Twitter user says vacation tweets led to burglary | CNET News — I’ve always been baffled why people announce their every move online. Some boneheads even publish their schedule in advance on blogs! What’s the point?

Here’s either a cautionary tale or an example of social-media paranoia. An Arizona man believes that his Twitter messages about going out of town led to a burglary at his home while he was away.

Israel Hyman posted to approximately 2,000 followers on Twitter that he and his wife were “preparing to head out of town,” that they had “another 10 hours of driving ahead” and later, that they “made it to Kansas City.”

When he came home, he found that someone had broken into his house and stolen thousands of dollars worth of video equipment he used for his video business,, which he uses for his Twitter account.

“My wife thinks it could be a random thing, but I just have my suspicions,” he told the Associated Press. “They didn’t take any of our normal consumer electronics.”

Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea to advertise to the world that your home will be unoccupied for a period of time. I also don’t think it’s necessary to reveal too many other personal details on social media sites that could be used for identity fraud, like your birth date.

When going on vacation use Twitter to post: “Spending the weekend cleaning my gun collection. I’m itching to try my new Springfield XD on something. My wife says I’m trigger-happy. What does she know?”

Found by Derek Thomas.

  1. Thats nothing it could be someone who knew him,
    could be even a coincidence,
    it happend before to Dolla first tweet and he was dead,
    cant blame on twitter too,
    its we who should keep some things private

  2. Gasbag says:

    So you think this idiot will sue?


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