A judge told a driver she displayed “moronic stupidity” by deliberately and repeatedly blocking an ambulance which was carrying a dying patient. Annika Avery, 20, of Leicester, was given a five-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. She had already admitted dangerous driving._45916124_avery226

The court was told that Avery overtook the ambulance at speed and slowed down, causing the vehicle to brake suddenly.

She did this even though the siren was on, Leicester Crown Court heard. Avery, of Tatlow Road, Glenfield, was said to be under stress at the time of the incident in July 2008, although no other reason was given for her behaviour. In the back of the ambulance a paramedic was giving heart compressions to an elderly patient. Such was the force of the braking that the paramedic was flung the length of the vehicle, the court heard. The driver of the ambulance said at one stage Avery pulled alongside him and she was travelling at 60mph (96km/h) in a 40mph (64km/h) area.

The paramedic said he looked across and saw Avery and a male passenger laughing and making obscene gestures. The patient in the ambulance died and the judge said if Avery’s driving had played any part in that death, she would have been facing a very different sentence.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    While this is England, she should still have done some time. I would have given her at least a couple of years with 10 years license suspension.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    She should have been sentenced to ten years for manslaughter.

  3. Dr. K says:

    You can bet if the guy was driving, he’d be in jail. Typical slap on the wrist for a self absorbed 20 something, who’s more dangerous to society than many already behind bars.

  4. lmj3325 says:

    This fat cow should be tied to the bumber of the ambulance and dragged behind it. I bet that would wipe that smug smile off her fat face.

  5. The0ne says:


  6. overtemp says:

    I like the suggestion of dragging her behind an ambulance, as long as the rope is around her neck.

  7. RTaylor says:

    Having been in back of an ambulance a few times, I don’t think she should be allowed to drive again. It would be difficult to prove that her negligence was contributory to the patient that had arrested.

  8. John Paradox says:

    Sounds like the local firefighter who showed up a couple of weeks ago. My street is a ‘fire lane’, no parking allowed (okay at the end of the street/block). One night the paramedics had an emergency call, and could not get to the house because of people illegally parked on the side of the road. The patient died.

    The firefighter told me about this, and I am peeved with myself for not getting a phone number to report the illegal parking. (not sufficient for 911)


  9. waltersobchack says:

    Having read this on dvorak.org/blog I can only assume that this is clear proof she was a liberal.

    Just like the holocaust museum shooter was a liberal. And Dr. Tillers assassin was a liberal, and Oklahoma City was done by a liberal…. you get the idea.

    Where are the right wing nut-jobs on this?

    At least half a dozen comments and nothing from the fanatical right wing douche-bags yet? Where are you guys? To busy foaming at the mouth?

    I am disappointed in all of you, simply disappointed, for you are my entertainment.

    I expect something along the line of this will be more common if we have socialized health care at the very least.

  10. Thomas says:

    #9. WTF are you babbling about?

  11. father time says:

    This is TYPICAL behavior in parts of New Jersey (USA). Spoke to an ambulance person about it once, and she said they (and the FD) sometimes have to push cars out of the way.

  12. waltersobchack says:

    #10 Hey it’s not babbling, its called trolling.

    Now for the Good lord Jesus Christ get it straight.

  13. Hmeyers says:

    @ Thomas

    #9 is a butt-turkey sighting!

    Where the F do those guys come from?

  14. Hmeyers says:

    Correction: I said “butt-turkey”, but I meant “ass goblin”.

    Yes, some people will claim there is little distinction between the two but I have always believed that accuracy is paramount.

  15. We're trying to have a society here! says:

    Please tell me the family of the deceased can sue her ass into the stone age.

    People like this aren’t capable of existing in society and need to be dropped off on an island with others of their kind to survive Mad Max style.

  16. Hmeyers says:


    Dude, read TFA.

    The article stated that said the elderly geezerman was going to die anyway and if she had had a role in his death her sentence would be far harsher.

    You know old people, having heart failures, breaking hips and having strokes all the time …

  17. jescott418 says:

    I think people are losing their minds. I really do. Young people at times remind me of something worse then animals. Their actions are so self serving and lack any human compassion. What kind of childhood did they have?

  18. righteous indignation says:

    While driving in the suburbs of the Tacoma Wash area (Kent), I pulled over and stopped for an ambulance and the woman driver leaned waaaay out the window and blew me a kiss.

    I’m guessing drivers ignore blinky lights and sirens in many locations.

  19. cheapdaddy says:

    Another Brit Twit story. These things only seem to happen there or in Florida. The ODD NEWS is full of this kind of story.
    I agree an English guy would be in jail. I suppose if it were someone who had just came to Britain they would probably be given an apology by the ambulance drivers or the dead guy’s next of kin or both.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:

    Why am I not surprised the driver is a woman? Heck, they even fight against pedestrians for the right to cross the street.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    It’s really hard to explain such a thing. Drugs coupled with extreme narcissism, maybe?

  22. Patrick says:

    Manslaughter would have been fitting.

  23. sargassso says:

    Fire engines and ambulances, where I live in New Zealand, will ram into parked cars in an emergency. They are equipped to be able to do this. They have re-enforced chassis and bumpers, heavy duty transmissions and many hundreds of horsepower on tap. I’ve seen a line of three cars nudged aside by a pump truck.

  24. hhopper says:

    Nothing to see here… just another pussy judge.

  25. Pinkerton says:

    I hereby dub thee “Dame Commander of the Order of Worthless Twits”.

  26. Glenn E. says:

    “…and the judge said if Avery’s driving had played any part in that death, she would have been facing a very different sentence.”

    What is it with these gutless judges?! I’d say it was a certainty that Avery’s driving played some part in the death. No “if” about it. And any interference in the ambulance’s operation should carry an automatic punitive sentence, a lot stronger than a suspended sentence.

    #15 – I like your idea. But it should be turned into a new “Survivors” reality show. Casted with twits like this, who don’t win any money, but merely get to leave the living hell they’re put thru, before any of the other twits do. And the viewers get to vote which Twits should stay on longer, or even end up on next season’s show (to suffer some more).

    Such televised hardships (for no rewards) might scare other such Twits (not yet caught) into smarting up their acts. The only problem is that some Twits will cherish any Tv appearance too much, and work at pulling stupid stunts just to get on the air. Just as they obviously do to get on Jerry Springer.

  27. orangetiki says:

    It’s a shame such a cute girl needs such a big punch in the face. Manslaughter should have been on the table. Her and her yuppie man-passenger.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    What the driver did was wrong. Very wrong. Yet I still am always amazed at the number of people that wish to see her physically assaulted. People, this is what differentiates us from animals! She should be punished, BUT, within the bounds of the law.

    I assume the morality of some of the comments stem from their Christian upbringing. Which is why they also favor torture “if it would make a terrorist give up the codes to a nuclear device”.

    Sick people.

  29. OvenMaster says:

    #17:”What kind of childhood did they have?”

    A permissive one where parents and teachers give kids “time outs” or talk at them when they misbehave, instead of teaching them that there are painful and/or expensive consequences for misbehavior.

  30. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Maybe some community service with an EMT team or Emergency Room. Perspective is always a good tutor.


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