In an related item:

The man who leaked the real election results from the Interior Ministry – the ones showing Ahmadinejad coming third – was killed in a suspicious car accident, according to unconfirmed reports, writes Saeed Kamali Dehghan in Tehran.

Mohammad Asgari, who was responsible for the security of the IT network in Iran’s interior ministry, was killed yesterday in Tehran. Asgari had reportedly leaked results that showed the elections were rigged by government use of new software to alter the votes from the provinces. Asgari was said to have leaked information that showed Mousavi had won almost 19 million votes, and should therefore be president. We will try to get more details later.

Sometimes an accident is just an accident, and sometimes an accident is an assassination.

  1. ArianeB says:

    What side are you on Alfred? There has been bipartisan support for change in Iran, but there has also been bi-partisan caution about going too public about our support.

    Andrew Sullivan has been reposting twitters from Iran, as that seems to be the only source of whats going on there lately

  2. Curiouser and Curiouser says:

    Funny none of the main line news outlets are on this?

    Alfred1 just a suggestion to help you look more intelligent In your case a bit more Fifth Amendment and less first First Amendment could only help.

  3. amodedoma says:

    I remember those Iranian students who backed Ayatollah Khomenhi and shook off the oppression of a US backed dictator – the Shah of Iran. Here we are a generation later and they’re rebelling again. I like these people. They deserve better, and are willing to fight for it.

  4. dvorakfan99999 says:

    John Dvorak, you are not doing your credibility any favours by posting the first shit that comes up. This news item stinks of you being pwned by its prankster creators. If there was any legitimacy to this story, the real news media, who practice some semblance of fact checking, would have reported it long before you.

    Take it down before more people see it.

    [Please learn how to read a blog, John did not post this – ed.]

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #4…I recall reading something from an old mideast expert a few years back, and he said that potentially Iran/Iraq are our greatest allies in the region. We’ve handled that well. :-/

    #5…real media needs confirmation. The blogosphere runs with whatever they get.

  6. Breetai says:

    Go to for facts.

    Come here for fun and good ol’ fashioned mudslinging. far more fun.

  7. Curiouser and Curiouser says:

    Just a generation before we had ousted a popular democratically elected Prime Minister and put that naughty Shah in place so he could let western oil companies play in there sand box.

    Smart move it got the Islamic Revolution started.

    Obama is right to let them figure this one out for themselves Moussavi not a Pro west, no Nukes, Pro Human right kind of guy any way. His advantage is he’s not crazy like s I’m A Dinner Jacket

  8. amodedoma says:

    #5 Boy, do you live in a vacuum or what? Here in Spain that story was mainstream media on the midday news, with lots of videos sent out through the internet of protestors getting shot and foreign press being told to leave or else. In a situation like this you really don’t have any means of confirming anything, without somebody having to risk their life to do it.

  9. sargasso says:

    Last time I criticized Iran, my site got DDoSed. The creeps are listening.

  10. Whaap says:

    Of course the election was fixed. Hopefully the bastards will all kill each other off.

  11. Brian says:

    #7 Breetai, “Go to for facts.”??? That gave me a good laugh! CNN is relaying more on Facebook, Twitter, and their “iReports” for news. They even have a new graphics that says something like unconfirmed/unverified news. Go to today’s daily show for a good segment on that. Me…I get the real news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert…

  12. Brian says:

    #7 Breetai, “Go to for facts.”??? That gave me a good laugh! CNN is relaying more on Facebook, Twitter, and their “iReporters” for news. They even have a new graphics that says something like unconfirmed/unverified news. Go to today’s daily show for a good segment on that. Me…I get the real news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert…

  13. Special Ed says:

    Well no shit, Sherlock! Isn’t it wonderful when people point out the obvious?

  14. Poppa Boner says:

    We had an election stolen in 2000 and no one complained.

  15. brm says:


    “John Dvorak, you are not doing your credibility any favours by posting the first shit that comes up.”

    But the numbers go through the ceiling! Get over it.

    This site includes a large dose of entertaining posts, and that’s never been a secret.

  16. brm says:


    “We had an election stolen in 2000 and no one complained.”

    Dude, people are *still* complaining about it.

  17. amodedoma says:


    Yeah I complained my ass off. Nobody listened.

  18. jim says:

    I not buying any of this “revolution” shite. This is just like every other color revolution. Textbook CIA.
    They’ve done this before and are open about doing it again.…7fa_fact_hersh
    “Late last year, Congress agreed to a request from President Bush to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran, according to current and former military, intelligence, and congressional sources. These operations, for which the President sought up to four hundred million dollars, were described in a Presidential Finding signed by Bush, and are designed to destabilize the country’s religious leadership.

    “The Finding was focussed on undermining Iran’s nuclear ambitions and trying to undermine the government through regime change,” a person familiar with its contents said, and involved “working with opposition groups and passing money.”
    The Twetts were more then likely fakes as well.

    Do you really want a war. Russia and China are not going to let the western elite get their hands on Iran. It would be game over for them if that happened.

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #19 Alfredo – “Recent events prove what I said about President Bush…his genius…”


  20. Zybch says:

    #19 you can’t spread democracy by force!
    When will you bible thumping idiots understand this?

  21. McCullough says:

    #19. “Recent events prove what I said about President Bush…his genius”

    Yes, you can catch Alfreds’ unique brand of comedy all this week at the Laugh Track.

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Alfredone – Geithner, Bernarnke, Clinton, Volcker, have kissed Chinese butt, and sucked whatever was necessary…they will lend us more trillions to thrown away…


  23. Dallas says:

    Look at the bigger issue around the dangers of having an “Ayatollah” in government. This is what Iran is suffering now and what America needs to be wary of.

    We need to be very concerned not to allow our own “Ayatollah wannabees” to infiltrate our government with a degree of fanatical influence.

    The Christian Taliban seeking to infiltrate our government make up our own Ayatollah’s wanting to dictate to the ignorant masses.

    The Iranian people are smart and progressive just dominated by the terrible influence of religious dictatorship. The people are struggling to rid themselves of this.

    We need to see this and be extremely cautious not to let the religious wingdings in our own country to power.

    THAT is the lesson of what is happening in Iran.

  24. seeitasitis says:

    I hate to agree with the Teleprompter of the United States, but despite his obvious intention to let Iran do as it will to Israel, he was right about one thing: there is not all that much difference between these two.

    I’m A Dinner Jacket is louder and less couth, but Moussavi is not some progressive nice guy, not a secular democrat trying to get out. He’s just slicker and less corrupt. They are both under the thumb of the mullahs, and both will pursue the nuke program. Moussavi will just not openly say “We will destroy Israel”, which will make it much easier for Dear Leader to let him get to the point where he can.

    Iranians are not protesting to get rid of the mullahs, or turn Iran into Boston, they just want less corruption. They are still a howling mob of bloodthirsty fanatics when it comes to Jews.

  25. amodedoma says:

    Does everything have to be black or white? I mean if a little christian compassion were shown in foreign affairs, maybe the US wouldn’t have such a large collection of enemies. Iran’s an excellent example. First we screw them by propping up the Shah. Then we screw them again by propping up Saddam Hussein. Yeah, the enemy of my enemy’s my friend, doesn’t sound very christian to me. Net result of having only one value count the $ value.

  26. Hmeyers says:

    @1 Alfred, your heart is in the right place but our support won’t help.

    Trying to influence a Middle East country — short of invading it — only gives said dictator/oligarchy fodder for an anti-American speech.

    As far as I know, leaving them alone is the best choice.

    Let them internally struggle with the human urge for democracy and deal with that without external influence or interference.

  27. KneeJerk Optimist says:

    Picture, if you can, two close friends sitting in a cafe 30 or so years from now…they are from different cultures in the Middle East (Arab, Israeli, Persian, Kurd et al, take your pick):

    “How could we all have been so DUMB?”

    “Ahh, that was the way they did things back then. Apparently we just didn’t know, that’s all.”

  28. Jägermeister says:

    #27 – Hmeyers – Alfred, your heart is in the right place…

    Unfortunately his brain isn’t… it’s located in his ass.

  29. brm says:


    “Picture, if you can, two close friends sitting in a cafe 30 or so years from now…”

    funny, someone was probably picturing this exactly 30 years ago.

    I don’t see peace out there until all the theocracies are stomped out. Might happen in Iran soon, if they have the balls.

  30. If we invade Iran maybe we’ll find President Obama’s birth certificate!


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