This guy delves into a number of areas from the economy to foreign policy and comes to the conclusion that… Have to read the article to find out.

Picture, if you will, an America apparently like our own. A country like ours bogged down in war on two fronts and suffering from the greatest economic slump since the Great Depression of the 1930s. An America indistinguishable from ours in every respect except that when you turn on the nightly news you see the face of President John Sidney McCain …

OK, Rod Serling as host of “The Twilight Zone” probably would have said it better. But seriously — where would we be in the summer of 2009, if in last November’s election John McCain rather than Barack Obama had been elected president of the United States?

“No difference!” would be the answer of those alienated populists and leftists for whom Republicans and Democrats are merely different tentacles of the same Bilderberger or Trilateral Commission octopus. Certainly from the perspectives of socialists or libertarians — or fascists or Islamic theocrats — the consensus shared by America’s two parties seems much greater than their differences. But from the vantage point of mainstream American politics, the differences between the Obama administration and a hypothetical McCain administration would have been real and can be vividly illustrated by counterfactual history.

After reading his conclusions, what do you think our world would be like today, June 16, 2009?

  1. eaze says:

    everything would be exactly the same except the speeches wouldn’t sound as good.

  2. amodedoma says:

    Can there be a bigger waste of time than considering the past in conditional?!
    If yer granmpa had tits he’d be yer granma.
    Coulda been, shoulda been, woulda been, AIN’T.
    This is the kind of BS you get from people who can’t deal with the past so they constantly apply their fantasy.

  3. Benjamin says:

    It would be the same, except the mainstream media would have put a negative spin on the White House. Democrats would hate the President and Republicans would like him. Either way, there still wouldn’t be a conservative in the White House.

  4. qb says:

    Greyhound would be getting bailout money instead of GM and the White House would smell like Burma Shave.

  5. Mojo Yugen says:

    The Daily Show would have a lot more material with Palin as vice-resident (and that’s saying something).

  6. Mojo Yugen says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  7. Patrick says:

    # 1 eaze said, “everything would be exactly the same except the speeches wouldn’t sound as good.”


  8. qb says:

    Cindy McCain and Sarah Palin would be BFF’s for sure. Maybe even pyjama parties.

  9. djh says:

    David Letterman would be in Gitmo.

  10. Scoot says:

    McCain would have been so exhausted by now he would have to revert to Regan-era decision making techniques (Nancy’s Ouija board).

  11. MRN says:

    The biggest difference might possibly be air strikes on Iran ratcheting up regional tensions and the resulting hikes in world petroleum prices; along with an expanded ground war into Pakistan’s frontier regions instead of the surgical strikes and more militarily effective small-unit incursions by special forces today.

  12. The Warden says:

    The biggest difference is that McCain would have stuck to his campaign promises unlike Obama who decided to continue many of the same policies of George Bush. Remember, words don’t mean crap. Actions do. And so far the actions of Obama don’t match his words. Obama’s team seemed to find that ol’ GWB was right after all on many foreign policy decisions.

  13. ac3smith says:

    I think you’re going to have to find someone unbiased to write an article like this that is worth reading.

  14. Thomas says:

    Bush had already negotiated a draw down in Iraq prior to Obama taking office. In addition, the left cannot seem to get their head around the fact that all the issues in the Middle-East are interrelated. You cannot “just” go after the Taliban and hope to be successful in effecting real change. As far as I can tell, Obama hasn’t done anything different in the Middle-East other than encourage Iran and move troops to Afghanistan so we can have Vietnam II.

    RE: Two kinds of soldiers

    The ones that actually win the battles that win the wars are the ones like Patton, Grant, and MacArthur. The ones that help encourage the peace after the war are the ones like Washington, Marshall and Eisenhower. A reasonable argument could be made that Eisenhower and Marshall were more politicians than strategists which is still critical in a multi-national operation. His argument would have been better made by using Bradley than Marshall, Eisenhower or Washington. Had Washington not gotten lucky at Brooklyn, we’d be Canada II.

    RE: Palestine

    Obama’s policy sounds so familar..hmmm…who else tried to placate the terrorists in Palestine and tried to get Israel and Palestine to make peace..Oh that’s right, that was Clinton. And how did that turn out? Right, with Arafat enjoying a nice meal at the WH, thumbing his nose at the US and Israel and having zero effect. It is the kumbayah foreign policy and it **never** works with oppressive governments.

    RE: Economics

    Well, I hope that it would be different under McCain but I do not believe that to be true. Right now we have racked up the largest deficit in the shortest amount of time in history. That “infrastructure” “stimulus” has done nothing to improve the economy (unless you make printing presses) however it has done plenty to hurt us in the long run.

  15. Named says:


    ” It is the kumbayah foreign policy and it **never** works with oppressive governments. ”

    Yeah. Israel never listens to what is the right thing to do for peace…

    1, you got it just about bang on… Except my fantasy of seeing Cindy and Sarah going at it would be that much closer to reality….

  16. Angus says:

    Our Country would be in debt about $787 Billion less. Other than that, not too much different.

  17. Named says:


    Yes. because you haven’t sent every industry to China already. Question, would America be closer to God as well under McCain?

  18. Mr Anderson says:

    WW III would under way…

  19. Patrick says:

    # 21 Mr Anderson said, “WW III would under way…”

    With who?

  20. Named says:


    I did all that? I am so amazingly more powerful than GOD! You should now pray to me… or FSM. He’s cool too.

  21. Mr Anderson says:

    would be :
    Bomb Bomb Iran
    Nuke Nuke N.Korea
    Back to Vietnam for that unfinished business

    and any other country after a spin on the wheel of axis of evil

  22. MikeR says:

    Caveat: I am dumb Canuck.

    I stopped reading when the author suggested McCain would have been a bigger neocon than Bush. Didn’t the neocons stab McCain in the back and leave him for dead?

  23. Named says:


    I think when McCain said that Obama was a decent man, that’s when they threw him under the bus. Up until then he was a Muslim terrorist that hated babies and America.

  24. Named says:


    As the official idiot of the blog, let me remind you that every President starts or continues a war to show how tough they are. In fact, you’re hero Ronald Reagan fought against 30 doctors in Grenada with 30000 marines to show how tough he was. Had to save face for the stunning defeat that was Vietnam.

  25. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I think McCain would have unloaded his temper so many times that he had an anyeurism and lies in a vegetative state while the Dumb Snowbunny has someone’s hand up her ass telling her what to say and do.

    God, thank you for not allowing McCain to win and for preventing that incredibly stupid woman from getting any closer to the Capitol.

  26. MikeN says:

    A lower amount of spending, with deficits around $500 billion instead of $1 trillion.

    More of a bombing mentality in foreign policy.

    More likely to pass immigration amnesty.

  27. Mr Anderson says:

    #27 “No one believes McCain weak…”

    he’s just a feeble minded nut job,
    very very weak in what mind he has left, if any

  28. McCain wouldn’t be obsequiously bowing to Saudi dictators nor apologizing to the world for the evil of the United States.

    We’d have an uglier First Lady, though, and wouldn’t have two adorable First Children. I guess it’s a wash.

  29. Named says:


    Yes. You are an idiot. Your Founding Fathers didn’t create a “Democracy” but a “Republic” where the power of the “One” could take over. Of course, if you understood your own history that you espouse you would have known that.

    And, again, since you’re an idiot, no one would ever say that Democracy is the best, since if there are enough dummies like you, a government in your image will be created. And that is obviously the worst case scenario. Democracy in a general sense is a type of government, but not really what you have either. You have a half kludge of Republic and elective democracy. A parliamentary system is immensely better, but not something Americans like. You enjoy having a single figure as the head (you like to call him the “One”).

    And you are all over the place rambling crazy. Maybe you should make notes of things you like to say and then fill out the checklist that says “Column 1 – Things I KNOW.” “Column 2 – Things that I DON’T KNOW but want to rant about anyway cause i’m nuts.”

    You’ll find Column 1 says “Everything in Column 2 is correct.”

  30. Named says:


    Is it because McCain is so short he wouldn’t have to bow?

    And America has a LOT more to apologize for yet…


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