![]() Don’t even THINK of parking here, scumbag! |
Who says government doesn’t always know best? And if government says you can’t legally park in your driveway, they must be right. What business do you have parking your car in your own driveway anyway?
Sure, this makes sense to all of us. But people in Toledo, on the other hand, are all upset because they’re receiving parking tickets for doing the unheard of. The criminal act of parking their cars in front of their house.
Crime wave
And the acts of criminality have become so rampant that the Mayor has deputized city workers (instead of police officers and the parking division of the city) to roam the hardscrabble streets to issue $25 parking citations to individuals who have committed this heinous crime.
Not every citizen is getting a ticket. Only those who don’t have their driveways paved. Gravel isn’t good enough for the Mayor. It’s gotta be paved. If not, you’re a criminal.
Dag-gone it!
Mayor Carty Finkbeiner, who surprisingly is facing a recall, says he stands by
a bureaucrat’sthe Acting Commissioner of Streets, Bridges and Harbor’s decision to ticket citizens who park in their driveways.“Every law in the city should be enforced and I will defer to the director over the media, that’s for dag-gone sure,” Mayor Finkbeiner said in a press conference last night. “I will not second guess her because more times then not she’s right and the citizens that are criticizing her are not right.”
Mayor Carty Finkbeiner is providing the kind of get tough, no nonsense, those-who-elected-me-are-ignorant-idiots law enforcement that we see too little of these days, especially now that all other problems in his city have been solved. That’s for dag-gone sure!
The law is the law, and patriots obey the law. Right Mr. Fusion?
Well, I guess he should also arrest…
1 – people who throw snakes at others
2 – women who wear patent leather shoes
3 – people who get fish drunk
4 – women who live in a household with more than 5 other women
5 – women who breastfeed in public
6 – people who fish for whales on Sunday
7 – mistreat anything of great importance
But apparently, they can’t do it on the 4th of July or on Sunday.
Courtesy of dumblaws.com.
Toronto is kinda like that… Officially, the city owns the property right off the front step of your house, including the sewer lines underneath. I believe it’s 7 metres from the sidewalk to your home is city land. In most Toronto neighbourhoods, the driveways are shared with your neighbour, so you can’t really part in them anyway, unless you get a widening permit and all that jazz…
It may be more than just the city of Toronto. I know prosecutors from Brampton and other municipalities and you are not technically allowed to park directed in front of your front door. That said, I don’t think it’s a ticket that is written often.
It makes sense though, should there be a fire or something, you don’t want your stupid car preventing firefighters from rescuing you inside.
#4 Griz. We can’t possibly legislate every possible scenario to prevent people from their own stupidity. People should be allowed to do all the stupid things they want to themselves…its called natural selection. Without it we end up with a society full or morons….oh wait…shit. Too late.
#1, SL,
And the citizens are fighting the tickets the correct way. By contacting their elected representatives and by recalling the mayor.
What would you have the citizens do, burn City Hall?
The mayor of Kansas City, my current residence, just narrowly dodged being recalled. Why do they want to recall him? Read this. It makes me ashamed to live here. Man, I hate politics.
And the acts of criminality have become so rampant that the Mayor has deputized city workers (instead of police officers and the parking division of the city) to roam the hardscrabble streets to issue $25 parking citations to individuals who have committed this heinous crime.
You know why they had to deputize the city workers? Because due to a budget shortfall they had to lay off 150 police officers last month!
The only reason this guy is in office right now is the fact that his predecessor was so dull and milquetoast that while the city was sleeping he was able to gloss over his image and make people forget all the shenanigans he pulled during the two terms he served in the 90s.
Oh, and here’s the real kicker: the recall vote won’t appear on the ballot until the general election in November (since there’s also no money to fund a special election). If he decides to run for another term, he could be recalled and re-elected on the same day!
Toledo politics are pretty dirty. Back around 2000 or so the then current mayor got in a fist fight with some guy at a bar.
Yeah. You hardly ever get ticketed, if in fact ever, unless someone calls the by-law office and formally complains. Which no one does.
Meanwhile, in the rest of America, we park our cars on the street out front of our house, as well as in our driveway and garage. Why is this such an issue for Toledo?
Gee, I guess that’s better than wasting time with violent crimes – BTW they’re 1.72 times over the national average.
hmmmm….maybe the law could be repealed?
But that would take the fun out of demeaning and belittling the people elected to enforce the laws.
Elect a dummy who writes dumb laws – chastise those charged with enforcing the all laws…yeah, makes sense to me at least this year it does.
Does this mayor have a velvet picture of W on the wall and play amazing grace on the piano at 9:45 pm daily? What a wacko.
Does anyone know why he’s only targeting people who park on gravel driveways? The story implies this is some attempt to get people to pave them. What’s wrong with gravel?
15, Uncy Dave
In T.O. the city doesn’t allow PAVING on driveways. Everything has to be porus, and oddly, gravel is very much allowed here…
#15, Uncle,
All the old Toledo Blues singers have been eating it for the effects it has on their singing.
14, orangetiki: Believe it or not, he’s a Democrat.
15# Does anyone know why he’s only targeting people who park on gravel driveways? The story implies this is some attempt to get people to pave them. What’s wrong with gravel?
I’m sure their official story is that gravel is bad but my guess is that this is a law that was intended to stop people from parking on grass and off street areas and now they’re applying it in a way that was never intended as a cash grab.
I think it’s so drivers can turn around on your driveway.
{Believe it or not, he’s a Democrat.}
Duh. The Dems are the ones who want to control every part of your life. I’ll bet there are more Republican rednecks with gravel driveways than well-heeled Democrat contributors.
Now this is just nuts. LOL what a great use of public funds.
I live in a town a little south of Toledo and I visit Toledo allot and I see all the things that Mayor Carty Finkbeiner as gotten huge amount of funding for go down the drain Toledo is a mess and there crime rate is through the roof they just laid off allot of police officers but just put huge amount of money in a mall that went belly up in under a year he needs to be recalled
Two words: Holy Toledo!
I wonder if it occurred to anyone to change the law?
Well, I’m sure HE has a paved driveway. I guess everyone should start parking there.
#6, I’d park in the City Hall parking lot. Most folks fail to reemember that no matter how much of your property the city says it owns, you are taxed on the entire zoned lot. If the city owns a part of my property, why am I paying taxes on it?
This is a money-making scheme on behalf of the city. I’d get a Pit Bull and a ‘Beware of Dog’ sign with an invisible fence (which I already own).
Come an ticket, folks
Ah, yet another personal freedom hating Dem liberal.
#27 – “If the city owns a part of my property, why am I paying taxes on it?”
The city does not “own” the property. They hold an easement which means they can use it for such things as sewer lines, electricity or other things that serve the public good.
It’s still your property and you can do anything you like with it. (As long as you ask nice and they say yes.)
# 29 Nimby said, “It’s still your property and you can do anything you like with it. ”
In most states you don’t actually own your property, you rent it from the government. Thus, it can be confiscated if you don’t pay the state on an annual basis for it.