A Baltimore circuit judge, who has three times been the subject of judicial disciplinary investigations, ordered a spectator to jail for 10 days for crying out “love you” to her handcuffed brother in the courtroom – and then reversed himself after a public defender spoke up on her behalf.

As Tamika Clevenger left a Baltimore courtroom Friday, she shouted, “Love you, Nick,” which set off Judge Alfred Nance. He ordered a sheriff to pull Clevenger from the hallway and found the 24-year-old in contempt.

Nance undid the sentence about a half-hour later at the request of Jill Trivas, a public defender who was in court for a different case but told Nance she felt that he had been too harsh…

Nance asked Clevenger her name and age, and then swiftly pronounced the punishment: “Ten days, Baltimore City Detention Center.”

“I didn’t do nothing,” a shocked Clevenger said…

Worried about her child at home, Clevenger began to cry.

Your baby will be there” when you get out, Nance said. “You want me to send him to social services? I’ll send him [to jail] too.”

Maybe he doesn’t need judge-lessons; but, he certainly needs human being-lessons.

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    What is it with people who feel the need to shout out like that at inappropriate times? I see it at local high school events…in the middle of choir concerts, for example.

    The judge was right, but the sentence maybe a bit harsh.

  2. John Paradox says:

    Sounds like a judge that Limbaugh, Beck, O’Reilly et al would love.


  3. pcboy says:

    He is black, therefore incapable of unfairness.

  4. sac says:

    He might be black, but he is BAD black.

  5. No doubt this guy is on Obama’s short-list for the next Supreme Court seat. First we get a “wise Latina” then we will get a psychopathic whackjob on the SCOTUS. Now that is change you can believe in!

  6. Fat_Anarchy says:


    LOL, yeah.

    Apart from the fact that he isn’t. But lets not let silly things like “facts” stop us from making inane comments. It would stop our unrelenting Obama bashing…and we can’t allow that to happen!

  7. TThor says:

    …or maybe he is a lunatic that needs some time off in a mental ward? A judge behaving this way is unfit for the job.

  8. Improbus says:

    T think everyone involved with the legal system is a dick. If you will pardon the pun, this guy is a dick. in spades.

  9. Rick's Cafe says:

    “Don’t let facts get in the way of a good story” (ancient klingon proverb)

  10. Rob says:

    He was my judge when I had jury duty. The guy definitely is a control freak.

  11. Zybch says:

    “I didn’t do nothing,” a shocked Clevenger said…

    Sure, except the unmerciful murdering of the English language.

  12. Dallas says:

    What a creep of judge.

    Also creeps are the sad, lonely Obama bashers linking this wild story to Obama because the judge is black.

    This more proof Obama is doing a GREAT job when the wingdings consider this an attack opportunity.

    How lame, how sad

  13. deowll says:

    The judge needs to go back into private practice.

  14. lmj3325 says:


    This judge is a piece of shit. Hopefully he will meet an untimely death.


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