Balancing ‘women’ isn’t the only thing Antonio is good at
One of Fidel Castro’s sons carried on an eight-month flirtation over the Internet with a person he believed was a Colombian woman. Surprise! The woman was actually a Miami man.
”Guess where I am and I will make love to you without stopping,” Antonio Castro Soto del Valle, Fidel’s son and physician for the Cuban national baseball team, reportedly wrote ”Claudia” during a January trip to Russia with his uncle Raúl.But ”Claudia” turned out to be Luis Domínguez, a Cuban-born Miamian who unveiled the sting on Americateve TV Channel 41 in Miami, saying it was designed to ”shatter the myth of an impenetrable” security system.
”Claudia’s” cyber-boyfriend never revealed any state secrets and made no mention of Fidel during their more than 20 Internet chats. But he sent her what he said were his phone number and home address in Havana, wrote that he had no bodyguards and gave advance notice of a trip to Mexico — all breaches of the tight secrecy that has always surrounded Fidel Castro’s family life.
And when rumors swept Miami in mid-January that Fidel Castro had died, Domínguez said, he assured Americateve that the rumors were likely false because Antonio was keeping up his regular chats with his cyber-girlfriend.
”While everyday Cubans were banned from using the Internet cafes in Havana hotels, this guy had a BlackBerry and unlimited access to the Web,” said Domínguez, 46, a security company employee.
Ah, sex. The oldest trick in a spy’s playbook. Gets ’em every time in the movies.
The balls of this guy to pull a stunt like that!
huh, still nothing about Iran on this blog?
This guy looks like “Fearless Fosdick” without
the hat.
Its “Colombian” NOT “Columbian”.
#4 – Could be Columbian. Everyone knows what hotties the women in Ohio are…
How sure are we that ‘Castro’s son’ wasn’t a Colombian beauty?
Wow, the Cuban expats are getting desperate now. Face it, you guys are not gonna get the property back that Bautista helped you steal.
What exactly did this prove? Someone gets conned on the Internet…no state secrets revealed, so epic failure as far as I see it.
HOLY crap Dvorak.org misspelled ColOmbian wrong AGAIN!!! Every single freakin Colombian story you guys do you mispell this countries name, what a shame spell checking doesn’t figure into journalism anymore. Once again it’s ColOmbian, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
You spelled Colombian wrong!