If this goes into effect, I wonder how many companies, especially small ones, will dump the company phones and somehow compensate employees to use their personal phones for work. With all that dumpage, wanna bet how fast cell phone company bribe money… er, um… campaign contributions flies into Congressional pockets to pass a bill to end this?

The IRS may dial up new rules that could cost you more in taxes if your employer gives you a cell phone.

The feds have proposed taxing 25% of business cell phone use as income.

That means someone who’s in a 28% tax bracket and whose work cell phone costs their company $1,000 a year would pay $70 more in federal income tax.
The IRS has had a law on the books regarding taxation of personal calls on business cell phones for two decades, but companies have rarely complied because of the difficulty of keeping such records.
One choice would be for employees to offer proof that they have a personal cell phone that they use during working hours. That would substantiate that the business cell phone was being used solely for work purposes.

Another option being floated would allow companies to use a statistical sampling to figure out how much of their employees’ phone bills are for personal calls.
The IRS said it is awaiting responses to its proposals from the public.

  1. LibertyLover says:

    You guys are never going to convince the Obamabots this is wrong.

    They hear the word “tax” and immediately get the vapors.

    I am curious as to how many of them have jobs where their employers pay for their personal cell phones and out of that how many are going to pay back taxes for the last three years, and for now on, because they now KNOW it is the “right” thing to do.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, Liberty Loser,

    If you believe this is so wrong, then write your Congressman and suggest he revamp the Income Tax Act. Until then, why not obey the law?

  3. Patrick says:

    # 35 LibertyLover said, “They hear the word “tax” and immediately get the vapors.”

    I know it’s hilarious. Every time O’Mama comes out with a new tax that will hit the middle class, the O’Mamabots go into overtime with the verbal diarrhea trying to say how it’s not really a tax.

  4. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #37, Cow-Patty,

    Every time O’Mama comes out with a new tax that will hit the middle class,

    Please, list some of the new taxes on the books since January 22, 2009?

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    I’m just amused that not wanting to pay more taxes is unpatriotic.

  6. acumen_123 says:

    #19 Patty Cake

    I’ll say this for you, you’re consistent in your inconsistency. It would never occur to me to defend an ad hominem evasion with another ad hominem evasion. Not very bright — but definitely, consistently not very bright.

    I’ll give you something else, too. You’re very consistently a tiresome bore. Are you never going to come up with any new material?

    You’ve really beaten this O’Mama crap into the ground and you know what? It wasn’t very clever the first of the 400 times you’ve used it.

  7. Blues says:

    Just give back the phone.

  8. doughoist says:

    So, it has come to my attention that before I can make my own mortgage payment, my taxes are taken from me to purchase cell phone for people who are on welfare. So are my taxes going to be taxed again so that the untaxed should receive perks that I can’t afford myself?

  9. Carcarius says:

    OK, when is the government going to start taxing us for breathing?

  10. Sea Lawyer says:


    From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

    Welcome to the welfare state.

  11. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #32 “If you think you can manage your money better than the government then go buy yourself an island somewhere and set up your own little kingdom.”

    We should all just turn our paychecks, bank accounts, etc over to the government and let them do with them what they please?

  12. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #45, Cap’n

    We should all just turn our paychecks, bank accounts, etc over to the government and let them do with them what they please?

    Normal, sane people would vote for someone else.

  13. brm says:

    #36 Fusion:

    “If you believe this is so wrong, then write your Congressman and suggest he revamp the Income Tax Act. Until then, why not obey the law?”

    If you believe slavery is so wrong, then write your Congressman and suggest he revamp the Fugitive Slave Law. Until then, why not hand over the runaway slaves and obey the law?

    Tongue-in-cheek, but since when does it merely being ‘the law’ mean it’s right?

    Many people in this country think it’s morally wrong to tax personal income, and we’re allowed to bitch about it.

  14. brm says:

    Furthermore, I can’t help feeling like my not protesting the income tax enough, and rolling over to pay it, is funding an illegal war in Iraq.

    Tax protesting is civil disobedience.

    It’s humorous to me that so many anti-Iraq war peeps are also first in line handing their income over to the war machine all the while clucking their tongues against anyone daring to criticize the wisdom of gov’t spending.

  15. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #47, brm,

    This hows why you aren’t doing so well in High School.

    Tongue-in-cheek, but since when does it merely being ‘the law’ mean it’s right?

    Because we are a nation of laws. We use laws to organize our society and settle disputes.

    If you believe slavery is so wrong, then write your Congressman and suggest he revamp the Fugitive Slave Law.

    Uummm, I guess you didn’t know. Well, the XIII Amendment already did that.

    It’s humorous to me that so many anti-Iraq war peeps are also first in line handing their income over to the war machine all the while clucking their tongues against anyone daring to criticize the wisdom of gov’t spending.

    No, it is because of those that believe in the rule of law that they pay their taxes. Yes, protest against the Iraq War, Taxes, abortion, or stupid people that don’t know the XIIth Amendment. Protest is one way of letting the government hear you. Writing your Congressman is also.

    With holding your taxes can get you in trouble. If ordered to pay and you refuse, you can go to jail AND lose your property.

  16. brm says:


    “Because we are a nation of laws.”

    You haven’t acknowledged that what is lawful is not always right…

    “Uummm, I guess you didn’t know. Well, the XIII Amendment already did that.”

    …which was the point of my example. When it was lawful to turn in escaped slaves, it wasn’t right.

    The law alone can’t be our morality. It has to work the other way – it has to be that our morals inform the laws we write.

    We adjust the law to agree with our morals. We don’t adjust our morals to agree with the law.

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #36, Quit avoiding the question. Are you going to pay three years of cell phone back taxes and start recording your cell phone on your taxes every year from here on out?

    When you get together with all your liberal buddies next time for a glass of Kool Aid, are you going to suggest they do the same because it’s right?

  18. LibertyLover says:

    #38 Please, list some of the new taxes on the books since January 22, 2009?

    The new tobacco tax — which hits the poor much more than it hits the middle and upper class.

  19. Patrick says:

    #52 Forget it Liberty. conFusion could be being drug away to the gallows by the IRS and still deny the existence of taxes…

  20. MikeN says:

    >Read the article. This is not something new. It is the use of cellphones, paid for by your employer, for PERSONAL use that is being taxed.

    Maybe you should read the article first. That is the current law, but it is difficult to enforce. So now the IRS is turning the rules around, and saying that by definition 25% of company calls are personal, and we’ll tax at that rate, throwing in a few options of how you might be able to avoid it. So if you use your phone and make no personal calls, you will still be taxed, as the default position.

  21. Patrick says:

    # 54 MikeN said, “So if you use your phone and make no personal calls, you will still be taxed, as the default position.”

    Which is illegal. I wonder if O’mama will put a stop to this tyranny?

  22. Sea Lawyer says:

    #54, #55, I find your lack of patriotism disturbing.

  23. LibertyLover says:

    #56, LOL

  24. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #51, Liberty Loser,

    Quit avoiding the question. Are you going to pay three years of cell phone back taxes and start recording your cell phone on your taxes every year from here on out?

    As I said earlier, contact your Congressman if you don’t like it.

    Why should the rest of us sit back and not say anything when YOU, and your ilk, purposely avoid paying the taxes legally imposed upon you?

  25. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #52, Liberty Loser,

    Well that is almost one. It isn’t new and it is also designed to reduce smoking, a health problem. Then again, it is an increase, not new.

    Next tax please? C’mon, you guys are drowning in new taxes, what are they?

  26. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #50, brm,

    When it was lawful to turn in escaped slaves, it wasn’t right.

    That depends. The law at the time allowed the ownership of slaves. If you owned slaves, they were YOUR property. Even today, the rightful owner of property, say horses, is allowed to regain that property if it escapes his fields.

    Maybe when you get to Gr. 10 and learn about the causes of the Civil War you will understand. The democratic forces voted in Congressmen and a President that promised to change the law on slavery. It was also through the democratic process that the law was changed and the XIII, XIV and XV Amendments were passed.

    Did you read that? The DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. But we live with the laws we have, not decide which laws we will obey and which we won’t.

  27. Patrick says:

    56 Sea Lawyer said, “#54, #55, I find your lack of patriotism disturbing.”

    If you mean because I haven’t organized an armed revolution, you would be correct.

  28. LibertyLover says:


    Quit avoiding the question.

    Are you going to pay three years of cell phone back taxes and start recording your cell phone on your taxes every year from here on out?

  29. LibertyLover says:

    #59, Well that is almost one. It isn’t new and it is also designed to reduce smoking, a health problem. Then again, it is an increase, not new.

    That’s the cheesiest answer I’ve heard out of you. An increase in taxes is not a new tax? You are full of more shit than a Christmas goose.

    And to think you support the idea that a tax is for their own good? You need a Marine microchip installed.

  30. Sea Lawyer says:

    #59, wrong, it’s designed to help pay for increased medicare coverage for children. Cigarette taxes are also widely used to pay for pre-school programs, which are both in a direct conflict of interest with any goal of actually reducing cigarette consumption.


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