A teenage girl is suing a tattoo artist for £10,000 after she allegedly asked him for three stars on her face – but ended up with 56.

Eighteen-year-old Kimberley Vlaminck paid £55 for ‘the graffiti that has ruined my life’ in her Belgian home town of Courtrai. She claimed the Romanian tattooist who performed the artwork misunderstood her French and English.

She claims she fell asleep while he was doing his work… and awoke to ‘this nightmare’.
‘It is terrible for me,’ said Kimberley. ‘I cannot go out on to the street, I am so embarrassed. I just look horrible.’
‘I think he didn’t understand what I wanted. He spoke only fractured English and French. article-1193384-055D93D8000005DC-693_306x543

‘But I explicitly said in my native tongue, French, and also in a little bit of English when he looked confused, that I wanted three little stars only near my left eye.’
Rouslan Toumaniantz, who runs the tattoo parlour called The Tattoo Box in Courtrai, denies her claim.
He said she knew ‘exactly what she wanted’.
He added: ‘She was awake and looked into the mirror several times as the procedure was taking place.

‘The trouble all started when she went home and her father and boyfriend threw a fit.
‘They are saying things now like I doped her or hypnotised her. What rubbish! ‘She asked for 56 stars and that’s what she got.’ To remove the stars would require surgery costing £8,500.

Tattoos are definitely not my thing, but I have to assume there would be some pain and noise involved. Therefore, we shall apply the BS detector.

  1. sargasso says:

    Kids, they grow up too quickly.

  2. Troublemaker says:


  3. deowll says:

    That’s the problem with tattoos. They are so permanent.

    Since you will change your mind sooner or later DON’T DO THAT!!!!!

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Why not tattooing an L on her forehead.

  5. Improbus says:

    The price for stupidity and lack of awareness is high. No sympathy from me missy.

  6. Special Ed says:

    They should have her euthanized.

  7. KarmaBaby says:

    Can you really fall asleep while getting a tattoo? Don’t they hurt?

  8. tomyerex says:

    @6 – How would signing her into a religion help?

  9. Les says:

    If she fell asleep during facial tattoos, one must assume that some drugs were involved.

  10. Breetai says:

    Nelson Laugh and point your finger

    HA HA!

  11. JFStan says:

    I have to say, I disagree when she says she “looks horrible”. She’ll definitely get noticed more often, but seriously, I’ve seen a lot, lot worse.

  12. AdmFubar says:

    well lets hope she looks ugly enough that she wont get a chance to reproduce..
    no need for dumb dumbd of this caliber … 🙂

  13. arpie says:

    This begs for a segway to this video: The Dragon Man: http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?videoId=221560&title=coolness-the-dragon-man

    That being said, hopefully she has just removed her genes from the gene pool, which sounds like a good thing in this case… one can hope…

  14. Rider says:

    Don’t really want to blame the tattoo artist for this but there was a time not so long ago when tattoo artists would refuse to do work like this.

    Seriously if I was a tattoo artist I would have told this girl to find someone else to do it.

  15. BubbaRay says:

    #15, “Yep, BS meter’s off the hook on this one.”

    Absolutely. Mom and Dad must be so proud.

    #16, Beat me to it, I concur.

  16. pwuk says:

    quite nice. In a Jadzia Dax sort of way

  17. Luc says:

    Easy. Tattoo parlors should have a written contract describing in reasonable amount of detail the work to be commissioned. Get the person to read it, sign it and be given a copy.

  18. jccalhoun says:

    “The trouble all started when she went home and her father and boyfriend threw a fit.”

    That’s the whole story right there. Even if she fell asleep, no one would get a tattoo on their face and then not look at it in a mirror before they left. If she saw it in a mirror as soon as the guy finished she would have went off on the guy and not waited until her dad and boyfriend made a deal about it.

  19. UnaKRon says:

    She didn’t want to yell rape while she is at it?

  20. Radioactivegeek says:

    I need one of those BS detectors for the meetings at work… but it would probably burn out from being pegged too often…

  21. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Attention whore!

  22. Special Ed says:

    #8 – I said euthanized not baptized fuckwit.

  23. amodedoma says:

    She’ll get used to it.

  24. meetsy says:

    yeah…what happened to tattoo artists refusing to do the face…and especially with someone so YOUNG? That tat dude is a greedy moron and deserves to take some of the blame. The girl is young, thought it sounded great, liked it…then when Daddy and bf freaked….she suddenly has issues with it.
    Let her get the 8k procedure to get it removed (as it hurts like HELL, I hear) and make the Tat dude pay for it. That way they’ll BOTH LEARN a lesson.

  25. qb says:

    A video of this space cadet and the rocket surgeon tattoo artist. I’m guessing they have the combined IQ of a fence post.

  26. Ron Larson says:

    18… old enough to know better.

  27. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #18 nice reference

    Maybe she should try to hook up with Mike Tyson, what with having the face tattoo thing in common.

  28. meetsy says:

    So, you were fully mature and sensible at 18? I think NOT!

  29. homer says:

    I only counted 54 stars! WTF? she should sue the tat artist for cheating her out of two stars. Sumabatch! Sue Sue Sue. Definitely L.O.L. Im glad all of the worlds problems have been solved and were down to sorting this out…


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