• iPod guru at Apple defects to Palm.
  • Symantec and McAfee get stung.
  • Web 2.0 is now a word? How does that work?
  • Virgin creates pay-as-you-go Internet dongle.
  • MSFT to discontinue MS-Money.
  • 27,000 bank accounts frozen. Online poker players stuck.
  • What is the mother of all inventions? One newspaper wants to know.
  • This show brought to you by Squarespace.com. Use the code word TECH.

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  1. Jim says:

    Lat time I checked, there were only 4 Aces in a deck. Guess thats why you loose.

    [Last time I checked, it was lose, not loose. – ed.]

  2. Jlspiry says:

    I love the report. And I like the new sounds. I think the sounds that start and end your show are there to add humor or get someones attention. and the repetitive predictable line-up you’ve been on was loosing it. I love the Star Trek one.
    With this show I love DH unplugged and No Agenda is pretty much amazing.

  3. jdistortion says:

    Poker is a game of skill. Over MANY hands, the more skilled player will get the money. This is a fact. While you can get lucky and win a hand or many hands, over the long haul an unskilled player will go broke, no question. Please take a few minutes to research things before you spew ignorance about our beloved national game.

  4. moss says:

    I guess – a day later – no one ever knew that Cricket has been doing the pay-as-you-go EVDO dongle for a while.

  5. totalmarketing says:

    You of all people should know Rubenstein left Apple over a year ago
    What happened recently was a promotion within Palm to CEO
    NOT a defection from Apple
    Fix this
    speaking of fixing the comments box isnt working right in Firefox or Safari on the Mac
    Please fix this too 


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