
An elderly gunman opened fire inside the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Wednesday, wounding a security guard before two other guards returned fire. The assailant and his victim were both hospitalized.

The extent of the injuries was not immediately known, U.S. Park Police Sgt. David Schlosser said.

Nor did authorities immediately provide the name or any other biographical information about the assailant, who they said used a “long gun” in the shooting.

He’s an activist racist and anti-semite named James Von Brunn.

The episode unfolded inside the museum, which maintains a heavy security presence, with guards positioned inside and out. All visitors are required to pass through metal detectors at the entrance, and bags are screened.

It was not immediately known whether the gunman made it through the detectors before opening fire.

The museum, across the street from the National Mall, and within sight of the Washington Monument, was closed for the day after the shooting. Nearby streets were cordoned off by police.

In a statement, museum spokesman Andrew Hollinger said an assailant shot a museum security officer and “two museum security officers returned fire, hitting the assailant.”

This nutball believes in a “Negro and Jewish conspiracy” for every occasion.

  1. Patrick says:

    Sounds like he is a friend of Obama’s spiritual adviser.

  2. brm says:

    I love that he used a rifle. Hilarious!

  3. Cursor_ says:

    Sounds like another undereducated fool.


  4. newrepublican says:

    They got his name from his Rush Fan Club membership card.

  5. Patrick says:

    I see that the “shoot on site”, anti-gun laws are so effective in D.C…

  6. sargassso says:

    His 15 minutes.

  7. deowll says:

    He’s 88. He most likely didn’t care if he gets life or shot. He decided to make a statement and he did not that I approve mind you.

    It is very hard to stop a person who is not afraid of the worst you can do to him.

    One point for the guards who did stop him with no one killed but they let him inside and he got of the first shot. I’d call it a tie at best.

  8. Benjamin says:

    Sounds like he belonged to the same organization as that Democrat Robert Byrd.

  9. roastedpeanuts says:

    Given the stance that most of these white supremacists have on guns, the holocaust, and jews, you think this sort of thing would happen more oftne.

  10. GigG says:


    Yet it doesn’t so maybe you need to reexamine the stance you have on white supremacists and/or gun owners.

    This case might well be more of a case of a guy suffering from old age than a white supremist.

  11. malingerer says:

    The security guard has died.

    You may now return to your petty hangups.

  12. SparkyOne says:

    88 yoa, perhaps not domestic terrorism but dementia got to him.

  13. David says:

    When the police interview James von Brunn later, I can just hear him saying that the shooting never happened.

    Okay, not funny, but ironic.

  14. ArianeB says:

    Right-wing terrorists have been active lately it seems. First the Abortion doctor, now this.

    Yes, they are related! Both perpetrators come from the same disfunctional mental state.

  15. jescott418 says:

    Too bad we don’t spend as much time on domestic terror as we do on foreign. I would be surprised though if the FBI was surprised considering we have a part muslim/ black man for a president. This country is of course a melting pot of ethnic heritage. But some just do not see it that way.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    This sicko wanted to make a statement, hence the attack at the mall.

    At least he had chosen a place with relatively few people and armed guards.

    What would have happened if he instead decided to attack a synagogue? Specially if he had attacked during the idiotic DC handgun ban. (Notice he used a rifle, sick people who want to kill will find a way).

  17. Dallas says:

    #14 Agree. Right wing wackos have become far more active as they see their party fall apart.

    This is a very dangerous time. CNN indicated the last 8 years have seen a 54% increase in wacko groups.

    The Obama administration is the equivelent of turning on the lights and see the roaches scatter.

    Hopefully, a federal investigation such as the one being conducted in the murder of Dr Tillman will happen.

    These Christian Taliban terrorists must be dealt with harshly to avoid the now uncontrollable drug cartel situation in Mexico.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    Alfredone’s grandpa escaped from the basement.

  19. right says:

    #18 – you’re right. I wouldn’t be surprised as their mutual mental state of needing to belong to something and to have someone tell them what to think is very similar. And sadly they both hate.

  20. Dennis says:

    So, we can start calling all the religious zealots terrorists right?

    I mean, this basically indicates a ‘home grown” terrorist movement, in that people aren’t being able to get their grievances addressed, so they choose to address them with the accent of a bullet or twelve?
    Or, are we just going to start calling all of these incidents “Isolated Cases”?
    As an Atheist, I fear for my life, so therefore I should be protected from these terrorists.

    Or, I can just take my chances….I am not doing anything wrong, so why would they come after me?

    Idiots take all forms. Maybe this is just a ploy to remove my ability to own my own firearms.

  21. bobbo says:

    I wonder if he also denied the Holocaust while he was in the museum? Should strike anyone as ironic–or maybe like shooting at the dinosaurs at the Fundie Museum?

    Another analogy would be the guy was like Iran in the House of Civilized Nations==ie, a nut bag with a gun.

  22. Benjamin says:

    So how do you equate religious people with with white supremacists? My church has people of all races. White people are not the largest ethnic group there. There are certainly no white supremacists there.

    Maybe look at your own intolerance before you point your finger at the majority of Christians.

  23. Toxic Asshead says:

    Yup spiritual equivalent of Pastor Wright (and BO).

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    #21, bobbo.

    I’m thinking along the same lines. He was making a statement, and I’ll bet it was something along the lines that the Holocaust was a grand lie. Then he kills someone to prove the point.

    Yes, he’s completely insane.

    And yes, #20 Dennis, expect the extremist anti-gun coalition to junp right on this.

  25. brm says:

    #17 Dallas:

    “Right wing wackos have become far more active as they see their party fall apart.”

    Earth Liberation Front fire bombings and Ted Kaczynski, we’ll conveniently ignore.

  26. dm says:


    Obviously, most religious people are not white supremacists.
    However, I would hazard a guess that most white supremacist consider themselves religious. I kinda’ doubt there’s a lot of agnostic white supremacists out there. I’ve got no data to back this up, but I’d be willing to bet money on it.

  27. Publius says:

    Another conservative Republican terrorist.

    Doesn’t make the TV news of course. Conservative Republicans pwn the TV news.

  28. brm says:


    Dude, this is like, the top story of the day. It’s on the front page of Drudge and Fox.

    “Conservative Republicans pwn the TV news.”

    That’s why Murdoch donated to Hillary and practically endorsed Obama.

  29. brm says:


    I just realized you might be being sarcastic.

  30. Hmeyers says:

    He knows his crime comes with life in prison.

    At 88 yrs old, he’s using his senior discount.


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