An elderly gunman opened fire inside the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Wednesday, wounding a security guard before two other guards returned fire. The assailant and his victim were both hospitalized.
The extent of the injuries was not immediately known, U.S. Park Police Sgt. David Schlosser said.
Nor did authorities immediately provide the name or any other biographical information about the assailant, who they said used a “long gun” in the shooting.
He’s an activist racist and anti-semite named James Von Brunn.
The episode unfolded inside the museum, which maintains a heavy security presence, with guards positioned inside and out. All visitors are required to pass through metal detectors at the entrance, and bags are screened.
It was not immediately known whether the gunman made it through the detectors before opening fire.
The museum, across the street from the National Mall, and within sight of the Washington Monument, was closed for the day after the shooting. Nearby streets were cordoned off by police.
In a statement, museum spokesman Andrew Hollinger said an assailant shot a museum security officer and “two museum security officers returned fire, hitting the assailant.”
This nutball believes in a “Negro and Jewish conspiracy” for every occasion.
Call him a Right-wing Nut all you want.
But everyone else knows that this type of person is just like the majority of all liberals – people who are afraid of non-Wasps and strive to keep every minority securely under their control.
Correction: I saw the “extent of the injuries was not known” and didn’t see that the victim died. I thought the victim was only wounded, hence the joke.
So we’ve got this guy, the anti-abortion killer and the anti-liberal Unitarian church killer.
How dare the FBI suggest we should watch out for right-wing terrorism??
This would have been totally different had he been Arab…then we’d be hearing about his justified rage and watching the best lawyers in the country spring to his defense.
Instead we will hear a week of how the Republicans caused this and how it shows that America is a racist hellhole.
Expect more incidents like this as Israel and it’s operatives meddle more and more in the inner workings of the US government.
Read up on the activities of AIPAC and educate yourselves.
Another fun week of playing the blame game by our wonderful news media. Why not give everyone a break for once and agree it’s Obama’s fault, then call it a day.
I was reading that this anti-semite wanted to talk to the President but was turned away. He said “Them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck, or in eight years when he’s out of office. …They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. … ”
Oh wait that wasn’t the whack job Brunn that was President Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright.
Hmmmm…how are we being played and manipulated by media? Let me count the ways…….
“How dare the FBI suggest we should watch out for right-wing terrorism??”
Yeah, well, I don’t think this guy was a returning Iraq war vet.
The reason I quit reading this blog is because it has a bunch of terrorist sympathizers on it, and when the eventual FBI dragnet tears your guns from your cold dead hands I want to be well distanced from the domestic terrorist groups. I peek in from time to time still, and I see I made the right decision. Terrorist sympathizers are still the rule around here.
I think I am gonna report it to the FBI, I am pretty giving aid and support to the enemy like this is treason.
As tempting as this is, it was NOT a concerted effort by the right wing nuts to make a point. He was a wacko, who may or may not have been spurred on by right wing nut radio, but he isn’t part of some conspiracy.
And contrary to Cow-Patty and Toxic Asshole the Troll, equating this to “Obama’s spiritual adviser” is the same thing as encouraging this to happen. You two are the danger to our country.
#31 Rick – you’re in denial. The right has a clear monopoly on the distribution of wingnutts.
Today, we have a perfect storm condition for the right wignutts to act.
– A Black president
– A dying GOP party they felt at home in
– An economic abyss from the Bush years
– A resurgent movement toward tolerance
These are conditions that are driving the rather large fringe of right wing wackos with a gun to act.
Before it’s too late, Obama needs to find these creeps and take them out before a public backlash occurs.
#39 GregA:
“The reason I quit reading this blog is because it has a bunch of terrorist sympathizers on it”
Really? Seems like this whole thread is a condemnation of what this guy did today.
Anyways, I don’t see how one guy shooting one person, on his own, is ‘terrorism.’
“Today, we have a perfect storm condition for the right wignutts to act.”
This is true.
But the main reason it is very true is the state of the economy.
If unemployment starts to hit 11%-15% and we might effectively be there already — they say temp jobs are masking the true unemployment rate — prepare for some white male anger.
I had some high hopes for the Obama administration, but I’m starting to feel the Jimmy Carter “malaise thing”.
The problem Jimmy Carter had — as far as I am told — was a leadership vacuum at the top.
Obama has good ideas but does not seem to be directing and controlling his party and it is rather unclear if he is actually implementing an agenda.
I think Obama has already stockpiled perhaps enough ammunition for the right to take back Congress next year IF some one on the right actually takes the mantle of leadership.
I’d like to see normalized relations with Cuba, some rational Obama-esque national health outline, some decent banking reform, some sensible energy policy — but all I am seeing is pork and difficult to follow expenditures combined with sky high spending.
If this continues for another year, I think there is going to be a lot of discontent and very low voter turnout.
#43 I agree the economy is the key driver in the right wingnuts coming forward. Going after minorities, Jews, Gays, etc to direct their anger is a well known response mechanism.
Still, Obama needs to track these wackos down and take them out. Period.
As far as Obama goes, I anm very pleased with his performance. I’m surprised you’ve passed judgement on him after 5 months. If you believe their some magic bullet to fix the Bush economic fiasco, you are mistaken.
The first order of business is to stablize the financial markets. This has largely been done and you see banks even returning money back to the goverment (with interest).
The next order of business is stoking employment. Slowing down the rate of unemployment is encouraging but agree it needs to go positive.
All in all, most economists projected a recover of sorts in the 4th quarter of this year and this is largely under way.
I give Obama an A- for his work. He gets extra credit for putting up with the GOP speed bumps thinking party first and American well being second.
Add: Another Obama weakness …
Bill Clinton and George W. Bush ran their presidency as if always in campaign mode.
Now Clinton didn’t start doing this until 1995, and I think Rove learned from this … but Obama doesn’t seem to have a Karl Rove.
I think this Sotomayor nomination is a fiasco waiting to happen. I don’t know another Supreme Court nominee that could make a racist statement even in jest and still land the seat at the bench.
Bill Clinton withdrew nominees he could have pushed through due to his awareness of politics.
If Sotomayor makes the bench, 2010 is going to be a very interesting year politically.
And yes, you’ll see some right wing lunacy for sure too.
> I’m surprised you’ve passed judgement on him
> after 5 months.
I haven’t — but he’s getting increasingly difficult to defend.
At this point, I’m hoping he’ll hurry up honestly and get some things done that everyone will agree was long overdue.
he’s not a “right-winger”, he’s a “Bush-Hater”, “9-11 truther” that makes him Adam Curry in 40 years. J/K!
Bury the old guy under the jail when he dies. There is just no excuse for what he did.
sorry, forgot the link
#43, Meyers,
The problem Jimmy Carter had — as far as I am told — was a leadership vacuum at the top.
It wasn’t the leadership vaccuum, it was the constant attacks from the Republicans. Very similar to Carter inheriting the Bush mess, Carter got the Nixon / Ford mess. The neo-cons, who would later come to power under Bush I and then Bush II were doing what they could to undermine the President.
World events were also tempered between the West and the USSR and allies. There was very little the US could do in countries under communist influence without risking a major conflict that would have invited retaliation from the communists. And just a few years after the Viet Nam conflict, anything like that would not have gone over well.
Carter led by example. When he asked us to turn down our thermostats, he did too at the WH and wore a sweater. He drove instead of taking AF1. Yet the Neo-cons insisted that every American had a right to drive a gas guzzler. They insisted every American should turn up their furnaces. They even wanted America to turn the Mid-East into a nuclear glass zone.
Carter’s opposition led by fear mongering. A very similar tactic they used on Clinton and today on Obama. Not good.
I don’t claim to have any decent firsthand knowledge of the Carter administration other than reading old Time magazines and such about his administration.
What I do know is that unfortunately controlling perception is the #1 rule of politics.
Obama started with the advantage of being well-liked and easily likable man.
He needs to roll up the sleeves and get some tough, universally needed and well respected legislation and reforms under his belt fast.
If someone asks me what he’s done, other than starting to talk with Cuba (about fucking time, sheesh) and doing a good job putting a positive face on international relations, I really can’t say.
Virtually all of the 20% of swing voters are white and those people decide every election — not because they are white, but because they aren’t committed to a particular party.
I’m just relating this towards the article at hand a little.
Obama didn’t deal his own cards. Carter didn’t either. And if you want to be fair, neither did GWB. [Reagan and Clinton both somehow made playing their cards look easy.]
“Still, Obama needs to track these wackos down and take them out. Period.”
Sounds like the Bush administration talking about their illegal war and surveillance operation.
June 8, 1967. The jew only nation of Israel killed 34 American sailors aboard the USS Liberty.
Where is the memorial museum for the survivors of the attack on the USS Liberty?
Are the Republicans on this thread totally psychotic? This guy was a neo-nazi, he hated Jews and blacks (among others). Yet the right wing folks on here are trying to make him out as if he really a ‘liberal’. Neo-nazi’s are now ‘liberal’? ROTFLMAO. I suppose the guy who murdered the abortion doctor last week was also a “leftist”? Sorry, the dumb psychotic murderers are Republicans. The far left liberals in the United States are pot smoking idealist hippies, annoying but harmless. The right wing are dumb violent anti-science, anti-reality, anti-evolution, anti-gay, anti-Jew, anti-black folks.
#54 “The far left liberals in the United States are pot smoking idealist hippies, annoying but harmless.”
No, they’re in our institutions (e.g., universities, government) making bad policy. Annoying? Yes. Harmless? I think not.
Can you buy NON KOSHER milk anywhere in USA?
(unless you buy a cow, hehe – but don’t take my word for it, try to buy it for yourself)
I bet all he wanted is just non-kosher milk…
This is becoming my favorite place for loonies.
Muslim president? Check.
Rev. Wright = von Brunn? Check.
Jewish conspiracy? Check.
von Brunn = liberal? Check.
Racism against whites? Check.
Now we need someone to tie this in with ACORN and teleprompters. For extra credit- work in Portuguese water dogs.
C’mon you loonies- I know you can do it. Fire up those 3 functioning synapses.
#40 – You’re right and wrong. Yes, he was just a wacko. However, it’s people like Wright who preach encouragemnt to this kind of wacko thinking.
Carter earned the picture history paints of him. When it gets cold, real Americans don put on a sweater and cower in the corner – they turn the thermostat up.
Carter took the cards he was dealt, almost immediatetely folded, put on a sweater, sat in the corner and watched. Obama has taken his cards, fed them through the shredder and is in the process of burning down the house, killing the rest of the players.
#39 – I don’t think anyone is condoning this whack’s actions. Commentary on his motivation is simply to point out that certain views have predictable outcomes.
Hard times always stir up those far from the center of the bell curve. When, to quote the song, “the livin’ is easy,” discontent tends to die down, but as things get hard and everybody gets squeezed, those on the edge feel it first and worst and tend to react first and worst.
The comments on this blog offer reams of examples.
#61 – Great imagery & correct.