This would be like Jews wanting Hitler to win in Germany. Insane!

As Iranians go to the polls to elect a president, American neoconservatives are openly rooting not for moderate reform candidate and former prime minister Mir-Hossein Mousavi but for anti-U.S. hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This is an obvious sign both of the neocons’ preference for conflict over peace between the U.S. and Iran and of the generally bankrupt state of conservatism in America, reduced now to banking on failure for the Obama administration (see Huffington Post, Rachel Maddow).

Should the reformist Mousavi win the Iranian election and become president, it would likely signal a new and more positive direction for U.S.-Iranian relations as well as providing support for the “Obama Doctrine” of engagement with Iran and other adversaries. Such a development would at the same time undercut the neocon attitude of hostility and suspicion toward Iran, as well as undercutting the right-wing Israeli government’s aggressive stance toward Iran. Indeed it is likely that right-wingers in Israel as well as America see nothing good for themselves in any warming of relations between the U.S. and Iran.

  1. soundwash says:

    Of course the neocons want Ahmadinejad to win. this would all but guarantee a war shortly after the October deadline. (if not sooner) -which we all know, hugely benefits the the bankers and weapons producers and nobody else.

    ironically, while many would say it is the right that is the war party, it is actually the left that provides the catalyst for conflict and the right that (tries) to finish the job (and profits) -then leads us into a recession of varying sorts. (after insane growth via debt, ofc)

    so to summarize, (imo) the left is the war party and the right is the recession/depression) party..

    summary of the summary:

    both parties *work together* to produce the boom and bust cycles that are a defacto part of (more recent) American history.

    end conclusion:

    we need to GET RID OF BOTH, the left and right parties, erase a good portion of the corrupt legislation that has been passed the last 25-30yrs (if not erase all financial law [and by-products] produced by the 1913 federal reserve act) and gear back to the principals our founders had originally proposed (and warned us of) (-and stop sticking our nose in everybody else’s business under the guise of promoting democracy)

    -accordingly, produce a party that follows the original guidelines. (the repubs and dems obviously work for the same corrupt master which has nothing to do with Liberty)

    bottom bottom line: the only reason we have war is to profit from the sales of weapons (which now no longer benefit our economy [as a whole]) -secure the needed resources to fuel the “national security” war machine (at home and abroad) and justify the application of security based technology to create a perpetual police state.

    while i love watching our beloved war technology at work, i only really enjoy it when it is for a just cause.

    i find little if not zero “just cause” for any war(s) we have produced after WWII..

    blah blah blah..

  2. Jägermeister says:

    #72 – soundwash

    Alex Jones, is that you?

  3. LibertyLover says:

    #72, Amen.

  4. Patrick says:

    #72 Bingo!

  5. Hmeyers says:

    @71 Jagermeister

    “The Iraq invasion wasn’t put in motion to give freedom to the Iraqis. Remember the non-existing WMDs?”

    Yeah but I enjoy seeing any dictatorship fall and I don’t give a damn the reason why.

    Right reasons, wrong reasons, no reasons, bad reasons, stupid reasons.

    Dictatorships are the scourge of the Earth.

    You might call me a 1980s style liberal who enjoyed watching on TV all the East European nations fall in 1989-1990.

    People always tell me I have to think a certain way; I always tell ’em they can fuck off 😉

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #76 – Hmeyers

    I don’t like dictatorships either. But why didn’t Bush topple some of the worst dictatorships, such as North Korea and Myanmar?

  7. Hmeyers says:

    @ Jagermeister

    I feel for the North Korean situation and I wonder how many years and how much suffering those people are going to have to endure.

    Ironically, I don’t feel that it is the USA’s role or responsibility to rid the world of dictatorships.

    I think we should entirely withdraw from South Korea and Japan; those countries have the wealth to defend themselves.

    By leaving, I believe parity would be restored to the region because South Korea and Japan — extremely wealthy countries — would have to “grow up”.

    Re: Iran

    I know Iran cannot be mistaken for an actual democracy but with 65% of the people being under age 25, just wait for what happens when they grow up.

    Iran is NOT a dictatorship and even though it is run by an oligarchy there is a world of difference between the two.

    And let Europe deal with North Africa dictatorships.

    France, Germany (we should leave Germany) and other countries that are affected by massive Muslim immigration should deal with their part of the world.

    If the USA would just leave everywhere except North America, the world would have to adapt and everyone would be so much better off.

  8. amodedoma says:

    “If the USA would just leave everywhere except North America, the world would have to adapt and everyone would be so much better off.”

    Couldn’t agree with you more. Nobody but an American would believe than a US military presence is wanted or needed elsewhere. Unfortunately US foreign policy isn’t based on what’s best for the world. It’s based on the $.

  9. Patrick says:

    # 78 Hmeyers said, “If the USA would just leave everywhere except North America, the world would have to adapt and everyone would be so much better off.”

    I agree. Shrink our military and the taxes needed to support it.

  10. MikeN says:

    #78 agreed.
    #79 OTher countries complain when America reduces its military presence. This includes Germany after Rumsfeld announced a reduction, and South Korea, when Rumsfeld announced a repositioning of troops. They love having America be the first people hit in a N Korean attack.

    Jagermeister, the WMDs were the side reason. The primary reason was to topple Saddam. For political reasons, WMD made the top of the list.

  11. MikeN says:

    From National Review:

    Imagine how powerful it would be for Obama (or, more likely, a surrogate) to be able to stand up and say to the Iranian protesters, “Under the USA, your neighbor Iraq held free and fair elections. The government of Iran went out of its way to demonize the US and undermine those elections. We are now seeing the results of that mindset come home to Iran as you are denied a voice by your government in your own elections. The US government stands behind all who seek free and fair elections.”

  12. Hmeyers says:


    South Korea is so wealthy compared to North Korea they could have a military with jets, hi-tech radar, missile interceptors and bring North Korea to it’s knees.

    Germany is the wealthiest country in Europe; we should withdraw. Considering their country had the wealth and resources to start 2 World Wars I bet they could have a military large enough to counter-balance Russia.

    And what the hell are we getting out of subsidizing the protection for these countries that clearly shouldn’t need it?

    We have a huge national debt and we have a huge deficit! So there isn’t even an economic reason.

    The heinous Pol Pot of Cambodia was taken out by Vietnam after we left, so certainly the rest of the world can fend for itself and share the costs of maintaining a stable world.

  13. Hmeyers says:

    @Jagermeister (again)

    “Iran having democratic elements? Haven’t yesterday’s election taught you anything? ”

    If the Iranians know how to riot — and they DO, they HAVE and they WILL — they will one day have Democracy.

    See pics of the fires after the election …

    Don’t believe everything you are told; the Iranian people are on the right track.

  14. Special Ed says:

    Everyone misspells this fuckers name, it is Ahmadickwad.

  15. 888 says:

    Its obvious everyone *but* iranian people want this dickwad to win.

    Israeli Defence Forces wants to liberate iranian goys and shiksas from muslim terror for quite long time, and nowadays they have entire US Army anxiously waiting to help them. What better time to do it?

    Iran is one of the last modern countries where international corporations have no control or influence. Such barbarism cannot stand in modern times!

    The timing is almost right, just need little bit more of flu pandemia, and of course reason that looks good on tv (i.e. Ahmadickwad in power saying he wants to wipe out americans, jews or any other eskimos) to attack.

  16. MikeN says:

    Hmeyers, I’d go further and drop NATO entirely.

  17. Hmeyers says:

    Mikey, I agree!

    It’s a cold war relic, if we left NATO maybe we could have a military surplus by selling them all the weapons they’d need to buy to quit relying on us. 😉


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