Spoons ditched to shave costs | The Sun — When accountants start running things, then this is the result. Prediction: it gets worse.

COST-CUTTING airlines are making spoons smaller and dropping in-flight mags to make planes lighter and save fuel. The International Air Transport Association has revealed Northwest Airlines has taken spoons from its cutlery pack if the in-flight meal doesn’t need one.

And another carrier, JAL of Japan, took everything it loaded from a 747 and put it on the floor of a school gym to see what it really needed. It shaved a fraction of a centimetre off all its cutlery to cut weight.

The body’s director of the environment Paul Steele said: “When you are talking about a jumbo jet with 400 people on board, being served two to three meals, this can save a few kilos.

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Passengers will be required to empty their bladders before boarding the plane.

  2. Patrick says:

    How about smaller flight crews, I mean like midgets. Or, save a few kilos with lighter crew uniforms:

  3. Rick's Cafe says:

    Would gladly help with savings by eating with a spork IF the flight crews did their part (above pic)!

  4. Joe says:

    How about having the crew go naked? That would have several kilos.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Cow-Patty,

    Typical wing nut reaction.

    This would end up costing several times as much as any fuel saved. All it would take is that one drunken Republican to slip his hand up some attendant’s skirt for the sexual harassment suits to fly.

    As with most right wing nut ideas, cost savings almost always end up costing several fold more than could ever be saved.

  6. Benjamin says:

    # 2 Gary, the dangerous infidel said, on June 10th, 2009 at 6:20 am

    “Passengers will be required to empty their bladders before boarding the plane.”

    That is probably a good idea anyway. Because only terrorist try to use the bathroom on a plane while the fasten seat belt lights are on: gadling.com/2009/04/08/flight-attendant-blocks-man-from-using-bathroom-has-him-arrest/

  7. Joe says:

    How about requiring that everyone vomit before entering the plane?

    How about free liposuction for fat passengers en route?

    How about free aluminum or titanium luggage for passengers?

    How about filling the cargo hold with helium balloons?

    How about leaving out those in flight magazines?

    How about a nudist airline with free clothing given out at the destination?

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #7&8 Benjamin, maybe flight attendants should have tasers (lightweight, of course) to help them defend business class restrooms from being used by lowlife coach passengers 😉

  9. MikeN says:

    Under global warming regulations, many of these flights would disappear.

  10. Buzz says:

    …then they realized that by simply dumping human waste and flush water at altitude, they could have thousands of kilos per flight and do their part to assist the crops at ground level.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I always finish drinking my $4.50 coffee before getting on the plane so I don’t have to carry that weight onto the plane.

    Just doing my part.

  12. Ron Larson says:

    They just need to charge passengers by the pound. Seriously. You and all your luggage get on a scale at check in.

  13. faxon says:

    Yeah. Like shipping anything else. We all pay by the pound shipping ammunition and such things, why not passengers????

  14. Guyver says:

    Well when the 787 finally starts rolling off the assembly line later this year, this will all probably be a moot point as airlines transition over to the 787.

  15. brendal says:

    wait till they start charging air fare by the flesh pound

  16. dogday says:

    Airlines should base prices on total weight.

    (Your fatass + your crap you just have to bring) = $$

  17. Rick's Cafe says:

    Of course it would Republicans.

    …cause the few Democrats who aren’t on a government payroll and can afford to fly wouldn’t touch a woman….it’s not their ‘style’.

  18. ahtnos says:

    #15 I agree. I’ve always liked the idea of having passengers step onto a scale with all their luggage. A standard ticket could cover a certain amount of weight, with a small additional cost for each pound over the limit. For families, you could add up how much their total weight limit is from the number of tickets they have. If the entire family’s weight with their luggage is less than this, they’re good.

  19. pfkad says:

    Screw the airlines. The minute you buy your non-transferable, non-refundable ticket they’ve already got you by the balls. Baggage fees, fuel surcharges, booking fees… How can these idiots NOT be making money by the truckload?

  20. Dave W says:

    #21 “always liked the idea of having passengers step onto a scale with all their luggage. A standard ticket could cover a certain amount of weight, with a small additional cost for each pound over the limit. ”

    Actually, the airlines used to do just that, back before the jet age. You will occasionally see references to it in old movies. The time has come again, especially with the growing girth of many Americans!

  21. problem is says:

    the problem with that is that it would kill the American Airline Companies because the fat-ass lazy Americans would stop flying. Then the right-wing crazies would have to invent another war to try and get the economy stirring, that would create a new generation of terrorists, and on and on and on. No, the answer is eliminate the weak-minded right wing crazies.

  22. MikeN says:

    Weighing suitcases and charging by pound makes sense, since the airlines have to pay for no just fuel, but also baggage handlers to move the luggage.

  23. chuck says:

    Put a sign up at the boarding line-up:
    No fat chicks!

    – think of the savings!

  24. BubbaRay says:

    #27, you are correct. 100 kilos / flight = pennies in fuel savings.

  25. web says:

    …….it’s not their ’style’.


  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, Bubba,

    A few years ago a major airline calculated that they would save $50,000 a year by removing just the cherry tomatoes from each salad. When an executive boasted about the cost savings, the airline took a huge hit in passengers. Especially the corporate types who paid extra for their salads. It took a much more expensive PR effort to woo those executives back.

    The moral of the story is airlines have to be careful how they introduce any cost savings.

  27. chudez says:

    #30 —

    but i don’t see the downside of smaller/lighter utensils. i know that airlines are the favorite whipping boy right now (and they deserve a lot of the flack they get — paying to use the restroom for fraks sake?!?) but this is a legitimate area they can introduce savings; and let’s face it, they need every penny.

  28. BubbaRay says:

    #30, Mr. Fusion, it all depends on the leg length I suppose. SW Airlines doesn’t skimp on much and they seem to make ends meet without cheaping out on the passengers. For long legs, I’ll agree fuel savings might amount to some dollars / flight, but short legs get the fuel eaten up with takeoffs / climb to altitude, not the cruise.

    I wonder how much of that $50,000 was in fuel savings and how much in tomatoes.

    I agree completely with your argument about perception of who skimps and who doesn’t. No wonder Southwest is doing so well.


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