A robot snake with a camera and microphone in its head is the Israeli military’s latest battlefield weapon, according to an Israeli TV report broadcast this week.

Channel 2 showed video of the snake twisting into caves, tunnels, cracks and buildings, broadcasting pictures and sound back to a soldier controlling it with a laptop computer.

The “snake” appeared to be about two metres long.

Covered by fabric in military camouflage colours, it slithered along the ground and climbed rocks, its segments connected with joints that flexed in several different directions…

The report said no price has been determined for the snake, which is in the experimental stage, but the Israeli military plans to deploy the robot with combat units. No target date was given.

The report suggested another role for the robot – carrying a bomb to blow up militants or a building. In that case, Channel 2 said, it would be a “suicide snake.”

I want one.

  1. bill says:

    Warning!! Premises patrolled by suicide snakes!


    or even better ‘explosive FIRE ANTS’!!

  2. green says:

    The IR camera looks like a low end off-the-shelf model.

  3. GigG says:

    #2, You think they might not show the full capibilities of thier new tow on the Internet?

  4. Overfifity says:

    If that’s the salesman’s prototype its probable just a real snake wrapped in fabric with a camera stuck on his head.
    “This miracle machine can be yours for just 200 million and a box of snakes”

  5. sargassso says:

    Come on! Some guys are wriggling it’s tail and pulling it along on fishing line. Instant DARPA funding?

  6. BubbaRay says:

    #6 Jägermeister,

    Thanks for the links. Great snakes.

  7. hhopper says:

    Jägermeister, I’m getting the upskirt model.

  8. hhopper says:

    I once had a mechanical snake but it was killed by a mechanical mongoose.

  9. jopa says:

    Israel rules.

  10. Zybch says:

    Israel sucks.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – BubbaRay – Thanks for the links. Great snakes.

    No problem. I love the swimming snake.

    #8 – hhopper – I’m getting the upskirt model.

    You’re into Japanese porn, aren’t you?! 😀

  12. Joe says:

    You sure that’s not Gary Busey in a sock?

  13. Michael_GR says:

    I don’t buy it. It’s probably operated by a midget from the inside.

  14. Mike D says:

    Kind of puts “The Devil in Ms. Jones” in a new light.

  15. Nth of the 49th says:

    How do they hide the guy shaking it’s tail to move it?

  16. 1ofMany says:

    Obviously they have a way to go before they’ll need to put serial numbers on the snakes scales…

  17. zorkor says:

    will be used against more Palestinian children in the next Gaza genocide.

  18. Jopa says:

    Zybch sucks.

  19. Jopa says:

    Zorkor, it would be cool to send one of those into your bedroom when you are asleep…. boom!



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