
WASHINGTON, June 14 (Reuters) – CIA director Leon Panetta says it’s almost as if former vice president Dick Cheney would like to see another attack on the United States to prove he is right in criticizing President Barack Obama for abandoning the “harsh interrogation” of terrorism suspects.

“I think he smells some blood in the water on the national security issue,” Panetta said in an interview published in The New Yorker magazine’s June 22 issue. “It’s almost, a little bit, gallows politics. When you read behind it, it’s almost as if he’s wishing that this country would be attacked again, in order to make his point.”

Cheney, who was a key advocate in the Bush administration of controversial interrogation methods such as waterboarding, has become as a leading Republican critic of Obama’s ban on harsh interrogations and his plan to shut the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In a blistering May 21 speech, Cheney said Obama’s reversal of Bush-era policies were “unwise in the extreme” that would make the American people less safe.

Panetta called Cheney’s actions “dangerous politics.”

He told The New Yorker he had favored the creation of an independent truth commission to look into the detainee polices of former President George W. Bush. But the idea died in April when Obama decided such a panel could be seen as politically vindictive.

My guess is yes.

Found by Ian Warner.

  1. Ah_Yea says:


    Good comment.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Let me rephrase that headline…

    Would you like to see the US attack Cheney, just to prove a point?

  3. Patrick says:

    # 30 go team O said, “I’m sure Obama wanted the surge to work not his choice”

    Really? How do you come by that certainty? Not from anything he has said about it, that’s for sure. He, to this day, can’t speak honestly about it.

  4. go team O says:

    33 Patrick

    “I’m sure Obama wanted the surge to work not his choice”

    Really? How do you come by that certainty? Not from anything he has said about it, that’s for sure. He, to this day, can’t speak honestly about it.

    …”but as long as that was going to be our course of action lets hope for the best and work with it. Any practical citizen would want that.”

    I have Confidence that when the US votes in one of it’s Elites rather than a myopic dunce they will make a smart call.
    Lets face it if I’m smart enough to figure it out, I’m sure Team O is. Just as YOU should hope for the best when you don’t get your way on a team effort.

    Not the play you would call so you want the team to lose. Really? Say it ant so Paddy-0

  5. Timuchin says:

    There. You’ve been given someone to hate. Do you feel better now? For at least fifteen minutes? Sublimated anger never lasts.

    You need to resolve the original source of your anger. This is possible through Jesus.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Cheney is that angry because his über masculine lesbian daughter won’t do the sex change thingie Cher’s über masculine lesbian daughter did.

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    Personally I cant see how wanting the surge to fail (attacking another country) is the same as wanting another 9/11 (your country being attacked).

    Of course Cheney and his buddies want another attack. They all have arms portfolios.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #36 – Angel H. Wong

    That makes you wonder… if Cheney’s and Cher’s daughters become a couple… are they a lesbian or heterosexual couple?

  9. ridin the short bus says:

    Who Cares what Dick Says… He had his chance.. he blew it…it was his policies that made the world dislike our country..amd it was these policies that led to investors from many parts of the wold pulling their money from the US that ultimately led us to the monetary breakdown we have been living thru… and of course all this happens just weeks before the elections take place in November… its all a big cockup.. if the government went to work each day and actually did things for America, the world and the USA would be a much beter and safer place… In amercica they say 1 man can make a difference, unfortunately for the US it was DICK… I wish he would just GO AWAY..and let the rest of the US try to clean up the Bush administration mess… this will lingre for decades…and the US will never hold the position in the world it once did… Thanks DICK!!! Has Anyone heard from Condi?… seems she is smart enough to not get into the international press…

  10. Dallas says:

    #39 No word on Condi. Maybe she’s playing the piano or some big stiff organ. Poor thing needed it.

    Bush is literally 5 minutes from my house here in Dallas. All I know is he went to a local Elliot’s Hardware store to get a job. Other than that, he’s likely BBQ’ing in his pink boxers.

    Cheney is the only one out of his bunker flapping his gums to get some dignity before he croaks. Someone forgot to reverse the locks in his bunker to lock from the outside, I suppose.

  11. Robart says:

    I’m calling lame on this one. “It’s as if”?

    Now back to real news….

  12. sac says:

    Cheney is a Dick.

  13. Patrick says:

    #34 As I thought. You have no coherent answer to my question. Thanks.

  14. right says:

    It’s going to be a nice day indeed when Cheney and Bush are indicted for war crimes.

  15. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #33, Cow-Patty,

    Hey good post. Framed everything as a negative. Well then, lets back up to your post in #5,

    That’s about as possible as Obama wanting the “surge” to fail for Bush… Very possible.

    Would you present some proof for your claim?

    #16 Which part of the letter was a lie?

    So do you need reading comprehension lessons or history lessons? The economy tanked on Cheney’s watch and Obama is left to clean up the mess.

    Typical trolling by one of the worst.

  16. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #43, Cow-Patty,

    You didn’t have a coherent question to begin with.

    Do large, mean dogs cross the street when they see you coming?

  17. Rick's Cafe says:

    When the democrats won the WhiteHouse and the Congress one would assume that all the liberals on this site would be happy, sharing their good wishes and fortune with all around.

    Instead, the comments on the site – this particular post remind me of the little spoiled brat who needs to kick an injured dog….just cause.


  18. noname says:

    *Most people believe Cheney is one who always has to be right.

    *Most people believe Cheney is one who believes you have to destroy this country first before it can be rebuilt the way he wants it.


    *Most people believe if Cheney was still VP, he would be over at the CIA to cook up intelligence to SCARE the American people into accepting his desire to escalate us into a WAR with IRAQ.

  19. orangetiki says:

    Even my magic 8-Ball says “Oh hell yeah”. I didn’t even know my 8-ball had that setting before.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #51, is that what Rush said today?

  21. web says:

    # 49 sayingitoutloud said,
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah …….

    You are judged by the company you keep Democrats.

    Are you proud?

  22. Nimby says:

    Alfalfa? How masterful can they be if YOU can see through their deceit?

  23. Steve says:

    Let’s hand him over to Jesse Ventura and find out for sure.

  24. right says:

    “Obama is also a master of deception.”

    alfred1, you constantly amaze us mere normal people with your stupidity.
    BTW, you haven’t proved that god exists to all of us anxiously waiting. (fucking idiot)

    OK, I’ll say it now, please forgive me, but you, Alfred1, are stupid Fuck.

    As to my asking a few days ago for your address, I had a few intelligent friends of mine read your posts (at that time they knew not of this Blog).
    They thought I was spamming them because they knew that a normal person would not act this way. Heh, Alfred1, you’re a fucking loonie who had a difficult life but now you seem to want to inflict that damage on innocent people. That’s disgusting. So….I ask again, what’s your address so Homeland Security can come and take you away to Gitmo?

  25. right says:

    Wow, Alfred1. How was it growing up where your parents hated you? We all know you are the main man in the protests against Obama. Just check the history of his/her/it’s comments…..

    If that’s the case, I feel really bad for you. Seriously.

    To the Cheney family – Leave the US, you are fucked here. You are scum, slime and dogshit.

  26. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, did you ever consider looking at both sides of any issue? Or do you find books that agree with your leanings and ignore all others?

    Because, you know, truly smart people look at any and every issue from several angles and come up with an original perspective, whereas so far you consistently quote the right-wing press and your bible to the exclusion of objective reports.

    And FWIW, any asshole can write a book and get it published.

  27. Brock says:

    Good to see the Obama fan-boys are still out in droves blaming Bush and Cheny for everything. Times up boys, you now own the crumbling economy and rising unemployment. Your fix hasn’t done jack… As expected… Except torn down the rule of law over backruptcy and paid $1.2 million per “saved” auto factory worked job. What a joke…

    And then the fact Yomama is purposely talking the economy DOWN to make his point, that is, he can be the biggest deficit spending president ever. And on topic, the Cheney front, Yomama still has over 3 and a half years to prove he can prevent any attacks on US soil. Who cares what Cheney has to say, if he has no point. The way Yomama’s henchmen are acting, it sure looks like Cheny does have a point. One thing for sure – Time will tell….

    Do you feel safer, I don’t. Do you feel the economy zooming back, I don’t. Gee, maybe I’ll run get one of those $10 and hour green jobs climbing wind towers in Oklahoma.

    You bought him, now you get to live with the lack of results… Call me when California closes down. I suspect we will get to see Yomama throw some added good money after bad paying off the lotus eaters.

  28. Brock says:

    It’s artful to see how Painyetta stuck words in Cheney’s mouth that he never spoke. Kind of like a magicians misdirection..

    It’s actually funny to see Pavlov’s dog response in action with liberals – Say Bush or Cheney – Watch the libtards foam at the mouth. Talk about unthinking knee jerk reaction…

    Wasn’t it Joe Biden that said to expect an attack within the first 6 months? Where was the vitriolic hatred of Bumbling Joe, hairpiece man, when he actually said the words Painyetta put in Cheney’s mounth? Oh – I forgot, his name wasn’t Bush or Cheney… Hence, no foam…

  29. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #49, loud,

    Don’t include me in that 90%. You sound too much like Alphie to be taken seriously.

  30. right says:

    “Call me when California closes down.”

    Hey Brock, are you so fucking stupid not to know that Bush started this? Sheesh, stupid is as stupid does.
    He and Cheney caused a trillion +- dollar war on a lie. How does that sit in your stomach?

    I like to be around smart people but Brock and Alfred1 are examples of people I could probably get a thrill from knowing that they stood upright today.


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