What is there to say?

  1. Instant_Armaggedon says:

    I bet that if he had spoken to her nicely from the beginning instead of throwing his weight around she not only would have obeyed him, she probably would have baked him cookies after she got out of jail.

  2. davis says:

    send the cop to the electric chair if he likes abuses. burn mother

  3. Rabble Rouser says:

    Welcome to the Police States of America, where the police don’t have to obey the law, because they ARE the law!

  4. Rick's Cafe says:

    The difference between a liberal and a conservative is that the conservative stops as soon as he has control of a situation. Liberals make sure that anyone who questions their authority is ‘disabled’.

  5. Jim says:

    It’s so nice to see that cops have still not got the hang of remembering that they are on camera all the time!

  6. lmj3325 says:

    Eid-retard said: What is there to say?

    I say if she had listened to the officer she would not have been tased. This is a non-issue.

  7. Drpiper says:

    A taser can be lethal. With that being said. A taser is supposed to operate under the same rules as the use of a firearm. Only when there is an immediate threat of danger to the officer and/or other citizens, by the suspect, is the use of a firearm authorized. This video did not show an immediate threat of danger to anyone. Except the suspect and that was by the cop.

    A taser should not be used as a punishment or as a means to control the disrespectful or uncooperative. A taser is not a shortcut to arrest. It should be used only as a last resort. Sure the grandma was uncooperative and disrespectful, but the officer had not exhausted all options.

    I would also like to point out the officer clearly tasered her a second time. My understanding is that a suspect who has been tasered needs some time to be able to comply with any follow up command because they have just been tasered and their muscles aren’t working yet. That officer did not give her the time to comply.

  8. Ken Adams says:

    What the F**k this mother fucker need to be shot damn im so agree right now what the hell!!!!! Put the bastard in Gitmo !!!!!!! i wish i could be there to teach him a lesson!!!!1

  9. The0ne says:

    While I agree the old lady was grumpy she really can’t do anything to the cop, really. What if the old lady couldn’t put her hands behind her back, she is OLD. And what if she can’t get off the ground?

    Minor Joking aside, this copy really had no good reason to taser the OLD lady. Is he going to taser every living being out there that he stops that had a bad day? 🙂 God forbid he shoots them in the arm or leg to prove he’s “tough.” O.o

  10. brm says:

    oh dear god, there MUST be more to the story! please, let us wait until ALL the facts come out before we pass judgment on this brave police officer who was just doing his job!

    it’s such a stressful job! the woman was CLEARLY resisting arrest in a most odious manner! she could have KILLED him!

    Here is what he should have done:

    Taken a firm hold of her, and forcibly walk her into the squad car. Who in the hell can’t lead a 72 year old woman wherever they want with anything more than a firm but gentle grip?

  11. brm says:


    “The fact that the civilian is out of her auto”

    Since when are the police part of the military? They’re civilians too. I fucking hate how cops don’t realize this.

  12. kingcrno1 says:

    I’ve changed my stance on this somewhat. I’m still fine with the fact that he tazed her because his life and the life of people ON THE HIGHWAY THAT’S NEXT TO THEM because she was being belligerant. Plain and simple he gave her simple instructions to step back and she did not. She actually moved him to the side to get back in her car. Having said this, he should still get disciplinary action because he he should have detained her as soon as she stepped out of her vehicle.

    As for the people that said “if it’s based on what if the we should all get arrested”. Fuck you. When it comes to somebody else potentially putting your life in danger there is no “what if?”. There is only “I might die here so let’s avoid that at any cost.”. If that cost is tazing an old because she was being belligerant to the point where she put her hands on him then I’m fine with that.

    As for the foreigners this is because this is America, that’s bs. I guarantee you that if she was acting the same way in any other country something very similar would have happened.

    Again though, he should have detained her as soon as she stepped out.

  13. drpiper says:

    There are other video and news reports of the incident online. This video is missing about at least 20 – 30 seconds which shows that the officer is the one who pulled her out of the car. It also, show the officer shoving her and immediately escalating the situation by pulling his taser right after she gets angry for being shoved.


  14. smartalix says:

    You had better pray some shit like this never happens to someone in your family. All old people are opinionated and testy to idiots.

    Imagine your grandmother in that situation, how much differently would she have acted. Be serious.

    This guys was an arrogant fool who let the situation deteriorate to the point he had to be a bully to get his way. Idiot.

  15. deowll says:

    Ever wonder what a couple of 1000 volts can do to a human heart? Not nearly as much as getting all pissed off getting mad. If you are in bad health and you blow you gaskets you can easily kill yourself. The best guesses I’ve seen suggest that nearly all the medical cases that die after getting tazered were going to die anyway from their own spleen. If you have a pacemaker and you still insist on getting yourself tazered I call it suicide by cop.

    She asked for it. She got it. If you people who don’t think so want to sign on to deal with these people and give your way a shot, go for it. My best guess is you’re going to go to the hospital and get fired for taking stupid chances if you don’t get killed first.
    If you don’t want to take on these bad attitude people in person, stick a redwood in your pie hole. I’m tired of your infantile blather.

  16. brm says:


    Please tell me how this lady was threatening the lives of people on the highway. She CLEARLY couldn’t get past the cop.

    It just amazes me how all you right-wingers think tazing a grandmother to keep people safe is a-OK, but something like requiring motorcycle helmets is a gross violation of rights.

    The love affair between supposedly liberty loving conservatives and the police state continues to amaze me.

  17. Stars & Bars says:

    This sub-human has disgraced all those whom carry a badge.

    Now we find out if the system is sub-human too.

    Let us see how long the system will allow him to continue to carry that badge.

  18. brm says:


    “She asked for it. She got it.”

    The problem is that these cops do NOTHING to diffuse the situation.

    I’m sorry, but I find it real hard to believe that a humongous man has to taze an old lady to keep the situation under control.

    Their job is to be calm and collected, and have orders of magnitude more ability to do this than the average person. This used to be the reason why not just anyone could be a police officer.

    Nowadays these guys are all hair triggers running around tazing anyone who takes a single step forward when they said not to. It’s disgusting, and it would have been UNBELIEVABLE even 20 years ago for something like this to have happened.

    You cheerleaders are disgusting. Totally un-American. You guys would’ve all gotten off every time the Stasi came around to shove a boot up your asses.

  19. Patrick says:

    And, if he didn’t have a Taser? He would have just hand cuffed her. She couldn’t have successfully resisted nor, have really harmed him.

  20. phiend says:

    Why do people fuck with the cop’s, just do what the say and you will be on your way soon. I am so tired of people crying when they try to do there job. She was being a bitch and got what she asked for…..

  21. Xanthippa says:

    This is not just about one cop and one unruly grandma.
    It’s about tazers, what we do – and DO NOT – know about them, and our attitude towards them.

    The problem, I think, stems from the notion that tazers are a benign way to subdue a suspect. The manufacturers claim they are safe – and there simply isn’t enough independent data out there to back the claim up. Most of our police forces have simply taken the manufacturer’s word… as the Vancouver, BC, fatal tazing inquiry has revealed.

    As tazers are used more and more, we are learning about all kinds of situations when they are not quite as ‘benign’ as the glossy brochures seem to suggest.

    Now, some people – and police officers – think that tazing someone is less harmful than giving them a hard shove, because they were trained that way: THAT attitude is what needs to change!

    Tazers are potentially lethal and ought only be used in the same situations firing a gun would be justified.

  22. brm says:


    “Why do people fuck with the cops”

    They started it.

    “just do what the say and you will be on your way soon.”

    Please get the hell out of my country, you spineless boot licker.

    “I am so tired of people crying when they try to do there job.”

    Just like the SS!

    “She was being a bitch and got what she asked for”

    Fuck you.

  23. hhopper says:

    The thing is… when assholes get old, they’re still assholes. What was the cop to do, get into a fist-fight with her… break her arms trying to force them behind her back? Being old is not an excuse for being an asshole.

  24. Publius says:

    It has to be said.

    And I am surprised it hasn’t been said yet.

    Don’t taze me bro!


    Torture is bad. In case you were wondering.

  25. brm says:


    “What was the cop to do, get into a fist-fight with her”

    You ever have like, a girlfriend or a wife or sister, and they flip out, maybe try hitting you. If you had a sister close in age, you know what I’m talking about.

    You know how you can kind of just pick them up and move them to the couch when they’re like this? That’s what he should have done to this old lady.

  26. Grandpa says:

    She asked for it, dared him, and he gave it to her. Just because she’s old, doesn’t give her the right to resist arrest.

  27. Brian says:

    For one thing, the intent to even bring in tasers was to provide an alternative to the use of deadly force in subduing someone. In other words, tasers are only supposed to be used (in Texas, at least) in situations where, otherwise, the cop would be drawing and using their gun.
    Obviously, this is not what we’re seeing in reality. 99% of the situations in which they’re using tasers would earn them a criminal hearing (and hopefully, conviction) if they were using their sidearms instead.

    Secondly, if this was in Austin, that explains the situation in and of itself. APD are douchebags. For decades, they’ve been notorious for avoiding the really crime-ridden parts of the city (East Austin), instead focusing their patrols more heavily on the affluent areas of the city (to make the rich feel protected) and revenue generation through traffic tickets.

    The old lady was out of line (and pretty dang annoying), but the cop had a whole suitcase of options open to him that were far below the escalated level he took it to in using that taser. He’s a very lucky man because he could be facing a manslaughter charge and wrongful death suit by her family. I hope he eventually gets what’s coming to him.

  28. Rick's Cafe says:

    So….do ya think little sweet grandma acts this way when she’s by herself with her darling grandchildren or did she put on this act just for camera – a camera that everyone knows is there.

  29. Alf says:

    How would this have played out 1959?

    I suspect that the lady would have been apologetic and dumbfounded at being pulled over. The officer would have said something like, “I am sorry mam but you were 15 miles over the speed limit.” She would have then said, My gosh, I was just thinking about my grandson who joined the military”. He would have said I understand and let her go.

    Happy Days are gone.

    She should have not been tased.

  30. Hugh Ripper says:

    Any cop that cant handle an old lady without zapping her is in the wrong job.


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