Don’t even THINK of parking here, scumbag!

Who says government doesn’t always know best? And if government says you can’t legally park in your driveway, they must be right. What business do you have parking your car in your own driveway anyway?

Sure, this makes sense to all of us. But people in Toledo, on the other hand, are all upset because they’re receiving parking tickets for doing the unheard of. The criminal act of parking their cars in front of their house.

Crime wave

And the acts of criminality have become so rampant that the Mayor has deputized city workers (instead of police officers and the parking division of the city) to roam the hardscrabble streets to issue $25 parking citations to individuals who have committed this heinous crime.

Not every citizen is getting a ticket. Only those who don’t have their driveways paved. Gravel isn’t good enough for the Mayor. It’s gotta be paved. If not, you’re a criminal.

Dag-gone it!

Mayor Carty Finkbeiner, who surprisingly is facing a recall, says he stands by a bureaucrat’s the Acting Commissioner of Streets, Bridges and Harbor’s decision to ticket citizens who park in their driveways.

“Every law in the city should be enforced and I will defer to the director over the media, that’s for dag-gone sure,” Mayor Finkbeiner said in a press conference last night. “I will not second guess her because more times then not she’s right and the citizens that are criticizing her are not right.”

Mayor Carty Finkbeiner is providing the kind of get tough, no nonsense, those-who-elected-me-are-ignorant-idiots law enforcement that we see too little of these days, especially now that all other problems in his city have been solved. That’s for dag-gone sure!

  1. morram says:

    City managers and workers.. I got a story for you. Been living in this small California town for a while. Had a repo’d house on one side and a couple of beaches with two pit bulls on the other. The pit bulls had long ago busted a hole in the fence trying to kill me. I had complained to the city that the owners were not willing to help pay for a new fence, city said, take them to court… Then a real estate dude decides that the repo isn’t selling because I have two trucks I’m restoring in the backyard and they can be seen from the upstairs window if you press your face against the wall and are 9 feet tall. City sends out a worker to “inspect” my back yard. I never heard the guy knock but I heard the dogs going at him and when I went out front I could see this guy running for the gate so I leaned back and gave him a good crack in the head with the baseball bat knocking him out cold! Then I noticed he’s a city worker cause he’s wearing a gay jump suit. I freaked and looked around for his truck. Got his key and wallet (he owed me) then pulled the truck up into my driveway, drained all the gas out and filled my truck’s tank before loading him up and pushing his truck into the street and scraping my knee on the driveway near the gate before calling the cops. Hey I was assaulted.
    City tries to sue me over the dogs.. D!OH they are not mine.. City pays me $55 for cutting my padlock. Been over a year now waiting to see what happens. City worker can’t remember what happen haha!

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, morram,

    Something about your story reeks of bullshit.

  3. Patrick says:

    # 31 morram said, “City managers and workers.. I got a story for you…”

    IF true, you handled the situation appropriately.


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