Please pay attention to the fact that this is catalogued as ‘Breaking News’. Oh Brother.

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    Should be charged with cruelty to animals. Flies feel pain too.

  2. John Paradox says:

    It was a ‘terrarist’ fly!


  3. Named says:


    Pity from a lawyer? What kind of bizarro world IS this?

  4. The Warden says:

    The fly thought Obama was a big pile of crap. The fly was right.

  5. tcc3 says:

    But did he do it with chopsticks? That would have been impressive.

  6. Wretched Gnu says:

    Gasparrini, surely it’s ironic that you’re making fun of the program for calling this “Breaking News” — when it’s clearly just trying to compete with freewheeling blogs who are always ridiculing “old media” for sticking to a narrow conception of what “news” is!

    The internet is like the child who can’t stand his uncool parents, but then freaks out when they stay out too late.

  7. Mac Guy says:

    Next thing you know, he’ll get complaints from Hindus for harming a living creature, and he’ll issue a written apology.

  8. Thinker says:

    After watching this I’m just relieved to have a guy with style there, after the previous occupant. Ok, I’ll agree its completely trivial, but doesn’t it add a bit of levity with everything else thats going on?

  9. Named says:


    See comment 1.

  10. McCullough says:

    He should have popped in into his mouth….now THAT would have been real news!

    Of course then PETA would have been all crazy and shit.

  11. Ian says:

    Of course he swatted the fly, he’s a reptilian. Too bad the camera missed his forked tongue and slat vertical pupils during that moment!

  12. Buzz says:

    Gotta admit, the guy’s fast.

  13. Robart says:

    Next up the “Wax on. Wax off.” interview with Matt Lauer.

  14. Luc says:

    #6 wins!

  15. JimR says:

    The important question is… Would McCain have swatted that fly?

  16. Cursor_ says:

    Well we are moving up.

    Last President could duck from two thrown shoes.

    This one is fast enough to swat a fly.

    Maybe the next will fight his own war and lead the troops into battle?

    Nah. Plutocrats only worry about money not fighting for their causes.


  17. Crymson says:

    #4 wins!

  18. Nadrew says:

    Cocksure. Smarmy. Smug. Not sure which describes Obama best, but there is something about the way he comes off that puts me off.

  19. Nimby says:

    Flies and 14 year-old pirates. The man’s a killer!

  20. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Insects are now on notice that the White House has been declared a no-fly zone.

  21. deowll says:

    Peta is going after him for this vicious act.

    The liberal media ought not to spend so much time kissing his feet.

    I’m not suggesting that they should actually disagree with him about something. That is beyond them. Just not total door mats.

  22. Smarmy says:

    #18: Competent, cool, calm, capable, confident?

  23. ggore says:

    Yep, the PETA loonies did come out with a statement yesterday criticizing Obama for killing the poor innocent little helpless fly.

  24. Toxic Asshead says:

    #10 – eating it is a green thing to do – recycle the protein and all.

  25. zorkor says:

    Oops, seem like Obama caught the Bush and Killed him, or was it Dick Cheney?

  26. Nimby says:

    #24 – Eating them is not a problem. But skinning the damned things takes a patient hunter.

  27. Fliedrice says:

    Killed the Mf..ZAP!..actually he is trained to play dead for the effect. He flew away and landed in the home for disoriented flies.

  28. gumchewr says:

    That’s our President…faster than a speeding fly!

  29. beastie says:

    #4 comment is crap


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