fa_fact_hersh
“Late last year, Congress agreed to a request from President Bush to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran, according to current and former military, intelligence, and congressional sources. These operations, for which the President sought up to four hundred million dollars, were described in a Presidential Finding signed by Bush, and are designed to destabilize the country’s religious leadership.
“The Finding was focussed on undermining Iran’s nuclear ambitions and trying to undermine the government through regime change,” a person familiar with its contents said, and involved “working with opposition groups and passing money.”
Oh, and the tweets were more then likely fakes as well.
This is texbook CIA.
we should be more concerned with the fixing of our own elections.
That’s just the same neocon dribble all over again. Make scary allegations with no backing evidence. Is a war with Iran what your are really after?
This isn’t Iraq we are talking about. Russia and China will never let the neocons gain control over Iran. It would be game over for them if that were to happened. CIA’s attempt to disable Iran is very foolish seeing your military is precariously placed and your broke finically.
Sorry, 56 i meant 55
The Iranians know exactly what freedom is. It’s freedom from being suppressed by the neocon western elite. And,unlike a lot of Americans they know their history. Google “Operation Ajax” and learn how free the US wanted Iran. A few thousand CIA duped Iranians does not make a revolution.This could be done in any counrty.The neocon don’t give a Shxx about their freedom or yours. We’re all just a bunch of peasants, cannon fodder in their minds. Money and power is all that matters to them.
Don’t play with Alfred1. He cannot comprehend anything outside of King James scripture and his own fantasyland…
He sure does make a fun poster though!
I did like your posting from Hersh. I recalled reading that when it first came along and I thought “Georgia!”. Remember the tie-eating freedom loving President from Georgia? He forgot what it meant to be a “friend” of the US when things go wrong.
#59–Alfie==that quote sounds like god hisself!!
If we recognize BOTH parties are no damn good as BOTH overtax and generally provide too little in return, then the only real open question is once you are raped, do you prefer to be kicked or kissed?
#59, Alphie,
Living under the mullahs is like living under a leftist regime…
Only different. It is actually more like living under an extreme right wing government. WAIT !!! It is! It is! It is living under a right wing government!!!
Life sucks under both leftists and mullahs:
We all know you suck, which is your choice. But, trust me, the progressives don’t really care who you suck provided they are at least 18 and consent.
When did C.S. Lewis become some mentor or philosopher to be regarded as worthy of being quoted? The guy was a children book writer because he couldn’t cut it as an adult book writer.
Secondly, Lewis wrote that during the height of WWII about the Nazis. In case you never heard of the Nazis, they were this right wing political movement that took over and conquered much of Europe 1937-1945. They lost, like all strong religious and right wing movements.
You Iranian?
Do you even KNOW what Federalism means? You know nothing about the history of your country… Your states INCORPORATED to become part of FEDERAL government, which is in Washington, DC. Before that, it was a Republic. You are a complete tool.
And Alfred1 is getting angered up. Good times ahead!
And Alfred1, why do you like talking about grabbing ankles? Is that the way your priest requests your position at the altar for administering his holy communion to you?
#65, Alphie,
#62 I like the country as set up by the Founders…the way it was before FDR diminished Federalism…
It was free, and if a particular state wasn’t to your liking, there were 49 others to move to…each state was like a different country…the Feds only controlled the military.
Uummm, Alphie, the way the country was set up not everyone could vote. You had to own property first. You had to be a male. You had to be white. Many places you also had to be a practicing Christian. Shenanigans to keep people off the voting list were rampant. AND, there was no such thing as a secret ballot; everyone knew who you voted for and often would retaliate against those who “voted wrong”. Votes were often sold for a little as a drink of whiskey.
Slavery was quite common and legal. And socially and morally acceptable. As was indentured servitude.
Because there was so little infrastructure, it often took weeks to travel as little as 100 miles. People had to live near rivers and the Atlantic as they were the only transportation corridors. That kept raw materials unexploited and industry retarded.
The lack of infrastructure meant the dumping of raw sewage into streets and rivers. Epidemics of easily controlled diseases swept every city and town. NOTE:, Washington lost several times more men to disease caused by poor sanitation then he did in battle.
I could go on but I’ll let these suffice for your perfect little world. I seriously wonder what kind of person would really want to live in a world like that?
Then we get to Roosevelt. Ok, so what did he do to Federalism? Oh, somehow he changed everything for the worse? 12 years of right wing Republicanism and the country fell into and languished in a terrible depression.
But that was Roosevelt’s fault. Just like eight years of neo-con Republicanism has given us a bad recession and it is all Obama’s fault.
The song never changes.
BTW, when the United States was created, there were only 10 States. Well, really nine, but Rhode Island does refer to itself as a State and not a Plantation. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia were, and still are, Commonwealths. In FDR’s day, there were just 44 States. Kentucky also became a Commonwealth and not a State. Regardless of how you count them, there never were 49 States during the “Founding Fathers” era.
#68, Alphie,
My citizenship is irrelevant, but to wither your hard on, my passport says I’m American.