WASHINGTON (AFP) – The harmful effects of global warming are being felt “here and now and in your backyard,” a groundbreaking US government report on climate change has warned.

“Climate change is happening now, it is not something that will happen decades or centuries in the future,” Jerry Melillo of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts, one of the lead authors of the report, told AFP.

Climate change, which the report blames largely on human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases, “is under way in the United States and projected to grow,” said the report by the US Global Change Research Program, a grouping of a dozen government agencies and the White House.

The report is the first on climate change since President Barack Obama took office and outlines in plain, non-scientific terms how global warming has resulted in an increase of extreme weather such as the powerful heatwave that swept Europe in 2003, claiming tens of thousands of lives.

Thanks BubbaRay.

  1. amodedoma says:

    I’m sure some of you are gonna post about how it’s all a hoax. So go ahead, I love reading posts made by people living in denial.

  2. qb says:

    Get out a bowl of popcorn for this one. I predict 150 comments.

    Which word will alfred1 say the most?

    1. Statism (or statist)
    2. Dictatorship
    3. Deception
    4. Daffodil
    5. Loon

    [Stop it qb, you’re killing me! – ed.]

  3. Personality says:

    I do believe this is happening, However… Last Winter in Grand Forks, North Dakota it was far below average in temps. So…. Not sure what to think about that one.

  4. TooManyPuppies says:

    “Climate change is happening now, it is not something that will happen decades or centuries in the future,”

    Bullshit! “Climate Change” has been happening since the Earth was just beginning to form, and will continue until it is consumed by the Sun. Fraking morons!

  5. Jason says:


    And how does this report explain away the undeniable FACT that the whole earth has been cooling for nearly 10 years in a row? Oh, I am sorry, they showed ONE extreme event in 2003.

    How about the last number of winters everywhere?!?!?! We have been getting burried the last few years in North America. Same for Australia and many other areas.


    Go peddle your “We need a reason to tax your ass” snake oil elsewhere.

  6. Peter M Schmidt says:

    This report has absolutely 0 credibility.

    No reports explain why this – of all the warmings of the planet – is human made and taxable. The report doesn’t explain why the temperature on Mars and Venus has risen as well.

    Utter crap to be used as a fake excuse to implement more taxes.

  7. tcc3 says:

    qb, you forgot doctrinaire

  8. qb says:

    #8 tcc3

    You are so right.

  9. Todd Peterson says:

    Climate does pr. definition change. Nothing new.

    Also, there is no evidence that will support the business model of Al Gore. Several hundred academicians agree that his view is unsubstantiated. “Global warming” is not a scientific problem – it is a political agenda made up by the UN.

  10. ArianeB says:

    “And how does this report explain away the undeniable FACT that the whole earth has been cooling for nearly 10 years in a row? Oh, I am sorry, they showed ONE extreme event in 2003.”

    Selective endpoint picking is still denial!

    Yes 1998 was a record hot year, and 2008 was the coldest in the last 10, but taking a look at the last 100 years, temps have generally gone up in line with increased fossil fuel use.

    There are always random variations, but the trend up is solid.

  11. Patrick says:

    ““Climate change is happening now,”

    Umm, yep. The climate is always changing. Unfortunately for the “warming” nuts, the temps have been flat for 10 years now so “change” is new cry.

  12. ArianeB says:

    #7 “No reports explain why this – of all the warmings of the planet – is human made and taxable. The report doesn’t explain why the temperature on Mars and Venus has risen as well.”

    Umm, source please? Last I heard, science has disproved this.

  13. TThor says:

    Interesting to notice how the ‘global warming’ has changed to ‘climate change’. To cover all bases is my guess

  14. moss says:

    What? No nutballs whining about hail falling on them, yesterday, so it’s getting colder?

    You’re disappointing me, guys.

  15. Sea Lawyer says:

    What this planet really needs is fewer humans.

  16. Benjamin says:

    Global warming will happen some day. As the sun uses up its hydrogen fuel, it will have to start fusing helium. When that happens the sun will expand to the orbit of Mars. That event will cause global warming. We can stop this if we stop driving our cars and change the type of light bulbs we use.

  17. Jason says:

    ArianeB. Seriously…

    Are you also going to tell me that the earth getting cooler is the fault of Global Warming???

    The temperatures in the last 10 years went flat and are trending down in the last 7. Ice at the North Pole is growing back. The South Pole NEVER melts. Sea level has NOT changed. Extreme weather events are NOT increasing in frequency. Tuvalu is SINKING and NOT the water coming up.

    Do I need to keep going?!?!?!

    Oh ya and study after study shows that the total carbon footprint of the Prius after being owned for 200,000 KM is STILL bigger than a Ford Excursion despite the fact that the Prius is a hybrid.

    And this is all to not even bring up the fact that Hansen/Gore and all of the other preachers of doom have been dead wrong on all of their dire predictions.

    Oh, but I and others are deniers. Okayeeeee….

  18. jbenson2 says:

    Global Warming?

    Oh yeah, that explains the non-existant spring we had. The snow in the midwest during the first week of June.

    Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  19. Great American says:

    #16 Well, the radical environmentalists are looking for volunteers to lead the way! Go ahead and be a trend-setter. HAR!

  20. Miss_X2b says:

    Climate change has been happening on this planet for billions of years so tell me something I don’t already know.

  21. ArianeB says:

    #18 Jason you keep bringing up the same old crap that has been answered by real climate scientists over and over.

    Heck here is one climate scientist who is getting sick of the same old crap:

  22. Angus says:

    Climate change is happening now. It’s also happened yesterday, last year, 10,000 years ago, and 100,000 years ago. The climate changes, Vikings inhabited Greenland, humans crossed a land bridge to Asia, and Europe had years without a summer. Nothing humans can do will stop climate change. Our best chance involves coping with the changes, and limiting the destruction of the environment while using resources to help cope with these changes.

  23. Rick's Cafe says:

    Documented dialogue from cavemen:*

    Org: “Ball in sky getting hotter, it’s Dorg’s fault”
    Dorg: “grunt” (ancient term for f**k you)

    Org: “We all die soon unless Dorg is sacrificed on burning pit”
    Dorg: “GRUNT”

    Org: “We saved thanks to Dorg….maybe try BBQ sauce tomorrow”

    *Here’s the link for the few who don’t believe something exists unless it’s confirmed somewhere on the web.

  24. LDA says:

    What this planet needs is fewer Sea Lawyers.

  25. Steve S says:

    Regardless of the facts, the problem with this particular report is that it was produced by an organization (The US Government) that has a conflict of interests in the subject (fear=taxes, fear=control, fear=etc.) and frankly has less credibility than the National Enquirer. I prefer to get my facts from another source.

  26. Daav0 says:

    Ahem. In general, people have an unfortunate tendency to simplify an issue until it can be reflected as a single cause and effect. (e.g.-the recession is caused by bad mortgages) We see this reflected by a number of attitudes and aphorisms, like “There are two sides to every story”. There are rarely as few as two sides to any story. Such is the issue with climate change.

    James Lovelock’s brilliant 1971 book, THE GAIA HYPOTHESIS is a must read for anyone in this dogfight, and it cannot be simplified to a single sentence.

    The world is complicated, complex, multifaceted and not apt to conform to our expectations, in one way or another.

    Hybrids aren’t the answer—they are in fact kind of a shuck and jive.

    The answer will be that we refuse to look at the many parts of the problem, and the consequences will dictate our future, for good or ill.

    To the point, this is not an “all or nothing” situation (such situations are very very rare in reality) There has always been climate change, and our use of carbon has some effect on the climate we live in (as does our land use, sea use, general population and other factors) The natural factors affecting climate are many (albedo, cycles, core and mantle cooling, etc.) Over long time, there is only a section of a planet’s life that it is inhabitable by life such as ourselves, or such as the life that surrounds us.

    We can foul our nest, we can make our lives worse by our actions, we can also make them better. Every action/decision we face will favor some and disfavor others.

    Best to be objective, detached, and informed.

  27. AsBrothers says:

    Why is the photo reversed?

    [Good catch. I didn’t notice that. – ed.]

  28. Thinker says:

    Schools out, and we’ve not had a 90F day in Baltimore yet…Global Warming indeed. 🙂

  29. Thinker says:

    Its happening!
    Right here!
    Right now!
    I’m growing old!
    Right here!
    Right now!

    🙂 Seriously 🙂


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