What is there to say?

  1. heynow says:

    He stopped hand-cuffing her and then took out his taser. The sick fuck could have easily cuffed her and been done with it. Too bad granny didn’t respect his authority…

    Anyone who defends that piece of shit needs to quickly exit the gene pool.

  2. BigWillie says:

    She totally deserved it!

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    How amazing that so many of those blaming the grandmother are also in favor of Guantanamo Bay and torture.

    I guess a lot of these guys were beat up by their little sisters.

  4. brm says:

    #63 Fusion:

    What’s surprising about this? Everyone here on the cop’s side have hard-ons for authority and would’ve made great lackeys in the Stasi.

    The ‘war on terror’ has permeated so deep into our culture that we now have cheerleaders who seriously believe this old lady was ‘asking for it’ because she stepped out of line.

    Fucking disgusting. I don’t recognize this country anymore.

  5. Number 6 says:

    I for one feel so much safer knowing that these big brave cops are the only thing that stands between me and little old ladies. God only knows how they can be so brave when all they have is guns, tazers, youth, strength and training. They are so brave to stand up to a grandma.

  6. noname says:

    Grandma resisting arrest from an officer that is ~1/3 her age, 40+pounds more muscle, more then 1 foot taller; people be real.

    How uneducated, lacking any life experience or just plain dumb do you have to be in order to really believe that?

    If that police conduct is the best that training can produce, then laws needs to change.

    Instead of handcuffing her, he tazed and incapacitated her, then tazed and tazed and tazed some more.

    What kind of Un-American NAZI thinking accepts that as proper police conduct?

  7. macaya says:

    Being old does not give you the right to break the law. The police officer was obviously not in control of the situation. Allowing her to get out of the truck, pushing her, threating to taze her definately did not help matters. I am just glad he did not shoot her. Was he afraid or angry? Either way he should probably rethink his career choice. Maybe she needs a psych eval the whole thing is nuts!

  8. Dubious says:

    brm and fusion, if you don’t like the way things are, become a cop and change it, you don’t like it in this country then YOU get the hell out. I guess you morons would prefer anarchy to law and order. the pussies are people like you that cry about the cops and don’t do anything. You want anarchy then move your tiny little pricks to Mexico. You’ll be wishing you had cops like this. Join the real world you Neanderthals!

  9. NancyDisgrace says:

    He is a hero.

    Look at the white line. On step past that line could be instantly fatal for one or both of them.
    He shoves her back , away from traffic when
    she (drunkenly?) stumbles towards it.

    How much wrestling would you people like to do
    9 inches from 55 mph traffic?

  10. brm says:


    “if you don’t like the way things are, become a cop and change it”

    This is a sure way to NOT change how the police operate. Blue Code of Silence and all that shit. I prefer to elect representatives who prosecute these maniac cops.

    God, and again with this logic of, ‘unless you’re doing something you can’t complain!’ I *hate* this logic.

    “you don’t like it in this country then YOU get the hell out.”

    I love this country. I don’t always have to love how it’s run.

    If Obama gets his way and rams all his programs through, will you just keep on loving it here and not complain? I doubt that very much.

    “I guess you morons would prefer anarchy to law and order.”

    How does NOT tasing a rowdy grandmother lead to anarchy?

    “the pussies are people like you that cry about the cops and don’t do anything.”

    What are we supposed to do past involving ourselves in the political process? That’s the lawful and orderly way to change things, and that’s what I do.

  11. brm says:


    “He is a hero.”


    “On step past that line could be instantly fatal for one or both of them.”

    Did you see how he basically just flicked his wrist and pushed her all the way back off the asphalt?

    This is called: SITUATION UNDER CONTROL.

    You morons are acting like this old lady is as big and as strong as a linebacker.

  12. noname says:

    NancyDisgrace and Dubious why are you both crying for the little fragile cop here?

    Afraid his poor little fragile feelings will get hurt?

    Afraid granny would embarrass or hurt him? Unhappy that granny didn’t get shot?

    You and NancyDisgrace sound very likely to push elderly people to the ground as you walk by just for the heck of it. I am I right?

    There is something pathetic about people who get their rocks off hurting defenseless people.

  13. Hugh Ripper says:

    #69 I’m very concerned. If America doesn’t start to knuckle down and keep those unruly grannies in line, anarchy is sure to ensue. Buildings will burn, thousands will flee the chaos!

    Taze those grey terrorists! Show that you love America!


  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I think the most telling moment of the video is when she is on the ground, shrieking in agony, and the cop yells “Put your hands behind your back or you’ll be tased again!”

    To me, that indicates a desire that goes well beyond mere control of the situation, which he already has at that point. He’s insisting that she completely submit to his authority and command. By that time, she may very well be incapable of the muscle control necessary to put her hands behind her back, but the officer has expressly left himself the option to tase her again if her muscles can’t comply.

    They’re both quite lucky that she didn’t break her hip when she fell to the ground. Many women her age never recover from a hip fracture.

  15. brm says:

    Why hasn’t anyone brought up the possibility that this elderly woman might have dementia or diabetes, which could explain her belligerence.

    Taze first, ask questions later.

  16. funky says:

    that’s what you call justice ? … using force when not needed ? have a bit of respect for the old …

  17. darthsmurff says:

    having come from a family where more than half are police officers including my mother i have fairly read all the posts and see so truth in almost every stated opinion true police officers have a dangerous job and should use good judgment including maintaining control of a situation if at all possible.her behavior was unacceptable but so was his.he was never in any danger.his ego was clearly what was motivating his behavior,not his training or duty.using a taser to force complience has become a common practice and it has gone to far this individual officer not police in general has a problem.once she was on the ground and not capable of being a threat using the taser to force her to comply with being cuffed was merly about forcing fear and control on her he was being a bully instead of remaining cool and in control.hes also a human being.her behavior was extreme and he probably lost his temper.her should get anger managment training noy fired.so should she.being old is not an excuse for unruly behavior.if she didnt sign the ticket he should have simply cuffed her and arrested her.it is the law in all 50 states you dont sign a ticket which is a legal promise to appear they must by law arrest you.he always has the right to do so.if you act like a jerk the officer can arrest you for the infraction at his descretion i.e. because you pissed him off and he wants too.that being said he was never in danger true they are by the road but she never tried to push him or even touch him.she resisted a lawful command and shold have been cuffed and put in the patrol car.a taser does not come under the standars of a gun.its more akin to a night stick if it would not be lawful or apropriate to hit her with a night stick than tasing is also inapropriate.The common practice of using tasers to enforce complience with police directives is out of control it is used far to easily to bully the rude the disrespectful and the unruly.people do not have to be respectful or polite they do have to do as instructed you can be verbally abusive and obstinant and an office does not have the right to use more force than is necassary to detain cuff and arrest somone who is not complying with instructions.but if they follow lawful instructions without being threatening or physically agressive then the office has no right to use force simply because he is angry or feels verbally abused or disrespected.you dont have to respect him nor does he have a right to be violent to show his displeasure at being disrespected that includes tasing he pulled it out prematurly he could hav said you are under arrest and pined her to the back of the truck andgently and fimly controlled her and cuffed her.at no time was he in danger though not leting her back into vehicle was a necessity since 2/3’s of texas has a gun in the car.He was angry and wasnt trying to deescalate the situation he felt disrespected and was angry at her disregard of his athority.he gave her no time to cooperate betwen tazings and as some have stated earlier she may not have been able to physically.what if she had epilepsy? it takes ten seconds or so to regain muscle control.It is also not apropriate to use a taser to torture into complience only as a tool to incapacitate and control the dangerous.once she was on the ground there was no good excuse to taser her for simply not puting her hands behind her back he was using the taser to torture bully and control her period.this one man is a problem and texas law enforcment in particular has a culture that shelters and emcourages this sort of redneck conduct.she was in the wrong and deserved to be arrested.her trailer trash, jerry springer reject behavior aside he clearly was in the right to begin with but used excessive force and simply needs training and therapy about his need for respect and the clear line between minimal force his duty and that he needs to be calm and in control of his own behavior and that when he putas on the uniform he leaves his ego at home.he has a right to expect you to behave lawfully and to follow lawful instructions and to use apropriate levels of force to enshure complience with the physically uncooperative.but he does not have the right to use force on they verbally abusive and the disrespectful if they physically are cooperative nonviolent and not being overtly agressive and threatening;nor does he have the right to be punitive and escalate force beyond what is necassary to ensure complience because he is angry at having been disrespected.domestic violence and alcoholism are rapant problems nationally in the law enforcement community.would he have used violence against a wife or child who did not conform to his athority?I think the answer is yes.HE needs training and counseling.HE may even have ptsd from on the job stress.he deserves some compassion as does she.his job stresses are not an escuse however anymore than her being old some how justifies or gives her the right to do as she pleases.they were both wrong.

  18. darthsmurff says:

    the arguments between the left wing and right are merly illistrating a problem in this country;that politics is dominated by the extreme left and the extreme right.both are out of balance with mainstream america.no one wants to live in a police state and things have shifted to far politically to the right since 9/11 which is why the american people elected obama to undo most of what bush did.he used 9/11 to do all kinds of things on his own personal agenda much to the displeasure of the amercan public.i also have no doubt that after obama the american people will elect a republican to undo what obama does that is beyond the scope of what the majority want.those who suported the cop and those that sided with the old woman mostly did so out of some knee jerk unexamined politicle reaction.both are extremist points of view and as usual the truth is not black and white.

  19. noname says:

    # 78 darthsmurff, long winded but correct.

  20. Patrick says:

    # 56 brm said, “You ever have like, a girlfriend or a wife or sister, and they flip out, maybe try hitting you. If you had a sister close in age, you know what I’m talking about.”

    Yep, I had an older sister(3 years) & of course striking her would have gotten back to dad so, you learn to move them & nullify them without harming.

  21. Tazering is fun says:

    I watched 9 seconds of this and shut it off. THE WOMAN WAS CLEARLY BELLIGERENT. She ignored the officers commands to move back. She crossed her arms and refused to move. According to the comments from those who watched the whole thing she continued her belligerent behavior provoking the response. The officer could have been PUSHED into oncoming traffic. She set it all up herself. Too fuckin bad woman.

    • Happy Herbie says:

      Know what u mean Dick no telling what that woman mite have done. SCARY SCARY

  22. Rick's Cafe says:

    Actually the topic was broached (#9) but you were on such a good rant I didn’t want to interrupt you :)!

  23. zorkor says:

    this taser thingy should be banned instantly. It s making the cops too lazy to think about some other plan to grab the criminal other than then tasing every moving object.

    Thank God this craze has not hit the police in other parts of the world.

  24. Richard says:

    The cop had to do what he had to do. No pitty for the lady. She thought she could get away with it just because she was 72.

  25. taijim says:

    Ameica The home of the bave. What a joke!

  26. Sam says:

    Sorry for resurrecting old thread, but got here looking for stories on the 10 year old who was recently tased, hoping for an update saying the cop was being fed to rabid dogs or something.

    Since when is it okay for a cop to use a taser because someone is disrespecting them, or even to control someone in a *nonviolent* situation, or hell, a violent situation that could be deescalated another way? What kind of training do cops get nowadays?

    “Yeah, we used to use all these lame ass tactics to control situations and shit, but those were for pussies and we’re REAL MEN here. So if they won’t listen to ya, just tase ’em.”

    People make me sick.

  27. Happy Herbie says:

    GREAT police work very brave man we need more like him makes me proud to be in good ole USA

    officer should be given highest police honor for bravery


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