
An elderly gunman opened fire inside the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Wednesday, wounding a security guard before two other guards returned fire. The assailant and his victim were both hospitalized.

The extent of the injuries was not immediately known, U.S. Park Police Sgt. David Schlosser said.

Nor did authorities immediately provide the name or any other biographical information about the assailant, who they said used a “long gun” in the shooting.

He’s an activist racist and anti-semite named James Von Brunn.

The episode unfolded inside the museum, which maintains a heavy security presence, with guards positioned inside and out. All visitors are required to pass through metal detectors at the entrance, and bags are screened.

It was not immediately known whether the gunman made it through the detectors before opening fire.

The museum, across the street from the National Mall, and within sight of the Washington Monument, was closed for the day after the shooting. Nearby streets were cordoned off by police.

In a statement, museum spokesman Andrew Hollinger said an assailant shot a museum security officer and “two museum security officers returned fire, hitting the assailant.”

This nutball believes in a “Negro and Jewish conspiracy” for every occasion.

  1. Rick's Cafe says:

    #41’s’ last sentence says it all …get rid of everyone who disagrees with me… Which is exactly what the shooter was thinking.

    Thought I recognized the writing style – you wrote “Fractured Fairly Tales” back in the 60’s didn’t you! Funny work!!

  2. jccalhoun says:

    I blame you left loons for the White Supremacist movement. Your racism against Whites inspires them.

    Occam’s Razor says you are wrong….
    I think it is more likely that any time anyone who isn’t white commits a crime against someone who is that uneducated people who don’t understand logic will use that crime as an excuse to justify their racism. As an example:

    all the attention is on this loon killing a black…none on a black muslim terrorist killing Pvt. William Andrew Long
    Maybe because the guy who killed Long said he did it because he wanted to kill US soldiers not whitey.

  3. smartalix says:


    Has Wright ever preached violence? In any of the clips of his speeches, does he advocate violence? Has any member of hius church used violence against anyone mentioned by Wright?

    Admittedly, Wright is a stupid racist, but that doesn’t make him a terrorist and violence supporter. To try and divert attention away from this issue with him (and of course you are really trying to tie soemthing about this to Obama) is disingenuous and pretty f*cking stupid.

  4. Benjamin says:

    If he is a white supremacist, why did he attack a Holocaust museum? It has been my experience that Jews are white. I think what you mean to say is that the guy was an anti-Semite.

    It also came out that he was a 9/11 Truther who hated Bush. Yes, I sited my source.

    The guy was obviously a left-wing moonbat. The left sides with the Palestinians against Israel and this guy was an anti-Semite, so that makes him a left-wing nut job. Both he and Jeremiah Wright blame the Jews for stuff. Both are left-wing.

  5. Patrick says:

    # 66 smartalix said, “Has Wright ever preached violence? In any of the clips of his speeches, does he advocate violence?”

    He advocates racial hate & O’Mama agreed with him for 15 years. Enough said.

  6. jccalhoun says:

    The guy was obviously a left-wing moonbat. The left sides with the Palestinians against Israel and this guy was an anti-Semite, so that makes him a left-wing nut job.

    So not liking the nation of Israel’s policies makes you anti-Semitic?

    Regardless, I think there’s a point where the extremes on both sides wrap around and meet. There are plenty of conservative Christians who say “the jews killed jesus!” and plenty of far right gun nuts who distrust the government and think 9/11 was a conspiracy.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    “This nutball believes in a “Negro and Jewish conspiracy” for every occasion.”

    He should have done what the average Republican does and that’s blame the hispanics for every occasion.

  8. smittybc says:

    The point is that racists, anti-semites, conspiracy theorists, are just that, racists, anti-semites, and conspiracy theorists. There’s no particular ideology tied to them other than they want their chosen cause exalted.

    I can find racists, anti-semites, and conspiracy theorists that are both leftist and on the right, but it’s not the political ideology that animates them, it’s the cause. I can show you anti-semites and racists that voted for Ron Paul, and 9/11 truthers and jew haters that voted for Obama.

    Back when universities taught people to think, most realized this, but today nobody is taught to think clearly, only to follow dogma and buy into group media think. So when media tells people that this kind of thing is a political movement they believe it because they no longer think for themselves. Sad but true.

  9. Benjamin says:

    #69 “There are plenty of conservative Christians who say ‘the jews killed jesus!’ and plenty of far right gun nuts who distrust the government and think 9/11 was a conspiracy.”

    Really? Most conservative Christians believe that our sins killed Jesus and Jesus allowed himself to be put to death by the Romans for our sins.

    Distrust of the government is healthy. Otherwise we would have just picked a king or a dictator.

  10. zorkor says:

    heck now even an average American joe is sick of Jews…sorry for the poor security guard though.

  11. Benjamin says:

    So why do white supremacists hate the Jews? Aren’t Jews white?

  12. Patrick says:

    # 76 zorkor said, “heck now even an average American joe is sick of Jews”

    I wouldn’t call this left wing loon an average American.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    Alphie, the right wing nut,

    In #58 you wrote,
    In other words, I blame you left loons for the White Supremacist movement. Your racism against Whites inspires them.

    Then in #73 you wrote,
    but Rush Limbaugh just showed how this racist held many of the same conspiracy theories of Muslim extremists…

    Then in #75 you wrote,
    Rush Limbaugh said. . .

    It sure looks to me as if Boss Limpdick is a main contributor to the right wing nut crowd. Maybe Limpdick needs to be reigned in some. His spewing makes him a dangerous person. And a promoter of hate.

    The most dangerous part of him? He has idiots like you worshiping the ground he walks on.

  14. Patrick says:

    #79 I know that as a Canadian you don’t quite get the whole 1st Amendment thing. LOL

  15. MikeN says:

    This guy was more likely inspired by blogs like this one and Air America. According to his internet postings, he despised ‘Jews, neocons, OReilly’

  16. Patrick says:

    #81 As I originally thought, a left wing nut like O’Mama’s spiritual adviser and mentor. We’re in real trouble.

  17. jcd'slovechild says:

    #81 You might be right. It amazes me how many unhinged people come to this blog.

    Let’s see if I got this right…someone was murdered by a crazed man and some here see it as a vehicle to spout off about their own brand of politics. You guys need therapy and medication…

  18. Benjamin says:

    Oh, it just came out. Von Brunn is a registered DEMOCRAT from Maryland. Therefore all Democrats are racists. It is not right-wing groups, but left wing groups who are responsible.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    Alphie, Cow-Patty, Lyin’ Mike,

    You are all radical right wing nuts. You are the personification of what von Brunn is. The most galling of all is the denial that this asshole had countless passages about how he thought the Republicans were too far left, the Jews were taking over the world, how the blacks were “mud-people”, etc. He was a member of the American NAZI party, which only partially explains his hatred.

    In short, he was one of you.

  20. donewiththisiste says:

    wow, this site is just a troll feeding station these days.

    between Alfred and Fusion, it’s just a heaping pile of steaming bile. Not where I want to spend my time. Clean it up JCD.

  21. mherb48 says:


  22. jccalhoun says:

    wow. caps lock really is cruise control for cool…

  23. MikeN says:

    Mr Confusion, Nazis were left wing.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    >> Alfred1 said, on June 11th, 2009 at 12:58 pm
    >> I’m listening to (24/7) to today’s program…Rush details how the left exploits nutballs like this to attack conservatives…

    Once again, I continue to be amazed at the projection conservatives are capable of.

    It is RUSH LIMBAUGH who never misses an opportunity to politically exploit a tragedy!

  25. Greg Allen says:

    >> MikeN said,
    >> Nazis were left wing.

    And cats are dogs. And blue is green. And six is nine.

  26. jcd'slovechild says:

    #87, #89 Exactly…this site is tiresome sometimes because some say the same crap time and time again. To use an old metaphor, they’re a broken record.

    Those who have that boring tit-for-tat approach just need to get a damn room.

    Now back to real news…

  27. Wretched Gnu says:

    I’m starting to agree with the conservatives. Hitler was a leftist. So was Mussolini and Pol Pot and, heck, Nero. Caligula too, probably. Basically, anybody who’s nasty = liberal, whereas right-wing = sugar and spice and everything nice.

  28. jcd'slovechild says:

    This Von Brunn guy has a history. He was convicted in 1983 for running towards the boardroom of Washington’s Federal Reserve building with a shotgun. He’s an Alex Jones “911 was an inside job” believer. He’s written a book about “white youth” and the Jews.

    Seeing the video of Mr. Johns’ son saying how he missed his Dad as a heartbreaker. The story goes that he opened the door for a “nice elderly man”.

    This loser

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #92, Lyin’ Mike,
    <i>Nazis were left wing.</i>
    You have said some pretty disgusting things, that though is near the worst.


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