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“Laptops are becoming increasingly common among young men wired into to the latest technology,” said Suzanne Kavic, MD… “However, the heat generated from laptops can impact sperm production and development making it difficult to conceive down the road.”
Kavic recommends placing laptops on desktops to prevent damaging sperm and decreasing counts and motility. Other tips to protect male fertility include:
* Avoiding hot tubs
* Using boxers over briefs
* Refraining from ejaculating too frequently (the recommendation is to only engage in sexual intercourse every other day around ovulation)
* Avoiding exercise that can generate heat or trauma to the genital area
* Staying hydrated and limiting caffeine to no more than two cups per day
* Avoiding drugs and excessive alcohol use
RTFA to see all of her suggestions.
Just remember – follow all of them, who’d want to have children with someone as dull as you?
This, my naive friends, is a good thing.
“Refraining from ejaculating too frequently (the recommendation is to only engage in sexual intercourse every other day around ovulation)”
I didn’t know that males ovulated.
In Soviet Russia, you heat laptop.
This is REALLY old news.
I remember stories about this appearing more than 2 years ago.
this is about 4 years old..
AND WHY is my typing backwards AGAIN?>
I’m pretty sure that 2 cups of caffeine will kill you. And your sperms.
What about ejaculating onto the laptop?
I’m waiting for the inevitable study that proves breathing is a hazard to your health.
-lets see, your testicles drop when to hot and contract when too cold. seems like anyone with half a brain could figure this out by observation.
-on the typing backwards.. after doing a fresh install of Firefox yesterday, and installing NoScript without my whitelist..
-I discovered that if you come here without scripting enabled, the text box displays the proper left justified text. once enabled, it goes to right justified hell.
So..until it’s fixed, either disable scripting when visting (or, for FireFox users install NoScript and do not whitelist Dvorak.org)
-or, if you can’t be bothered, write your posts in your favorite text editor (or Notepad ) and paste them in the box when done.
How often do you see anyone with a computer in their lap, anyway?
This is good fodder for the conspiracy theorists, you see, this is exactly why they are trying to provide laptops for those foreign countries, to control the population. Now for those who think different, this is just another one of a bazillion studies that waste taxpayer subsideeez, and make doctors and scientists filthy and rich. The reason the study found a correlation, comes from the fact that men who have laptops sit on their asses all day, eat Flat Earth foods, and only exercise their fingers and wrist, thus, sperm go elsewhere for fun.
I was taken to the animal shelter and fixed, doesn’t matter to me.
Most of my sperm just gets swallowed.
#12 – Poppa Boner
You’re into recycling, aren’t you?
You would think that if heat were that big a deal people living in Kuwait and Iraq where the temperature can see 140F would all be sterile…
yeah yeah yeah… living causes you to die, almost everything causes cancer, and living in a plastic bubble wont save you…
Now if they were talking about the wifi/bluetooth sitting on your gonads for extended periods of time I might I might care a little. =D
#13 – Well, she has the whitest teeth I’ve ever come across. 😉
#12. which restaurant do you work for?
…ahh. The codemonkey found the left to right swich.
Where were we?
“avoid excessive alcohol”
Excessive alcohol is WHY I have a 1-1/2 year old….
I dont have a hot tub.(but want one)
I do use boxers over breifs.. thats just me though.
Ejaculation.. crap. well fail on that one.
Avoid exercise at all.. check..
Caffene is my water.
Drugs and alcohol.. Does highschool count?
I think at this rate, I’ll never have kids.. heh. oh well 🙂
So let’s see, if I do all those things I won’t need a condom, right? Cause I’ve been doing all those things all my life and I’ve got 3 kids.
Obviously, avoiding those things will only help someone whose sperm production is weak in the first place.
If you eat over 5000 calories a day, you will find a biological shelf magically appear to rest your laptop on. Then you have a bellytop. which places your gonads safely away from the heat. The only problem is you may find the need to use your gonads as intended greatly diminished. Either way the world is over populated.
#21, I would think that boxers over briefs would be very uncomfortable, not to mention creating even more heat.
The comments here are the best thing about the article…the article on the other hand is horribly written and consists of ancient news.
It’s like nobody ever heard of cushioned, heat absorbing lapdesk. No heat issues with that deal, & you don’t have to have your knees together.
If you’re using your laptop that much, something tells me you’re not getting laid anyway. Non problem.