Twitter user says vacation tweets led to burglary | CNET News — I’ve always been baffled why people announce their every move online. Some boneheads even publish their schedule in advance on blogs! What’s the point?
Here’s either a cautionary tale or an example of social-media paranoia. An Arizona man believes that his Twitter messages about going out of town led to a burglary at his home while he was away.
Israel Hyman posted to approximately 2,000 followers on Twitter that he and his wife were “preparing to head out of town,” that they had “another 10 hours of driving ahead” and later, that they “made it to Kansas City.”
When he came home, he found that someone had broken into his house and stolen thousands of dollars worth of video equipment he used for his video business, IzzyVideo.com, which he uses for his Twitter account.
“My wife thinks it could be a random thing, but I just have my suspicions,” he told the Associated Press. “They didn’t take any of our normal consumer electronics.”
Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea to advertise to the world that your home will be unoccupied for a period of time. I also don’t think it’s necessary to reveal too many other personal details on social media sites that could be used for identity fraud, like your birth date.
When going on vacation use Twitter to post: “Spending the weekend cleaning my gun collection. I’m itching to try my new Springfield XD on something. My wife says I’m trigger-happy. What does she know?”
Found by Derek Thomas.
How could it not occur to him that someone might rob his home knowing that he’s out of town? I bet the burglar had enough time to eat a samm’ich too. Hold the mayo.
Or how about:
Looks like we both have swine flu, with maybe a touch of meningitis or flesh-eating bacteria. We’ll be lounging around here all week, with puke-buckets at arm’s reach and a few dozen rolls of TP…but the toilet’s not working so well for some reason.
Same with moronic facebook usage. People uploading live mobile pics to their accounts is a great way to invite unwanted “guests”.
I bet this has been happening for a long time.
I always thought that Twitter was the perfect way for a lazy stalker to follow their target’s every move, but this works too.
Perfect! The guy deserved it. Dope.
Springfield XD is pretty nice. Mossberg 500 with a rifled slug leaves a bigger hole.
“restocking alligators in moat – a few died from eating too many intruders…”
I would love a Springfield XD 9mm!
Put one of these on your door.
Totally unrelated to the article, I love my Springfield XD, can’t wait to pick up an XD-M soon!
9mm is for wimps. Go 10mm or .45 ACP. The 40 short will do in a pinch.
“Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea to advertise to the world that your home will be unoccupied for a period of time.”
and hiilarity ensued….
please tell us more…!!!!
9mm with Hornady Tap 124 gr is ok, you might even be able to get a second shot off.
12 gauge with 00 buckshot is still king though.
yeehaw! badunk badunk.
Another good tweet: “Whew! Just got my pit bull back from the cops after he tore some guy up. He has to stay in the house now, though.”
#15 😈
#15, JC
You might also add something along the lines of needing to pick up some more dog food and how the dog hasn’t been fed in two days.
What if:
A guy tweets that he is going out of town, but then changes his mind and stays home.
A robber reads the tweet and breaks into his home.
Guy shoots the robber dead.
Would the guy be found guilty of “baiting” the robber (through the tweet) and found guilty of homicide?
You may be a twit tard if
12, a 9 has deeper penetration. OOhhhh my!
well, at least it’s good to see the entrepreneurial spirit hasnt been
squashed in America yet.
flip side: sad to see people are getting dumber by the second.. technology’s dark side is rearing it’s ugly head.
#19-not in texas….maybe in lovable california though.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
I’m surprised that after John mentions this scenario on No Agenda, it actually happens. Are you sure the perpetrator isn’t a No Agenda listener? Or maybe it was coincidence?
I like Texas!
“I’m itching to try my new Springfield XD on something”
Wow! I’m impressed John. I didn’t know anyone from California knew what a Springfield XD was 😀
I wonder how his insurance company is going to handle the claim if they find out the robbery might be related to his own stupidity of announcing his whereabouts. 🙂
#10 – Mr. Fusion – Put one of these on your door.
That ought to work. 😀
The more things change, they more then remain the same.
Hopefully the victim will breed less, or at least pay his taxes more.
People use twitter for useless things like “I just ate a tuna sandwich” Or ” i am waiting for my girl friend” or “I am renting movies now”…sheesh. Cant blame the twitter.com but sure can blame the tweeters.