Green Biz – June 9, 2009:

San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors voted today to require all businesses and residences to recycle and compost their garbage or face fines, which could lead to a lien on their property.

The ordinance, approved in a 9-2 vote, will force building owners to sign up for the city’s existing composting and recycling programs. The Board will deliver a final vote on the ordinance next week.

“Many tenants want to recycle and compost but the building does not offer the service,” Mayor Gavin Newsom said in a statement. “We’re going to change that.”

The city could enforce the ordinance with citations and penalties that “could not exceed $1,000, although the Directors could by regulation cap penalties at lower levels,” it said. The ordinance specifically pegs fines for buildings generating less than a cubic yard of trash per week, such as single-family homes, at less than $100.

Other cities, notably Seattle and San Diego, have mandatory recycling laws in place but fines are rarely leveled. Unpaid fines in San Francisco could lead to lien proceedings.

San Francisco generates some 2 million tons of solid waste annually, according to the city, but it also enjoys the highest waste diversion rate in the country — 70 percent. By 2020, the city wants to send no waste to landfill.

  1. Rick's Cafe says:

    Isn’t it funny what a mean, uneducated, illiterate, foulmouthed, arrogant asshole anyone becomes who doesn’t bend over and follow the latest and newest whim of the left/liberals.

    Kind of funny – I never seen any right-wing nuts on major networks, night after night, week after week, publicly chastising or badmouthing the few people who …. say, for one of many examples….. don’t want to own a firearm. Those mean, nasty right wing nuts, how dare they let ya all live in peace – that’s being so very mean.

    What a shame that the ‘party of everyone’ can’t be at peace with those who disagree with them.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, Rick,

    I never seen any right-wing nuts on major networks, night after night, week after week, publicly chastising or badmouthing the few people

    Really? I watched a few minutes of Bill O’Reilly tonight. The restaurant had him on. He was calling Joan Walsh a baby murderer and a few other names. Why? Because she supported the activities of a physician performing a legal operation.

    Then he had Glenn Beck on to whine about Paul Klugman and criticize a Nobel Prize winner in Economics for not knowing anything about economics. At that point I asked the manager to please change the channel.

    Which is one of the main reasons I don’t watch FOX SPEWS. All they know how to do is cry.

    A couple of nights ago I caught a few minutes of Hannity while flipping around. He had Ann Coulter on to comment on the Letterman / Palin spat. She had nothing nice to say about the whole thing. You do remember Coulter, the one who said those who lost loved ones on 9/11 didn’t really lose anything? The same harpy who called Al Gore a Fag, said Elizabeth Edwards deserved to have her tit cut off, who told a disabled Viet Nam Vet “People like you caused us to lose the war”, but the best being while at the 2004 Democrat convention describing some females, “corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons.”

    Of course, if I were to touch on Boss Limpdick, Micheal Savage, or some wing nut I’ll go for it. All right wing broadcasters are filled with hate.

  3. 888 says:

    With prices for recyclables (metals etc) drop all over the world now I’m surprised they push it this year – instead 2-3 years ago…

    In other words:
    City of SF wants to collect recyclable materials at the moment of their lowest prices in past few years.
    I couldn’t find any per-dollar data for SF, but I found this one for Toronto:

    “Now tonnes of blue bin items have dropped by hundreds of dollars. Aluminum cans dropped from a summer high of $2,209 a tonne to $1,089 last month. Margarine tubs dropped from a September high of $295 a tonne to a stunning $6 a tonne last month.”
    You bet same/sim. prices are in SF area.

    Property taxes in SF are about to jump 15-20%, wanna bet? 😉

  4. Rick's Cafe says:

    I think I just proved my point.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Rick,

    Only a right wing nut can be lose so badly and still claim they won the fight. Which partly explains why they are such losers.

  6. Rick's Cafe says:

    cause I was sharing ideas….not fighting.

    As I said in #36, it’s apparent the only information you’ve shared is that it appears you (and others)are bitter, foul mouthed and scared of anyone who thinks differently than you. Granted, while this may not be true, it’s the appearance that’s presented.


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